View Full Version : Predict the Number of BTCC Entries

Alfa Fan
5th February 2008, 21:55
Time for the almost-tradionally start of season pick-em!

This one's very simple, just predict the number of registrations there will be on the entry list released by TOCA on March 12 during the media day at Rockingham. Nearest wins!

Entries up until 27th February 2008.

My prediction is 28

5th February 2008, 22:18
I'll go for 30.

5th February 2008, 23:09
Simple 32

5th February 2008, 23:26
Think I won this last year!
I'll go for 27.

Mp3 Astra
5th February 2008, 23:36
29 please, sire.

6th February 2008, 01:45
I reckon there will be 27 entries on Media Day, though I will be happy with anything over 20.

6th February 2008, 07:17
I reckon there will be 28.

6th February 2008, 14:15
Ill say 29

6th February 2008, 15:28
Gosh....errr....well lets do the maths.

Theirs 19 confirmed so far (Giovanardi, Neal, Onslow-Cole, Plato, Turner, Turkington, Shedden, Chilton, Vaulkhard, Jones, Jordan Snr., Jordan Jnr., Jackson, Doyle, Kerry, Leason, Kizilirmak and Bell) so at a rough guestimate I would say....atleast 25.

Because we have two Motorbase drivers tba, and 1x WSR, 1x Robertshaw, 1x BTC and probably 1x Jackson Motorsport driver (total: 6) to add to those teams already confirmed and with one or more driver.

So my guess is maybe 31.

6th February 2008, 16:37
I'll say 30 on Media Day.

Ur not a salmon
6th February 2008, 18:34
Gosh....errr....well lets do the maths.

Theirs 19 confirmed so far (Giovanardi, Neal, Onslow-Cole, Plato, Turner, Turkington, Shedden, Chilton, Vaulkhard, Jones, Jordan Snr., Jordan Jnr., Jackson, Doyle, Kerry, Leason, Kizilirmak and Bell) so at a rough guestimate I would say....atleast 25.

Because we have two Motorbase drivers tba, and 1x WSR, 1x Robertshaw, 1x BTC and probably 1x Jackson Motorsport driver (total: 6) to add to those teams already confirmed and with one or more driver.

So my guess is maybe 31.

You said 19 confirmed but only posted 18 names. Mr Invisible driving an invisible car is he? :p :

Or is that Colin Neil and Clyde Valley under another guise. ;)

6th February 2008, 18:49
Am I missing something here or did you mean to say Jones?

6th February 2008, 18:53
You said 19 confirmed but only posted 18 names. Mr Invisible driving an invisible car is he? :p :

TBBH the guy I have missed out might as well be Mr Invisible driving an Invisible IS200 for Invisible Sport! :)

Chris Stockton.

The ability for you lot to pick out such details so easily is shockingly scary to say the least! :eek:

Or is that Colin Neil and Clyde Valley under another guise. ;)

Sorry mate. You have lost me totally there. Is that some kind of in-house joke? :confused:

Captain VXR
6th February 2008, 18:59
roughly 28 per round, 31 final round, over the season 35 entrants

Alfa Fan
6th February 2008, 19:52
number of registrations there will be on the entry list released by TOCA on March 12


6th February 2008, 20:20

6th February 2008, 20:32
Gosh....errr....well lets do the maths.

Theirs 19 confirmed so far (Giovanardi, Neal, Onslow-Cole, Plato, Turner, Turkington, Shedden, Chilton, Vaulkhard, Jones, Jordan Snr., Jordan Jnr., Jackson, Doyle, Kerry, Leason, Kizilirmak and Bell) so at a rough guestimate I would say....atleast 25.

Jones isn't confirmed and you missed out Stockton, George and Taylor ;)

6th February 2008, 23:13
I see on another forum that they reckon Jones has signed, but not confirmed!

6th February 2008, 23:23
i heard jones had signed a deal too! apparrently in a quicker car than he drove last, which should move him up the grid nicely.

6th February 2008, 23:47
I hope the Jones deal is true whatever it is as he is clearly a talented driver.

7th February 2008, 10:21
Jones isn't confirmed and you missed out Stockton, George and Taylor ;)

Bear in mind of course, though this is no excuse, it is the simple explanation that I take my lists from what I have down on my computerised list so it is not entirely 100% reliable when I forget to update it regularly (George), input the wrong information ("Taylor" instead of "Jones") or, when I consider I have to transcribe from memory the list into my posts in the annual entry prediction thread, neglect to memoriese certain confirmed drivers (Stockton).

It has been updated correctly now however and no more mistakes is now thankfully possible. :)

But all the same I reckon we could easily reach a number in excess of 30 before certainly the deadline date; maybe even close to 40 but obviously not reaching it.

7th February 2008, 14:37
30 on Media day but for the first race i think about 27 will turn up :D

7th February 2008, 14:39
or maybe 50 as it the 50th birthday of th BTCC you never know :P

7th February 2008, 23:08
i think they'll be 30 registered but not that many at the first race

9th February 2008, 11:16

9th February 2008, 12:34

32?! I think that is our highest and most ambitious and positive prediction yet!

But not impossible which is to your credit.

I know it may had an element of fate to it but last season we had in total 32 by it's end with all the moves taken into consideration to add to the ones who lasted the distance; the inductions of Alain Menu and Tom Coronel to VXR and SEAT respectively, the dissapearance of Nick Leason & Chris Stockton at BTC Racing, the departure of Simon Blankley (Rds 1-21) and the arrival of Alan Taylor (Rds 25-30), the replacements of Gareth Howell (Rds 1-15) by Tom Ferrier (Rd 16-27) and of Ferrier by Paul O'Neill (Rd 28-30) at Motorbase and the replacement of Gavin Smith (Rds 22-27) by Rob Collard (Rds 28-30) at GR Asia. That is lot of chances that we saw happen.

