Quote Originally Posted by Duvel View Post
I don't like the new style..

Make more stages! and remote service, more action on a shorter period, that could be something.

That its stupid to do long liasons to Alghero and back during the day is correct. So let them do some extra stages , and than some service action in the stages region.

Also stages like Ittiri, or Monte Baranta, nice for spectators, and easy to fit in to such timing!
Surprisingly, I'm not totally against shorter events - however there are a few caveats to it.

Keep as much stage km as possible, and just run the event Friday, and finish on the Saturday evening - make it a shorter, but more intense event. I don't like the lack of service, so I'd change that. I also wouldn't be against another 1 or 2 events like this......providing we see the opposite.

For example, make the Monte & Safari longer and harder; Monte could run Wednesday afternoon until Saturday night......

Mix the formats up - it's what the sport was meant to be about; rather than the generic 'WRC event'.