View Full Version : Knocking into someone else's car

4th February 2008, 12:39
It's all happened to us at some point, some piece of scum can't park properly and leaves a dent/broken headlight etc.

If it was you who did it, would you at the very least leave a note behind with your name & address or would you rather be that piece of scum and not hold your hand up knowing its not you having to fork out a few bob?

4th February 2008, 13:42
To be honest I don't think I'll do it (no ever does) and certainly not at sufficient speed to cause damage. But I think when push comes to shove I'm a piece of scum :D If only because if you give someone an excuse they'll blame every little scratch on you even if it wasn't your fault.

4th February 2008, 15:24
I did it, I left a note with my name and phone number but I never received the call.

4th February 2008, 15:41
I had someone run into me in the work car park once, someone saw him do it and he rang the number on my permit sticker and so I caught up with him before he left.

Thankfully he was a decent chap and everything was sorted through his insurance co.

5th February 2008, 11:00
If you see a black BMW with enormous front number plate damage, rest assured, it was me. ;)

5th February 2008, 11:37
Erki, Join the club ;)

6th February 2008, 09:31
It happend to my partner yesterday, she was dropping the kids off to school got back to her car & found the front bumper on her Citroen has a foot long gouge in it. She was nearly in tears as she has not been driving that long but has been very carefull & has been driving well. I think if she had been driving for a years it would not be so bad....but it was the thought of people thinking 'look at the state of that, she cant park'. So we got some filler etc then spent the entire day trying to locate the correct paint from Citroen which was a disaster, but eventually we got some.
Then came the interesting bit, her daughter was talking about it last night saying how nasty to drive off after doing that to someone. Then she asked me & her mum what we would have done if it had been either of us who had damaged someones car.....thats when it all became clear that after all day swearing & moaning at the person that would 'go to hell' for doing it to us we both admitted we would have driven away as well.

6th February 2008, 09:39
I suppose it's what we pay insurance for, although paying an excess and losing your no-claims isn't exactly fun :( .

I've had my rear bumper cracked before, and had no idea who did it, or even if they were in a car. Garage said it would be £400 to fix, or £200+loss of no claims on insurance, I couldn't afford either so just left it.

A year later Mr BMW drove into the back of me causing even more bumper damage but this time the replacement was required because of his damage.. in addition to the tailgate! So it all worked out.

But my left wing mirror is still slightly dodgy from someone kicking it.

6th February 2008, 10:18
My mum was in her car waiting in a car park when someone reversed out a space and straight into her without looking! There was only a small scratch on the front wing (passenger side, is that the offside, I can't remember :p : ) about 2 inches long. Garage wanted £530 to fix it :eek: But she admitted liability and her insurance paid up pronto :up:


7th February 2008, 12:59
Was reaaaaallllly lucky today. Not do do any further damage, that is. 1024EEK(£45) for the left rear light of an old Opel Omega is enough for me. :\

I hate this car. I hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it. And I hate this job. :p

Luckily my (work) car has just a small dent on the right front wing. Should be just cosmetic damage. Still the whole time catastrophe scenarios were running through my head. When I put the ignition in, the radiator light on the dashboard lights up for a second. :confused: Haven't noticed it before. Bad sign? :confused:

As if I wasn't stressed enough yet. :rolleyes:

7th February 2008, 18:53
Do you just crash into things for fun Erki? :p :

7th February 2008, 20:27
No, I was just unfortunate. It most definitely wasn't my fault. ;)

No, actually it was wholly my fault, should have started braking earlier. Damned steering column also in the middle of pedals, really annoying. Somehow I managed to miss the brake pedal. :confused: At the last moment I had no other way but to turn left, into the oncoming traffic.. It was kinda narrow and I just scraped that Opel Omega. Had I turned 2 more inches, no damage would have been done. But what's done is done.

Since I got this new old work car last Tuesday, I have only had problems. Running out of fuel twice in one day; letting the door lock remote fall on concrete from the fifth floor; nearly catching the flu or sth from my sisters; forgetting some boxes of bread to the factory and having to return to take them; having to brake pretty hard(again those brakes. this Pug Boxer has some weird dynamics. totally different from the MB Sprinter I used to drive) so that a box full of cookies fell on the floor with cookies all over the floor; having to really hustle with a big cheese cake on board, going 50mph in 20mph zone, going a bit too fast in some corners :\ ; waking up in the middle of the night and start doing some imaginary work, just to wake up and find out that I'm actually in my own room, not at work; waking up at 3.30 instead of 4.30 and as I'm just about to leave the house, taking a look at my mobile phone and finding out that I woke up one hour early; crashing into an Opel Omega...

What's next?

I guess it's just good if I survive tomorrow. :\ Damned tired and exhausted, but not stressed out at all! Everything is just fine! :hot:

7th February 2008, 20:34
That sounds failry hectic, always had you down as a very unstressed kinda guy.

7th February 2008, 21:07
That sounds failry hectic, always had you down as a very unstressed kinda guy.

That's why such little everyday life things stress me out. ;)

Jobs are evil. :evil:

7th February 2008, 21:35
When I've caused damaged in the past I've let the person know. :)

At the moment I'm in a bit of a weird predicament about crashing into my neighbours car to make them stop parking infront of my driveway. New people moved into the house opposite me a few months ago and have a drive big enough to fit two cars on but dont. They constantly park one car right infront of my driveway but on their side of the road. As my driveway has quite a steep downwards slope it leaves no room to swing out which mean's I'm having to do 6 and 7 point turns to get off it and thats if I'm lucky.