But in all honesty though it is not impossible I don't think we will see as many changes for a while.

9th February 2008, 15:26
32?! I think that is our highest and most ambitious and positive prediction yet!

But not impossible which is to your credit.

I know it may had an element of fate to it but last season we had in total 32 by it's end with all the moves taken into consideration to add to the ones who lasted the distance; the inductions of Alain Menu and Tom Coronel to VXR and SEAT respectively, the dissapearance of Nick Leason & Chris Stockton at BTC Racing, the departure of Simon Blankley (Rds 1-21) and the arrival of Alan Taylor (Rds 25-30), the replacements of Gareth Howell (Rds 1-15) by Tom Ferrier (Rd 16-27) and of Ferrier by Paul O'Neill (Rd 28-30) at Motorbase and the replacement of Gavin Smith (Rds 22-27) by Rob Collard (Rds 28-30) at GR Asia. That is lot of chances that we saw happen.

But in all honesty though it is not impossible I don't think we will see as many changes for a while.

..........Check post 3 of this thread......

Of all the changed you've described above, from the original entry list announced on Media day there was only an increase of one car (the GR Asia Leon), but considering we lost Nick Leason during the season, we actually only had the same amount of cars on the track as we started the season with (assuming all those registered turned up and raced)

9th February 2008, 16:42
Actually from the entry list release in 2007 we gained two cars; the GR Asia Leon and Alain Menu in the third Vauxhall Vectra. On the downside we lost Nick Leason (BTC Lexus), Jim Pocklington (J-Team BMW) and Richard Marsh (A-Tech Alfa Romeo).

9th February 2008, 18:34
Depends what your conditions are surely. Because clearly mine differs from yours. And I am for one am yet again totally lost on what that exactly your set of conditions seem to be for your estimation to be so different from mine.

But you do seem to be talking about those who finished the season, who had made Thruxton, and making exeptions of those who ran a part of the season and those who left before the season concluded; like for instance Simon Blankley.

So, if you were asked the question "Rounding to the nearest 10 how many ran "in total" in the 2007 BTCC season?" would your answer be 20? Because excluding those who ran a part of the season and those who didn't make it to the end the answer would be 20.

9th February 2008, 18:53
Im talking about number of cars, rather than drivers. Drivers can come and go in the middle of a season, but the number of cars stays the same if they are replaced.

Like in your Motorbase Howell - Ferrier - O'Neill explanation, there was three drivers, but only 1 car.

At the start of the season, Number of Cars = Number of drivers (roughly - bar any TBA entries)

And at Media Day last year, we had 26 cars, so rounding would give 30

9th February 2008, 20:16
Im talking about number of cars, rather than drivers. Drivers can come and go in the middle of a season, but the number of cars stays the same if they are replaced.

Like in your Motorbase Howell - Ferrier - O'Neill explanation, there was three drivers, but only 1 car.

At the start of the season, Number of Cars = Number of drivers (roughly - bar any TBA entries)

And at Media Day last year, we had 26 cars, so rounding would give 30

If your considering number of cars over number of drivers, are you saying that the number of cars is the most important factor when establishing how many entries their was in any one season in the BTCC and not actual drivers?

I mean if I was to answer your question "How many competed for Motorbase Performance in the 2007 BTCC season?" If I am correct in saying 2 (Allison's car and the second car that was raced by Howell, then Ferrier and later O'Neill) rather than 4, would that not be neglecting any individual part Tom and Paul played as sucessors to Gareth's seat?

9th February 2008, 20:44
It the original question you seem to be confusing - the number of official entries when application closes. Not over a season

Seeing as you enter a car and put a driver in it, you can have 10 drivers if you want

BT 96
9th February 2008, 21:36
and for me the full house 32

9th February 2008, 21:44
It the original question you seem to be confusing - the number of official entries when application closes. Not over a season

Seeing as you enter a car and put a driver in it, you can have 10 drivers if you want

At the start of a season I would be more than happy to say 28, 29 or 30. But perhaps you misinterpreted the origin of my original comment.

Red200 suggested 32. My intention was to get over how it is not impossible for the BTCC to attract that number as a starting number given how many actual drivers ended up racing overall last season.

It may seem a lot but it can be achieved. Both as a starting number and overall number.

BT 96
9th February 2008, 22:05
At the start of a season I would be more than happy to say 28, 29 or 30. But perhaps you misinterpreted the origin of my original comment.

Red200 suggested 32. My intention was to get over how it is not impossible for the BTCC to attract that number as a starting number given how many actual drivers ended up racing overall last season.

It may seem a lot but it can be achieved. Both as a starting number and overall number.

There will be 32 cars at the media day, and as for the racing I don't know, but what I am sure, there will be at some time 32 racing,this is the best championship by far and there are only 32 grid slots how good is that.

9th February 2008, 22:05
Im sure the BTCC could attract about 100 drivers if the money was there

9th February 2008, 22:51
I too think itl be a full grid :D

19th February 2008, 22:29

19th February 2008, 23:11
28 registered... 25 on the grid at Brands!

20th February 2008, 15:50
Im sure the BTCC could attract about 100 drivers if the money was there

:D That would be the most expensive destruction derby in the world, hmmm, maybe 100 competitors in the Clio Cup would be fun :P

20th February 2008, 18:34
31 - because no one else has said that number

17th March 2008, 22:13
Think I won this last year!
I'll go for 27.

Ive won again this year!

17th March 2008, 22:22
I reckon there will be 27 entries on Media Day, though I will be happy with anything over 20.

I am a winner too! :D