View Full Version : The Double Tuesday

5th February 2008, 06:47
Today is both Shrove Tuesday(laskiainen for the Finns) which means a bun with whip cream and strawberry jam unless you are mentally unstable and have almond jam instead of strawberry.

Add to that it's something called Runeberg's day which also has a tasty eatable party piece, the Runeberg's tart
http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuva:Runebergintorttu.jpg :)

This is an even bigger jackpot than when the Emperor discovered the key to great Star Wars dialogue! :D

5th February 2008, 08:43
Almond jam!? I've never heard of it.

So what are you planning to give up for lent?

5th February 2008, 10:52
We also have that bun with whip cream, plus also pea-soup. We're also meant to go sledding today, otherwise the flax crops won't flourish. But we have no snow! :(

5th February 2008, 12:35
I guess no flax for you next summer then. :)

5th February 2008, 13:07
I guess no flax for you next summer then. :)

No flax for at least the last half a decade. :rolleyes: Can't remember the last proper winter here. Can't remember the second-to-last winter, either. ;)

5th February 2008, 13:23
This is an even bigger jackpot than when the Emperor discovered the key to great Star Wars dialogue! :D

Something, something, something dark side ;)

I'd say that the whole Double Tuesday thing is more intense than that time I forgot how to sit down :D

5th February 2008, 16:23
Something, something, something complete... or atleast that's how it felt after eating a Shrove bun after just lunch. Too much food at one go. :)

5th February 2008, 16:42
It's good old Runeberg's day ???!!

Darn, I missed it completely, it has been all about Laskiainen here.Where I can find those tarts...??

5th February 2008, 17:23
In Sweden we eat "Semla" today, which is fet tisdagen(direct translation is "fat tuesday" allthough I think it means someting else). It is also called hetvägg and is a bun with a lot of whipped cream with marsipan.
I prefer it with hot milk and cinnamon :)

5th February 2008, 17:41
It's good old Runeberg's day ???!!

Darn, I missed it completely, it has been all about Laskiainen here.Where I can find those tarts...??
Plenty of tarts here :) Although perhaps we're thinking of different tarts.

5th February 2008, 23:43
Ummmm pancakes :up:

6th February 2008, 08:04
Today is both Shrove Tuesday(laskiainen for the Finns) which means a bun with whip cream and strawberry jam unless you are mentally unstable and have almond jam instead of strawberry.

Add to that it's something called Runeberg's day which also has a tasty eatable party piece, the Runeberg's tart

I just love the bun with almond jam and whip cream :facelick: nothing wrong with the RUneberg's tart either :)

6th February 2008, 10:21
I always thought of you as the mentally unstable type Don :p :

(J4MIE ;) )

6th February 2008, 13:26
Ummmm pancakes :up:

http://www.ihop.comihop! :lips: :D

6th February 2008, 14:55
I always thought of you as the mentally unstable type Don :p :

(J4MIE ;) )

:up: I agree

(Don's wife)


6th February 2008, 14:56
http://www.ihop.comihop! :lips: :D

Been once left happy :D

6th February 2008, 18:15
http://www.ihop.comihop! :lips: :D

:eek: Wow!! I never even know a place like that existed, I so wish there was one over here!