I haven't seen this on here so i thought i'd let you all know how some fellow competitors behaved towards marshals at this years West Cork Rally ;

Sitting on 15th May 2024
David Munro (Chair), Nicky Moffitt, John Hopwood
Case No: J2024-8
Disciplinary Panel
Eian Pritchard – Licence Number: 41246
Jamie Champkin appeared on behalf of Motorsport UK.
Eian Pritchard did not appear and was not represented.
1. 1. Motorsport UK has brought disciplinary proceedings
against Eian Pritchard, a Motorsport UK Licence holder
who had attended the West Cork Rally as a spectator
together with his brother Kevin Pritchard and a friend,
Howard Davies.
2. An incident occurred during the second running of the
stage in Ring Village on 16th March 2024.
3. As a result of what occurred the matter was referred to
Motorsport UK by Motorsport Ireland.
4. Eian Pritchard was then summonsed to appear before the
National Court for breach of NCR C.1.1.4 and C.1.1.9.
5. The Court is satisfied to the appropriate standard that Eian
Pritchard participated in an incident which was prejudicial
to the interests of motorsport generally and that he was
involved in assaulting two Marshals, Ger Conroy and Sean
6. The essential facts appear to be that Mr Pritchard had
been allowed to park his Toyota SUV in the driveway of
Barry’s Bar in Ring Village. Access to the driveway was from
a length of highway which was being used as an escape
road while the stage was live.
7. He was made aware of this and said that he would not be
leaving until the stage was closed at the end of the second
8. At some point he changed his mind and, together with
his brother and Mr Davies, returned to the car with the
obvious intention of reversing it out of the driveway and
onto the escape road. Indeed, Mr Davies lifted a length of
red and white tape to allow the vehicle to be reversed.
9. The photographic evidence before the court plainly shows
that the vehicle had been reversed a short distance.
10. Unsurprisingly the two Marshals who were monitoring the
escape road became involved when they saw what was
11. Before the vehicle was actually moved, one of the
Marshals, Ger Conroy, had spoken to Mr Pritchard and
explained that he could not reverse into the escape road
and that the car should remain parked.
12. He was ignored, so he stood behind the Vehicle and on
two occasions banged his hands on the rear window.
13. Mr Pritchard got out of the driver’s seat and pushed
Mr Conroy away. Threats and obscenities were shouted
at Mr Conroy.
14. The second Marshal, Sean Keown, became involved when
Mr Pritchard returned to the car and started to get back
into the driver’s seat. Mr Keown was attempting to prevent
this from occurring when he was assaulted by Kevin
Pritchard and Eian Pritchard.
15. Mr Conroy sought to intervene and was punched and
grabbed to the face.
16. This was an unpleasant and wholly avoidable incident.
It has the appearance of joint enterprise by the Pritchard
17. The Court is satisfied that Eian Pritchard was involved in
this fracas and therefore imposes a fine of £1,000.
18. The Court further orders that his Competition Licence
is suspended until 31st December 2024 with a further
suspension period of 12 months from that date, but that
further suspension is itself suspended subject to his
continuing good behaviour.
19. He is to pay the costs of £500.
David Munro, Chair
15th May 2024