They haven't took the hint when I've purposely revved my engine loudly when doing my multiple manouvers when they've been outside. They still haven't taken the hint now that I wind my windows down so they can hear my parking sensors beeping as well. As we both live in end houses as our street backs onto a field there is plenty of room for parking. They could easily park say four meteres further down the street and still be parked infront of their house and cause me no problems at all.

Now I have vivid thoughts of crashing into their cars but really don't want to damage my own. I'm also getting neck pain which I'm convinced is all down to them and it's really begining to drive me crazy. Part of me thinks its acceptable to do a bit of a hit and run, the other part of me just wants to hit em so I can take the opportunity to tell the morons to stop parking where they do.

7th February 2008, 22:14
Surely, GridGirl, if you go fast enough up your driveway you'll get airborne and jump cleanly over your neighbour's cars?

7th February 2008, 22:21
Could just knock on their door and ask them to park a bit further down the road because you're worried about hitting their car. Make it seem like you have their interests in mind not your own and they might stop doing it....or they might hate you for it :D

8th February 2008, 08:45
I might have go faster stripes Leon, but I'm seriously doubting my cars ability to fly. ;)

Well they seem quite happy to watch me do 10 point turns, I would of thought if they had any sense they would of taken the big hints I'm throwing their way. To be fair I think all my previous neighbours did the exact same thing. They ignored me when I asked them nicely and only started parking out the way when I did actaully hit them. My old 206 was pretty indestructable at the back. I could reverse it into anything, I'm not sure I want to test out my new car though. :p

8th February 2008, 09:00
I can categorize myself a careful man driving car, never hit others' back.

My unforgettable memory was when for an unnamed amount a man hit my bike. I knew that was only a small accident and didn't make major damage on my bike. Although he has apologized for the mistake, I keep rattling him off while the engine is on.

He might feel disturbed, pointed at my face and threaten back at me. Without thinking twice I pull the throttle out and ran away. :laugh:

8th February 2008, 17:14
I might have go faster stripes Leon, but I'm seriously doubting my cars ability to fly. ;)

Well they seem quite happy to watch me do 10 point turns, I would of thought if they had any sense they would of taken the big hints I'm throwing their way. To be fair I think all my previous neighbours did the exact same thing. They ignored me when I asked them nicely and only started parking out the way when I did actaully hit them. My old 206 was pretty indestructable at the back. I could reverse it into anything, I'm not sure I want to test out my new car though. :p

What, are they watching you out the window? From my point of view if I heard the loud revving, I'd just assume you were a rubbish driver. Best do what Jan says and kindly ask them or just could carry on being bitter about it :p :

8th February 2008, 18:22
I've done the loud revving when they've been outside just to make sure they know I'm doing loads of point turns. The beeping from the parking sensors is also pretty loud when I have the windows open and I make a point of trying to go as close to the continuous beep as possible. If they had an ounce of commence sense they would realise there is a problem. Other neighbours have noticed what I'm doing an spoke to me about it.

If anyone can get off my driveway without doing a minimum of a 7 point turn I will give them tonights winning Euro numbers. ;)

9th February 2008, 09:59
I think your best solution is to move house. Perhaps to Yorkshire? :p

9th February 2008, 12:39
I've been working as a delievery driver lately. Bloody terrifying, some of it.

7 point turns are so much worse when they're on a steep hill in a narrow driveway, for example. I've grown to hate that one particular driveway. It has high curbs on both sides, so that on the way in you bottom out the left side of the car and the right side on the way out. And you can't try to avoid them because the driveway goes sharply left and downhill :/

9th February 2008, 21:36
I was a delivery driver for a while and didn't really have a problem. All you have to remember then is that it's not your car that you're driving :D ;)

Best thing was that I was in a Transit and the turbo of the thing meant that it would just take off in 2nd and 3rd gears when you put your foot down, great larf. Best though was the Ford Ranger pickup which went sideways at the drop of a hat. First time it happened to me I was just innocently driving round a car park when I realised that I had the back out. Was easier to do by accident than on purpose though.

9th February 2008, 23:05
But it is my car! :(

9th February 2008, 23:41
Best thing was that I was in a Transit and the turbo of the thing meant that it would just take off in 2nd and 3rd gears when you put your foot down, great larf.

I always take off in 2nd in my Boxer. 1st just useless, only use it on steep hill starts. Since it has a knackered gearbox/lever, I sometimes accidentally select 3rd, instead of 1st gear. It even starts with 3rd with no problem.

10th February 2008, 10:57
But it is my car! :(

Probably best not to crash into things then :D

11th February 2008, 12:23
I've done the loud revving when they've been outside just to make sure they know I'm doing loads of point turns. The beeping from the parking sensors is also pretty loud when I have the windows open and I make a point of trying to go as close to the continuous beep as possible. If they had an ounce of commence sense they would realise there is a problem. Other neighbours have noticed what I'm doing an spoke to me about it.

If anyone can get off my driveway without doing a minimum of a 7 point turn I will give them tonights winning Euro numbers. ;)

Have you thought about reversing into your drive or is it too steep? Have you any friends/tradesmen who have old cars who could damage your neighbours car for you? ;)