Quote Originally Posted by saco0o View Post
did u saw FIA 'baning' mats ohman from running euroRX? he and his team made such a good job with that car and with all the safety, but FIA is apparently demanding some weird stuff that could make the driver extraction harder in case of an accident, so the team (JC) pulled of their two entreis from Holjes. such a mess
Another one have apparently pulled out as well, as Frank Valle was told he would get on the entry list (he was 2nd reserve behind Öhman), because one had pulled out, and Öhman wouldn't be allowed in. He was so unhappy with the whole thing, that he also pulled out. So if I understand things correctly, the initial 20 Euro-entries +2 reserves are now down to 18. JC have not just decided to skip Höljes, but have pulled out of Euro RX entirely for 2024.
A couple of facebook posts from Valle about it:
His post about pulling out: https://www.facebook.com/frank.t.val...33Jgy1AUdEV4Ul

His mail to the FIA and Promoter (he have now edited the post to remove the actual names and e-mail adresses of the ones that have got it, but there were a few people on that list)