View Full Version : BNP ballerina returns to stage

12th January 2007, 15:40
Saw this on the BBC website, what do you all think?


12th January 2007, 15:45
Well she says she mainly votes for them due to a few individual views such as those on mass immigration, crime and increased taxes. It goes on to say these are her private views and she wont lose her job.

Good for her I say.

It will be interesting to see if more prominent figures come out and say they support some sections of the BNPs manifesto, could have a dramatic effect at the next elections.

12th January 2007, 17:00
Yes, her political views are her private business. She isn't paid to talk politics or to be political in any way.

Having said that, I certainly don't think "good for her". If anything, she is pretty stupid to admit it. Everyone knows what the BNP is. The leadership are unpleasant, far-Right fanatics with very dubious connections. They do not reflect the views of the average British person, despite what they try to promote.

12th January 2007, 17:12
Yes, her political views are her private business. She isn't paid to talk politics or to be political in any way.

Having said that, I certainly don't think "good for her". If anything, she is pretty stupid to admit it. Everyone knows what the BNP is. The leadership are unpleasant, far-Right fanatics with very dubious connections. They do not reflect the views of the average British person, despite what they try to promote.

I agree 100 per cent with that, and can't add any more to it.

Hazell B
12th January 2007, 17:23
It will be interesting to see if more prominent figures come out .....

She's only known to 99.9% of the population because of this story, so she isn't in any way prominent. I doubt she asked for the publicity, either.

After what must have been fairly extensive research, nobody else who we may have heard of was a member of the BNP, so I doubt any more figures will come out anyhow. I hope they simply don't exist.

12th January 2007, 21:39
I was saying 'good for her' in the way in which she has gone about it, making sure to explain that she does not agree with all of their policies, she is not in favour of some of their beleifs, and that some of them went over her head. She was saying that she agrees with some of the ideas they put accross.

I dont agree with the BNP and Im not pro BNP before this thread gets into another mass political debate, but if she is a dedicated voter but does not agree with anything any other party is saying then yes good for her for having the balls to vote, rightly or wrongly, for the one that in some instances she does agree with.

12th January 2007, 22:01
As has been said, she is entitled to her political beliefs and her job should never have been under threat. Having said that, I read an interview with her, and she seems to be completely in the dark about what the BNP actually stand for, which is odd given that she's a member.

Hazell B
12th January 2007, 23:16
......yes good for her for having the balls to vote, rightly or wrongly, for the one that in some instances she does agree with.

Sticking a cross on a slip and paying to be a member at two totally different things! If she's blind to their true purpose, she's even more stupid than a normal voter casting a protest cross.

13th January 2007, 14:55
Point taken

14th January 2007, 19:06
As has been said, she is entitled to her political beliefs and her job should never have been under threat. Having said that, I read an interview with her, and she seems to be completely in the dark about what the BNP actually stand for, which is odd given that she's a member.

Which proves the stupidity of the average BNP member.

Hazell B
15th January 2007, 14:25
I was wondering if anyone knows about the box office for the ballet she's in, as in has it gone down, missed targets or anything?

Personally I wouldn't go see anything she's in for fear of being hassled at the entrance and considered a supporter. Nor would I employ her in the future if I was into running ballet productions.

16th January 2007, 14:01
Which proves the stupidity of the average BNP member.

Are they any more stupid or even enlightened than any other voter or non-voter?

While I don't agree with the BNP, there are a lot of people that hold similar views to the ones she expressed.

"I'm not too proud to say that a lot of it went over my head but some of the things they mentioned were the things I think about all the time, mainly mass immigration, crime and increased taxes," she said.

Although she advocated tighter border controls, the ballerina - whose partner is a Cuban immigrant with a Chinese father - said she was not in favour of "removing foreigners".

As we have discussed on this forum before, people are turning to the BNP as a protest vote against the lack of backbone in the current administration. People are worried about these things and unless the Government, or the opposition does something to convince voters that they are serious about tackling these subjects, the BNP will continue to gain popularity.

Now, what disturbs me about all this is the disgusting, knee jerk bullying by people against this dancer.

Has she committed a crime? Has she expressed racist views? Has she done anything that affects her employers apart from hold a legitimate political belief.

What right do these fanatics have to whip up their anti-racist supporters like a pack of bloodthirsty hounds and call for sackings, resignations and the end of funding just because someones political views differs from their beliefs.

