Quote Originally Posted by Sulland
Rally is a strange animal in the motorsport family. It is taking place over a large area, and it is hard to follow who is winning and loosing, compared to track racing where you see them at least one time a lap. In rally you have to plan your rally day as a spectator.

So as it is today, you have to do a lot yourself tô follow a whole rally, and stay updated.

For a driver Rally has to be the ulimate challenge. We see that is easier to swap from rally to racing than the other way around. So the top rally drivers are among the best drivers on the planet.

Yet FIA has made WRC into being a car and manufacturer championship seen from their point of view. This compared to focus on the driver.

If you as a sponsor have money to spend, but do not know where to go.
I do not think I would bring my money to a sport where there are 4 guys that has the tools to win, and where many talented drivers have lost before the start even with the biggest talent and budget in the world.
These things are hard to explain to sponsors and also promotors.
Also the fact that one guy is winning almost every time, does not help to brin exitememt to sponsors and build bigger audiences.

WRCar need to be simplified, and cars blueprinted as formula Ford, so That a team can buy a winning car, build a winning team and have a fair chance of winning a round, and also the championshi
These are success factors that has worked for IRC.
The balance btw manufacturers and drivers need to shift towards the drivers, oterwise WRC will die.

If FIA hits bullseye with R5, that could be the turnaround for Rally. If the price is right, the car is a drivers car, and it is so tech simple so that a private team can manage it over time.
they also need to start using opportunities in internet tecnologies to spread it out live to the world!

If that happens, WRC will grow, and the job for a promotor will be easy - but there has to be a conductor in this process, otherwise it will fail (again) !

FIA need to act soon when one of the big ones plans to go to IRC !!!!!!!
@ SULLAND. The best post about the future of WRC that I have read in this thread.