View Full Version : Here's my fall-out if no merger...

9th February 2008, 00:11
You CCWS "Isolationists" that 1) hate TG, 2) Hate crapwagons, 3) think CCWS is just great as is, and 4) feel no merge is necessary for CCWS to prosper probably feel like you've "won". I've got news for you - you and all of us lose in the long run.

Open message to KK, GF: Using media reports as an excuse is an unprofessional cop-out. No merger this year and I am done with you all. Usually I spend several hunded $$$ at some or multiple CCWS races, no merge, no dollars. Simple. The series has been unprofesionally run since the amigos bought it and this painful process the last few weeks is more of another sympton. I am very dissapointed to see that it looks like this wil not go through.

9th February 2008, 00:22
I fully agree with you. It's a travesty. Again I ask, how do we get this message across? Do we sue Champ Car for lessening the value of our race tickets? Do we petition? Do we write our newpaper's sportswriters? What?!

9th February 2008, 00:26
I really hope it will go through, but it would be very bittersweet if I lost what I enjoyed about CCWS in this merger, like the Cosworths, the DP-01, Road America, Mont Tremblant and Cleveland in the wake of a primarily oval based unified series, as suggested by the rumours. I'm sure it will improve once all the contracts are sorted, however.

Ruben Barrios
9th February 2008, 00:41
Mutal feeling!!! Good luck running (what's left of the) fans away! I have far better things to do thant to invest my emotions on a product who's owners have destroyed...

9th February 2008, 06:38
You CCWS "Isolationists" that 1) hate TG, 2) Hate crapwagons, 3) think CCWS is just great as is, and 4) feel no merge is necessary for CCWS to prosper probably feel like you've "won". I've got news for you - you and all of us lose in the long run.

Open message to KK, GF: Using media reports as an excuse is an unprofessional cop-out. No merger this year and I am done with you all. Usually I spend several hunded $$$ at some or multiple CCWS races, no merge, no dollars. Simple. The series has been unprofesionally run since the amigos bought it and this painful process the last few weeks is more of another sympton. I am very dissapointed to see that it looks like this wil not go through.

1 & 2 describe me. 3 & 4 is about the opposite of how I feel.

I will have nothing to do with anything run by Tony George. I was elated when the White Paper was made public. Pimpski leaving, even though I couldn't stand him, was a dark day to me.

If you think Tony George formally gaining control of the sport is the light of dawn, either you weren't around in the '70's, or you weren't paying attention.

For me, they can merge or not merge it. If they do, I definitely won't be watching, if they don't, I'm not sure I can watch the hollowed-out shell of the series I loved any longer. ALMS won't tickle my fancy until ACO can make up their mind about whether P1 is going closed prototypes, and no amount of manufacturer whining will stop it, and the class becomes filled with beautiful cars. F1 won't tickle my fancy until the regenerative braking shows up.

Fortunately, club racing is as fun as ever. :up:

9th February 2008, 06:56
If the deal as reported goes through then the couple of races I was planning on attending this year will be gone, wiped off the schedule. I will be gone with them. I'm not sure how anyone who was actually planning on attending CC this year would be happy with this news. It seems to me to be thrilled by this news you are defacto operating under a different agenda that did not include having been looking foward to watch CC this year.

9th February 2008, 07:24
If the deal as reported goes through then the couple of races I was planning on attending this year will be gone, wiped off the schedule. I will be gone with them. I'm not sure how anyone who was actually planning on attending CC this year would be happy with this news. It seems to me to be thrilled by this news you are defacto operating under a different agenda that did not include having been looking foward to watch CC this year.

Well I beg to differ. Empty promises and lack of actions from the owners really put me off buying tickets for CC races started last 2007. Did I make any impact on the series? Of course not. I just chose not to go. Now, if this deal will start this year, I'll be looking forward to see this new one series and since there won't be two fighting series, no doubt, it sure do better. I gave CC time to pull it together with all their lies, why can't I give this gonna be one series a chance if they can pull it the right way.

9th February 2008, 08:48
why can't I give this gonna be one series a chance if they can pull it the right way.

But what is there to get exited about? Races I was going to attend canceled. When I tune in I am going to see IRL cars on IRL tracks. I am just supposed to have faith this series is somehow better then the IRL when it is 90% the same IRL as it was last year?

Give it a chance? Sure that involves no more then clicking my TV remote and seing if it is any good. No problem. But how much goodwill or excitement do i have: zero

You are unhappy with the past few years but think presto-chango this solves everything? I accept it, the situation sucks. If you have your heart set on a magic fix here I think you will continue to be disapointed for years to come.

Albert D. Kallal
9th February 2008, 08:56
Using media reports as an excuse is an unprofessional cop-out.

Excuse me, where did KK state that media leaks killed this deal? Do you have quote, or statement?

The only thing I saw was the following:

Unfortunately, leaks and media reports about a possible unification of
Champ Car and the Indy Racing League (IRL) have significantly hampered

Where in the above does it say media leaks killed this deal? It says they hampered discussions, not that it killed the deal. We can’t come up with a conclusion that media leaks killed the deal, because that’s not what’s being said here.

You going to have to come up with some more concrete evidence that KK is stating that media leaks killed this deal? I have no idea how you can take a complaint by K.K. that media leaks makes negotiating difficult, and that’s to be the reason the deal was killed? That is a wild assumption on your part to assume that a mere statement about the merger talks is difficult with media leaks as to be the REASON why the deal was killed?

How and where did we cross the bridge from one simple statement of observation about media making things difficult, as to jumping to a conclusion that media leaks is why the merger deal failed?

