View Full Version : Bit Breezy!

Hazell B
11th January 2007, 19:24
Anyone get blown away today?

We in Yorkshire aren't having the worst of the current gales, but it's still not been pleasant out. Some parts of motorway and the Humber Bridge must have been closed to high sided vehicles as I've had hundreds of lorries past my stables all day (speeding into the 30 zone in 90% of cases :rolleyes: ) and our lightweight dog kept getting blown over while he was running about :laugh: The cat got shot off the roof like a bullet by one gust too, but had his usual soft landing in some mud :p :

What's everyone else suffering?

Ian McC
11th January 2007, 20:22
Hefty blow job here, but everything is still intact :D

Hazell B
11th January 2007, 20:25

I had my money on it making 3 posts before jobs were mentioned :(

McC, you have ruined my post bingo :mark: :p :

Ian McC
11th January 2007, 20:32
McC, you have ruined my post bingo :mark: :p :

You always struck me as the bingo type, sitting there with the oldies in your big hat shouting "house!" :p :

Hazell B
11th January 2007, 20:38
Nobody wears a big hat in this weather :confused:

Even my Team Dynamics baseball cap blew clean off my bonce twice today :p :

Ian McC
11th January 2007, 20:39
I really would not want to be working outside in this weather.

11th January 2007, 21:49
Now now get a room you two :p

Quite windy here. Got blown about a bit on the motorway this morning. But that's kind of normal. The stretch of the A55 I drive to work on is almost permanently windy.

11th January 2007, 22:00
It's not been too windy here but it'd been rainy, and alternately cold and hot. it's like winter.

But I live in the southern hemisphere! It should be the height of summer!

I'm worse-off than you because you're expecting inclement weather, whereas I'm expecting it to be nice :p

11th January 2007, 22:36
It's been very windy here for the last couple of days, gusts up to 100km/hr :s hock: Coupled with -20deg. C temps, it has not been very pleasant to say the least :s

11th January 2007, 22:55
We'll send you some warmth. Is that OK? :p

11th January 2007, 22:57
I could use a little lovin' :D

11th January 2007, 22:58
Backs to the wall Schmenke's lookin for some lovin'

11th January 2007, 23:02
I was hoping that was your better-half posting :p :

11th January 2007, 23:04
You're right about her being the better half :p Perhaps I should slip into bed for some warmth. Lets just hope there's no wind :mark:

11th January 2007, 23:06
Well, it wouldn't necessarily be a cold wind... :s

11th January 2007, 23:09
Yes but as they say an ill wind blows nobody any good :mark:

11th January 2007, 23:10
Not too bad here in Brumm, thouhg its annoying having my hair blown over my face. :mad:

11th January 2007, 23:15
Strong gusts of wind and very heavy showers up here in cumbria ;(

Ian McC
11th January 2007, 23:16
Yes but as they say an ill wind blows nobody any good :mark:

Had a curry for tea? :p :

12th January 2007, 13:28
wild up here. dont think there has been any ferries for 2 days now. Keeps the tourist away I suppose ;) done make stock control a bloomin nightmare though :(

12th January 2007, 13:44
Anyone get blown away today?

We in Yorkshire aren't having the worst of the current gales, but it's still not been pleasant out. Some parts of motorway and the Humber Bridge must have been closed to high sided vehicles as I've had hundreds of lorries past my stables all day (speeding into the 30 zone in 90% of cases :rolleyes: ) and our lightweight dog kept getting blown over while he was running about :laugh: The cat got shot off the roof like a bullet by one gust too, but had his usual soft landing in some mud :p :

What's everyone else suffering?
Maybe Nobby will one day evolve into this:


12th January 2007, 16:10
lifeboats washed clean off the ferry this morning apparently :confused:

jim mcglinchey
12th January 2007, 17:45
Tescos... Belfast...
The food shelves are starting to look a bit bare, but much worse, the shelves in the off sales look a bit bare too. If the boats dont sail again soon were doomed I tell you, doomed.

oily oaf
12th January 2007, 18:04
I would greatly appreciate it if you people would refrain from discussing the extremely saucy not to mention downright brazen prevailing weather conditions.
It really is more than a body can stand :mad:

(rises awkwardly from chair and heads to "the smallest room" in a strange semi crouching position)

Ian McC
12th January 2007, 19:58
I would greatly appreciate it if you people would refrain from discussing the extremely saucy not to mention downright brazen prevailing weather conditions.
It really is more than a body can stand :mad:

(rises awkwardly from chair and heads to "the smallest room" in a strange semi crouching position)

The only man in the world who suffers from a rush of blood when someone mentions the shipping forecast ;)

12th January 2007, 20:00
... when I was small, because I was so little and petite, it was always joked about that I might get blown away in the wind but it was said so much I started to believe it... so walking about in gales terrified me as a kid.

I still get a bit nervous when it's really windy :(

12th January 2007, 22:05
Damn, my fence has just blown down. Looks like I'll spend tomorrow wielding a hammer in a half-arsed fashion, before ringing a man to come and fix it.

12th January 2007, 22:08
Very windy back in Bristol, its been quite calm at home. :(

12th January 2007, 22:12
It was so windy during the night that my outside phone line was blown down. The first we knew of it was when I was woken up by the sound of my mum talking to the repair person at half past nine.

And it's supposed to be summer!

Hazell B
12th January 2007, 23:11
Damn, my fence has just blown down. Looks like I'll spend tomorrow wielding a hammer in a half-arsed fashion, before ringing a man to come and fix it.

I built a section of wall today, complete with four inch thick York stone topping.

It won't suffer the same fate ;)

12th January 2007, 23:14
I built a section of wall today, complete with four inch thick York stone topping.

