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8th February 2008, 13:11
I thought I'd make a thread for people just to ask questions in and have them answered by forum people :)

Why is it that in the GNR video November Rain that the woman who married Axl dies just because it rains?

Hardly the most deep and meaningful question I know but it's been bugging me for a while :mark:

8th February 2008, 13:32
No answer for that one mate, sorry.
Why, oh why does the wife take so long to get ready to go out of the house. She told me today to get ready to go out shopping. I was ready in ten minutes, standing by the door, and waited another 45 minutes for her to be ready. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Why,why,why ?

8th February 2008, 13:49
Bad case of acid rain in the video maybe Daniel.

On the rare occassion that I get bruises, why do I bruise green but everyone else bruises a funny purple colour?

8th February 2008, 13:51
Why is it that in the GNR video November Rain that the woman who married Axl dies just because it rains?

Hardly the most deep and meaningful question I know but it's been bugging me for a while :mark:

From wikipedia:

Although the video doesn't explain how the girlfriend died, it can be seen, by looking at the girlfriend in the casket, that there is a line down her face; that is, a mirror.

This appears at the 7:21 mark in the video. Families of head-trauma victims, who want to have an open-casket funeral, can use a mirror reflecting the intact side of the face to make the deceased appear whole. It can therefore be inferred that, as in the short story, the girlfriend was shot in the head. This scene implies that Seymour shot herself.

However, another (though much less popular theory) involves an early reference in which Axl walks alone at night, past a gunshop with an open door, which can be seen at the 5:36 mark in the video. Some view this scene as an indication that Axl was the shooter: the suicide/homicide ambiguity corresponds to the storied protagonist's guilt over precipitating the suicide. Many, however, just think the gun store was a reference to the band name, because of the florists' shop adjacent to the gun shop.[citation needed]

Some think that Axl walking past the gun store is a metaphor; that he didn't physically shoot her, but he inspired/pushed her into killing herself. Others say it shows the gun store after she has visited, and that it is an indication that Axl is too late to stop her. A last theory is that the bride was killed on the wedding day during the "November Rain" storm that begins to fall at the reception. After a lightning strike, we see the bride's bouquet hits a casket in a slow-motion sequence. This may imply that she was struck by lightning and killed instantly.

For maxu05:

Because your wife is a a stylish woman who should look good everytime.

Why the bear has not tail?

8th February 2008, 14:51
Bad case of acid rain in the video maybe Daniel.

On the rare occassion that I get bruises, why do I bruise green but everyone else bruises a funny purple colour?
I have no idea but the first time I went paintballing I came out with about 30 bruises of various colours :mark:

gadjo_dilo. Cheers for that ;)

8th February 2008, 15:01
Why the bear has not tail?[/QUOTE]
I heard a joke about this. I think it's so he can wipe his butt with a rabbit.

8th February 2008, 17:07
Why can't people use wikipedia to answer their questions? ;)

8th February 2008, 18:37
Why can't people use wikipedia to answer their questions? ;)

Well I asked Wikipedia about this and it came up with something about Lebanon.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=Why+did+the+bint+in+the+Nove mber+Rain+music+video+die+for+seemingly+no+reason% 3F+&go=Go

8th February 2008, 22:26
A last theory is that the bride was killed on the wedding day during the "November Rain" storm that begins to fall at the reception. After a lightning strike, we see the bride's bouquet hits a casket in a slow-motion sequence. This may imply that she was struck by lightning and killed instantly.

I always thought this is what was meant to have happened.

What happens to the suitcase of money at the end of Fargo? I love that film but that one loose end bugs me a bit.

9th February 2008, 17:59
What happens to my pay at the end of the month ? I get a great wad of cash, and by the next pay day I am skint ;( Damn wife, damn rent, damn petrol, damn food bills :laugh:

10th February 2008, 05:52
Bad case of acid rain in the video maybe Daniel.

On the rare occassion that I get bruises, why do I bruise green but everyone else bruises a funny purple colour?

It's because your blood has copper in it while everyone else's has iron.

What actually happened in the movie Hitman? Are we supposed to have understood it?