I can not imagine any reasonable person on the planet not agreeing with a statement that media leaks make merge talks difficult. I find that statement no more ambiguous then stating that the sky is blue. However to take that statement and twist and turn it into a statement that is the REASON WHY the merger talks failed is a absolutely patently absurd position to take. You need additional information and quotes to show and support this position.

We have absolutely no idea or no indication as to what the sore points of the two sides are, it could be money, cars, engine leases, Honda, Cosworth….we have absolute no idea here.

KK’s statements don’t inform us in anyway as media leaks being the deal killer.

The only thing it tells us is that Negotiating with media leaks makes things very difficult, and I can’t imagine there’s not a person on the planet that would see this any differently.

I also think that with such wild Speculation occurring that a SIMPLE statement of position and intentions was VERY MUCH needed for the press. The response by KK was simple, direct, and Near brilliant . He simply closed the above with:

Discussions currently are at a standstill, and we therefore
are proceeding with plans to continue as Champ Car.

Sounds like an excellent and simple and direct to the point statement to me. This is exactly what is needed in these cases to quell speculation. A simple short press statement of the above was a perfect answer. It simply says champ car continues as usual.

Now, if we could just get a decent offer form the IRL to use and lease the dp01… we might start making some terrific headway on some real issues at stake here!!

Albert D. Kallal
Edmonton, Alberta Canada

9th February 2008, 14:09
You CCWS "Isolationists" that 1) hate TG, 2) Hate crapwagons, 3) think CCWS is just great as is, and 4) feel no merge is necessary for CCWS to prosper probably feel like you've "won". I've got news for you - you and all of us lose in the long run.

We all lost in 1996 when this crap started. The problem then, as now, was/is that even though a young fan like me could see the writing on the wall back then and that it would come to this, the idiots in charge were either ignorant or wilfully blind to the inevitable. And now those same idiots are likely to be in charge and/or the voices of influence in any new order...hmmm, I wonder what will happen?

Open message to KK, GF: Using media reports as an excuse is an unprofessional cop-out. No merger this year and I am done with you all. Usually I spend several hunded $$$ at some or multiple CCWS races, no merge, no dollars. Simple. The series has been unprofesionally run since the amigos bought it and this painful process the last few weeks is more of another sympton. I am very dissapointed to see that it looks like this wil not go through.

Same here. That press release is an insult to our collective intelligences.

Even if there is a merge, looks like I'm out anyway. Apparently Toronto and other great venues are out so that the schedule can be filled with crappy cookie-cutter ovals where the race takes a back seat to the "who'll fly into a million pieces against the fence and survive?" show.

9th February 2008, 19:44
Mutal feeling!!! Good luck running (what's left of the) fans away! I have far better things to do thant to invest my emotions on a product who's owners have destroyed...

Then why are you here?

Pat Wiatrowski
9th February 2008, 20:31
Then why are you here?

I am a Champ car fan on a Champ car forum. Take your merger and stuff it you know where.

9th February 2008, 20:36
Texas had a 30% drop in attendance last year. I am sure there will be plenty of seating for all Unifiers. You can take the seat of every IRL fan who is leaving.
Just as you no longer want to deal with CC, plenty of original IRL fans are saying the same thing about the IRL.

9th February 2008, 20:50
But what is there to get exited about? Races I was going to attend canceled. When I tune in I am going to see IRL cars on IRL tracks. I am just supposed to have faith this series is somehow better then the IRL when it is 90% the same IRL as it was last year?

Again, CC couldn't go on without a cancelled schedule. CCWS77, CC management didn't work harder and their plans obviously didn't work out. I, as a fan, gave them a huge benefit of doubt that they could work this out since 2004. But now that problems aren't stopping coming out of CC, this tells us or been telling us that the management of CC are incompetitive in terms of going against other motorsports, let alone competiting with the IRL. This is not IRL or the new unified series' fault if the next race you tune in would be the IRL cars. And this is no way I point my fingers to TG or Honda or Ganassi or whomever not involved with CC's management. It's CC management, CCWS77. If by this week or this year, we found out that they handed over the series to IRL, they've given up. Now, for you couldn't accept IRL cars, well, let's move on. Most of us here, I believe, doesn't like the IRL cars too but what can I say? CC by then is gone. They handed it over to IRL so....accept it. Who knows, the product could be better than CC. And on top of that, there are other series out there, why KK/GF/PG are handing the series over to IRL? It doesn't have to be IRL but why?

Give it a chance? Sure that involves no more then clicking my TV remote and seing if it is any good. No problem. But how much goodwill or excitement do i have: zero

You're just saying that now, CCWS77. It's your madness to this whole thing is what controlling over your common sense. It'll be fine.

You are unhappy with the past few years but think presto-chango this solves everything? I accept it, the situation sucks. If you have your heart set on a magic fix here I think you will continue to be disapointed for years to come.

There are tons of sports (let alone motorsports), entertainment and hobby to choose from. Wacthing how CC and IRL coming together is something that's worth a wait for most. You got NBA, NFL, MLB, F1 and IndyCar....that would be awesome.

Ruben Barrios
9th February 2008, 22:06
"Then why are you here?"

Says Ferrari F1...

9th February 2008, 22:44
If there is no merger this time, will Champcar push harder to market what is Champcar??

I think so!!! With such a great turn out, and test session in Sebring, and another coming soon, they can't just wait for something else. They must continue their series!!!

10th February 2008, 00:41
If there is no merger this time, will Champcar push harder to market what is Champcar??

No. If they were going to, they would've already.