How disgusting and undemocratic. I would rather have one ignorant dancer making a statement about things she has little grasp on then the sort of mob rule and justice that these idiots advocate.

16th January 2007, 16:09
Are they any more stupid or even enlightened than any other voter or non-voter?


As we have discussed on this forum before, people are turning to the BNP as a protest vote against the lack of backbone in the current administration. People are worried about these things and unless the Government, or the opposition does something to convince voters that they are serious about tackling these subjects, the BNP will continue to gain popularity.

I don't agree. There is no need for the Government to do anything in order to merely placate people who believe what they read in irresponsible newspapers about immigration. I don't believe that 'something needs to be done' about it, and neither should anyone. If I literally couldn't move for asylum-seekers swamping my office and house, I'd be bothered, but they don't so I'm not.

16th January 2007, 18:26
While I don't agree with the BNP, there are a lot of people that hold similar views to the ones she expressed.

She said that she isn't in favour of removing foreigners, whereas the BNP's manifesto includes plans for voluntary repatriation ie. Offering non-whites financial incentives to 'go back where they came from'. She is a member of a party who would deem her own husband to be unwelcome in the UK.

17th January 2007, 13:51

Do you have any referenceable documentation to support this or are you basing your opinion on the fact that their views are different to yours so obviously they are a bit thick :rolleyes:

I don't agree. There is no need for the Government to do anything in order to merely placate people who believe what they read in irresponsible newspapers about immigration. I don't believe that 'something needs to be done' about it, and neither should anyone. If I literally couldn't move for asylum-seekers swamping my office and house, I'd be bothered, but they don't so I'm not.

The Government is in place to serve the population unless I'm mistaken. If they don't do their job, people vote with their feet. The rise of the BNP is not due to the media frenzy but peoples perception of problems in this country.

Just because you, in your opinion don't believe something should be done does not mean that other people feel the same way.

I am sick of the "holier than thou" attitude of so called "tolerant" and "liberal" people that demand free speech and equality as long as it fits in with their blinkered, moralistic view point.

This is a democracy at all times. Not just when it suits you. I don't agree with the BNP but I'm buggered if I'm going to follow this knee jerk reaction that demands a de facto retribution to anyone that dares express an alternative view to what is considered acceptable by the PC army.

You cannot sweep it under the carpet and cannot dismiss it. To do so will exaserbate the problems and lead to civil unrest. Open your eyes, get off your high horse and understand what Democracy is actually all about. It's not as sweet and compartmentalised as some would like to think and it will not lay down and accept this attempt to bully it and whitewash it's message.

17th January 2007, 13:57
I am sick of the "holier than thou" attitude of so called "tolerant" and "liberal" people that demand free speech and equality as long as it fits in with their blinkered, moralistic view point.

I don't think Ben was suggesting that those who express extreme right-wing views should be suppressed. He was merely giving his own opinion of their comments.

17th January 2007, 15:26
This is a democracy at all times. Not just when it suits you. I don't agree with the BNP but I'm buggered if I'm going to follow this knee jerk reaction that demands a de facto retribution to anyone that dares express an alternative view to what is considered acceptable by the PC army.
Pretty much what I was thinking before you typed it first. There's much emphasis on democracy and freedom at the moment, with emphasis on how good and beneficial it is, but there are times when it's not the best system to live under.

The existence of the BNP does make you think this is one of those times BUT we do live in a democracy and they are a part of that democracy. If they operate outside of the laws of that democracy then they will be subject to those laws.

Richard Younger-Ross is absolutely right when he says:
"It would set a deeply worrying precedent if employment with publicly funded organisations depends on whether or not a person's political views are palatable to the political and media establishment..."

I would go further any say it would set an unacceptable precedent, and that is the issue, not the political views of a ballerina.

17th January 2007, 16:02
I don't think Ben was suggesting that those who express extreme right-wing views should be suppressed. He was merely giving his own opinion of their comments.

I was referring to the people that hounded this person and called for her to be sacked.

As a matter of fact, one of the few voices of reason was from a Liberal MP but I stress it was one of the few.

Arrows is spot on in his post. We live by a system and either accept it for it's good and bad points or strive to legally change it. Not dismiss out of hand other peoples views because they seem naive and misguided.

As the late, great Fizz would say (well, he has disappeared off the end of the world ;) )

"I may not agree with your views but I will defend to the death your right to say them"

(Actually, it's a famous quote but I cannot remember who by and it's one of Fizz's favorites)