10th February 2008, 11:29
Why does some moron feel the need to produce an offshoot Terminator TV series?

10th February 2008, 12:07
It's because your blood has copper in it while everyone else's has iron.

What actually happened in the movie Hitman? Are we supposed to have understood it?
Ok what about bruises that are yellow?

Brown, Jon Brow
10th February 2008, 19:36
What was 'The Serious Question Thread' for? :\


10th February 2008, 21:58
What was 'The Serious Question Thread' for? :\

Perhaps you should ask yourself. You did start the thread after all! :p


10th February 2008, 22:32
Ok what about bruises that are yellow?

Um, sulphur??

However, seriously, I think it could be due to platelets in the tissue. They're a sort of urine-yellow colour. But I don't really know.

11th February 2008, 04:37
Why is it that stuff get spilt on the brand new item of clothing and not on some old thing that you've been wearing and washing for ages and has had nothing spilt on it. :hmph:

11th February 2008, 05:19
Why does some moron feel the need to produce an offshoot Terminator TV series?

its Fox, what do you expect, luckly, I have never seen one episode

11th February 2008, 09:41
I thought I'd make a thread for people just to ask questions in and have them answered by forum people :)

Why is it that in the GNR video November Rain that the woman who married Axl dies just because it rains?

Hardly the most deep and meaningful question I know but it's been bugging me for a while :mark:
because those are in the coffin usually died person(s) ;)

11th February 2008, 10:26
because those are in the coffin usually died person(s) ;)
it seems altered with color stuff, I mean dead person :D

11th February 2008, 11:43
Ok what about bruises that are yellow?

it's Pus. :s


Rudy Tamasz
11th February 2008, 12:26
My pet rabbit has acquired habits of a predator and while I'm in the office he keeps terrorizing my wife at home. Why?

11th February 2008, 12:54
it's Pus. :s

Yucky if that's true :p

I did some googling and found this.

http://www.drbunn.com/bruise.htm (http://www.drbunn.com/bruise.htm)

11th February 2008, 12:58
because those are in the coffin usually died person(s) ;)
I...... don't get it.

11th February 2008, 12:59
My pet rabbit has acquired habits of a predator and while I'm in the office he keeps terrorizing my wife at home. Why?

I have a feeling that you trained it to do so. :laugh:

12th February 2008, 09:15
How does anyone find Two and a Half Men funny?

Are TV stations trying to be ironic when they advertise it as "hilarious comedy"?

12th February 2008, 18:35
OK so now you've got me worried about whether having copper in my blood is a good thing, thanks Leon.

When they are advertisings for people to become teachers there is a kid thats asks is it possible to cry underwater? Can you?

12th February 2008, 19:35
Why the American car industry has chosen to put back blinkers in red while all around the world they're orange colour. I find it difficult notice them, especially at summer time when there's bright sunshine ????

13th February 2008, 04:24
Why the American car industry has chosen to put back blinkers in red while all around the world they're orange colour. I find it difficult notice them, especially at summer time when there's bright sunshine ????
They are always doing there own thing aren't they ? :D

13th February 2008, 04:26
That's us. ;) :D

13th February 2008, 05:00
it makes you happy? :)

13th February 2008, 05:12
it makes you smile. :)

like my sig says... ;)

13th February 2008, 08:26
OK so now you've got me worried about whether having copper in my blood is a good thing, thanks Leon.

When they are advertisings for people to become teachers there is a kid thats asks is it possible to cry underwater? Can you?

It's chemically similar to iron, so it can't be too bad. However, you'd probably have a bad reaction to a blood transfusion with blood with iron, so make sure it's copper blood if you need a transfusion :D

I can't cry under water. I'm to scared to keep my head under water for any longer than a few seconds ;)

13th February 2008, 12:24
I think if you have a lot of copper in your blood, you would be less likely to suffer from arthritis pain. That is why you see people suffering from arthritis often wear a copper bracelet. I don't know how true this is though.

13th February 2008, 23:25
Not sure if a bracelet can do much to your health, rather than it's placebo effect