That's quite impressive. However, I'm a soft city-dweller who finds changing a fuse quite challenging.

Hazell B
12th January 2007, 23:41
Don't patronise me.
I'm well aware of how soft townies are :laugh:

Brown, Jon Brow
18th January 2007, 15:56
Bit Breezy???????????

Preston town (sorry, city ;) ) center is partly closed because it's blown down.

Apprently 4 people have been killed because of the wind!!! :(

18th January 2007, 16:09
Bit Breezy???????????

Preston town (sorry, city ;) ) center is partly closed because it's blown down.

Apprently 4 people have been killed because of the wind!!! :(

Yeah I'm just up the road at Lancaster uni and i nearly got blown to lectures this morning!

donKey jote
18th January 2007, 16:11
schools in Germany shut down at midday, and it's hitting hannover at the moment :)

edit: bollox: first two tiles went zing :[ it's going to be a long night :s

18th January 2007, 17:04
Its bad in Leeds. Roads in City Cente are closed and arriva bus have cancelled double deckers on some routes.

Our school cancelled all after school activities because our big chimney is at a bad angle. All fun.

Dave B
18th January 2007, 17:14
It's been more than a tad breezy here in Kent, there's a couple of fence panels in next door's garden which are testiment to that. :s

Hazell B
18th January 2007, 19:44
One of our ponies was messing about on the yard bucking and farting ... then the wind caught him and he fell over on his backside :laugh:

Won't be laughing quite so much if my roof's missing in the morning though :p :

18th January 2007, 20:44
Crazy!!!!! 10 people dead and walls down, houses blown in and countless trucks blown over. Passed a couple of leaning trucks today on the A55. Certainly didn't pass them slowly. Was too worried about one falling over. Of course people here being serial tailgaters were still up my arse even in these dangerous conditions. I swear some people have a deathwish.

18th January 2007, 21:05
Just got home! Finished at 6! All trains cancelled, buses mad, managed to get one train which terminated at Bolton then got my dad to pick me up from there. Totally mad gales today. At work our entire network was down because the data centre's power failed due to the wind! Madness.

I notice on the news, despite 8/10 of the deaths being in the North, the one they lead with is in London :dozey: No change there then. It was worse up here than down there, thats for bloomin certain.

18th January 2007, 21:32
Slightly breezy here today in Warwick :s A door was ripped off its hinges today in the wind and coupled with the tipping rain it made the walk up town to get the bus to photography very interesting ... journey was made better when a van splashed my friend :laugh:

Ian McC
18th January 2007, 23:52
Bloody weather, flights all over the place, motorways closed, general chaos, still, it is nice, dry and calm in my big terminal today, apart from the frustrated passengers and the one lady who screamed her head off in Security, no idea why, sounded like someone was being murdered :s

19th January 2007, 00:18
For some strange reason I still have three fence panels still standing on the right-hand side of my back garden. The other nine decided that it was time to go and left, one of which I still haven't found :\ The three are all independant of each other and look rather weird, standing alone in defience.

The fence panels on the left-hand side are still all intact, but four of the posts have snaped.

Certainly the most expensive blowjob I've had for a while :s

oily oaf
19th January 2007, 07:30
Blimey! It was blowin' harder than Paris Hilton in a roomful of rockstars in old London Town yesterday :eek:

I was about to start whining about repairing a broken larchlap fence panel in the pissing rain until I read of poor old Daniels plight.
I mean to say having people up your arse in benign, summery weather is no joke but to undergo such an ordeal in "dangerous conditions" is tantamount to hell on earth.
Or so I'm reliably informed ;(

I have to say though that it always gladdens my heart when adversity gives birth to great acts of humanity as we all pull together in the common struggle against Mother Nature.
For example I arrived home yesterday evening to find that due to the torrential downpours that accompanied the strong winds our water butt had overflowed and was flooding the bottom terrace of our yard.
Seeing my plight, my next door neighbour, without a thought for his own comforts or morning repast, quickly dropped one of his own personal Oatabix biscuits over the fence and before you could say incontinence pant liners my back garden was drier than a Pommy b*****d's towel :)

Still Weather reports eh?
Phwoooooaaaar. Eh? Eh?

(pulls up chair and loosens belt in anticipation)

19th January 2007, 07:53
Saw it on our news tonight, Gess, I hope you Britts/Europeans are all safe and well and limited damage to your properties.

Ian McC
19th January 2007, 08:06
WE has a fence panel down, I think it is the neighbours responsibility so we will see if they do anything with it over the weekend.

19th January 2007, 13:41
We have no damage so far, mainly because our fences area actually hedges. :) However my neighbour has admitted to the wind absolutley terrifying her.

The dog hates it, he only has short fur so I can't imagine it's very comfortable for him. Even with a leg on each corner he struggled to walk properly yesterday!

19th January 2007, 22:46
74MPH wind here past few days, lots of gardens ruined as where I live in me little village its very open and exposed.

Im currently running the local pub as the owners are away and had to check for damage yesterday, metal unbrellas literraly snapped in half, picnic benches spinning around in the air, half empty gas canisters blowing precariously close to caravans, and a few other bits of damage.

RIP to the 10 who died because of the wind this week

Brown, Jon Brow
19th January 2007, 22:50
11 people have died in the UK!!! :(

And around 50 in all of Europe :bigcry:

Hazell B
21st January 2007, 20:04
The brand new £500k house near our stables has half a roof and a lovely clay pantile crunchy driveway now, while my £10k stables are still intact.

All we lost was a single eucalyptus tree, which I chopped the top six foot out of and pushed back upright. It'll be fine by summer.

Think, all things considered, I've gotten off very lightly indeed :)