View Full Version : People you know on the TV

Hazell B
1st February 2008, 15:34
How often do you see people you know personally on TV?

Year or two ago I happened to appear on two BBC2 shows in one evening, both times wandering about as a solo person who just happened to be filmed without my knowing. One was at a hedgelaying championship and the other outside York Minster - so both pure chance.

This afternoon we watched two antique shows and an old friend (a silver dealer) was on both, buying items at auction. He's been on Flog It twice this week, too.

I bet there's not a person in England who hasn't been filmed for TV at least once in their life, though I expect most of us would never even know.

Ever seen yourself on TV?

1st February 2008, 15:40
I was filmed as a spectator at a rally 2.5 years ago. There were only me and Jaanus(another forum member) on screen and we were easily distinguishable. An other friend of mine happened to watch that programme too and spotted me. :)

Dave B
1st February 2008, 16:43
My better half is (very briefly) in the title sequence of a current ITV1 show, so once per week at the moment.

1st February 2008, 16:52
I didn't see myself, but I knew where I would have been, just not clear enough, when Manfred Stohl almost went into the ditch on Epynt in '06.

My sister was on TV at the Harry Potter 6 launch asking JK a question, and getting her copy.

1st February 2008, 17:13
I've manage to get on tv during the Darts numerous times over the last few years. The last time was about a month ago at the World Championships at the Alexandra Palace. Seeing as we were sat at the front, I was on tv for pretty much the entire day. :D

I've also go myself on tv during the football, rugby, cricket and f1 in the past.

A friend of mine is going to feature on a primetime BBC 1 game show pretty soon. It's something with John Barryman, apparently a guy from Torchwood but I wouldn't have a clue. It's already been filmed and my mate has won money but still won't tell anyone how much though. :p

1st February 2008, 18:35
A course mate from uni was filmed on a documentary about binge drinking in nottingham. I think he was being carried out of a pub at the time. Not a good way to get your face on tv. :(

1st February 2008, 18:46
My computer teacher at school was once on tv, in a Jeopardy-like game. I don't remember if he won something too.
I'm not sure myself, but I've heard that my physics teacher also took part in one such game and won a car.

Hazell B
1st February 2008, 20:15
My better half is (very briefly) in the title sequence of a current ITV1 show, so once per week at the moment.

Is Women Stuck with Dodgy Blokes still on ITV? :p :

Forgot, I was on Pet Rescue a few times with one of my dogs (he was filmed being rescued as a puppy), Barking Mad (horse behaviourist-ing) and my Land Rover without fail appeared in crowd shots at Hickstead, Bramham, Burghley and assorted other snotty horse stuff. I was once also shown at York races with somebody I shouldn't have been with, by my boss who was expecting me at work, but the less said about that incident the better :D

1st February 2008, 20:18
I was in the studio audience for a BBC comedy show. Also my Mum was filmed as an extra for some drama with that nut job that was in Eastenders in the mid or late 90s. Sadly her starring role was struck from the final edit due to creative differences ;)

1st February 2008, 20:22
Don't think I've ever been on TV and I don't really know anybody that has been on TV :p :

Hazell wasn't Naburn filmed for Top Gear, did Naburn ever make it onto the tele?

1st February 2008, 23:17
Never seen myself or anyone I know on TV.

2nd February 2008, 00:53
My mate is a reporter for Granada. As for me, I'm yet to be seen on TV unless I've popped up on Crimewatch and I don't know about it haha!

2nd February 2008, 05:27
Whenever a film crew came to my primary school I and my friends would continuously walk back and forth behind the camera in an attempt to get on TV. It never worked though, it just annoyed the film crew.

I've seen a few people I know on TV, most recently on a TV news item about Movember.

3rd February 2008, 16:45
Very briefly been on match of the day as the camera panned onto a player taking a throw in.

My cousin has been on Hollyoaks!

4th February 2008, 07:06
Yeah, that reminded me - my history teacher at high school is a regular on a New Zealand soap opera that I don't watch - and the character has exactly the same name as my uncle.

4th February 2008, 07:37
People may consider me a ghosthunter team because of my appearance on a live TV show when the program was being filmed in my neighbor home.

4th February 2008, 14:02
I sell to P. Allen Smith, who has his own TV show, in fact I talked to him on the phone Friday and I've got an order going to him this week! :D

P. Allen Smith (http://www.pallensmith.com/index.php?id=1)

4th February 2008, 19:52
A friend of mine appeared on Countdown a few years back, still in the Richard Whiteley era. He'd have done a bit better but for a couple of incorrect declarations, as it took a few rounds for him to hit his stride.

Less than a year later, and completely unannounced to us, he also appeared on the Weakest Link. Unfortunately, after a first round where everyone answered their questions correctly, it was pot luck who would be voted off, and he was chosen for wearing a bright orange shirt that, in the words of one fellow contestant, "makes him look like a traffic cone" :s Cue hugely amusing strop during the post-vote interview...

He's going to stand for Reading Council this year, and may well be an MP in future, so a future on the BBC's election coverage possibly beckons. At which point my mate and I will ask very nicely if Auntie Beeb can dig out the footage of Trafficconegate...

4th February 2008, 23:07
My neighbor does the local news. Grandfather worked with CNN in their early years and earlier CBS.

Mp3 Astra
4th February 2008, 23:59
I've appeared briefly in BTCC broadcasts in 2001 and 2002.

My Parents were on the BBC show "House Invaders" - the show where they decorate 3 rooms of your house. Anna Ryder Richardon was the presenter. I wasn't allowed to be there. That was about 7 years ago.

Two of my female friends were on the Jules Holland Hootenany, the 2007-8 edition. The camera did a close up of them when Mika was announced to be the next performer. They did not look amused. :D

9 years ago, my school's village was filmed for having their Pumpkin competition, and several of my friends were on that too.

My mum was interviewed by a news programme many years ago, when she was a nurse.

As you can see, I have so many rubbish TV experiences!

5th February 2008, 01:33
I was on the ARC review of Rally of Melbourne, got 2.5 seconds of me driving the Charade WRC down a straight bit of road.


5th February 2008, 02:52
Wasn't Charade a Daihatsu? That's good knowing people do rallying in a Daihatsu. I ever read that from 1999 they were subsidiary company of Toyota, not much people know that, they know Daihatsu and Toyota are different.

5th February 2008, 03:38
Yep it's a Daihatsu and there are quite a few rallying in my hometown of Canberra.

Mine's a 3cyl turbo GTti.


5th February 2008, 11:19
My brother got into the broadcast of the Goodwood FOS last year. He was staring into space next to the start of the rally stage. He was actually on the big screen there for about three minutes.
One of my lecturers at university appears on TV occasionally.

5th February 2008, 15:02
How often do you see people you know personally on TV?

Year or two ago I happened to appear on two BBC2 shows in one evening, both times wandering about as a solo person who just happened to be filmed without my knowing. One was at a hedgelaying championship and the other outside York Minster - so both pure chance.

This afternoon we watched two antique shows and an old friend (a silver dealer) was on both, buying items at auction. He's been on Flog It twice this week, too.

I bet there's not a person in England who hasn't been filmed for TV at least once in their life, though I expect most of us would never even know.

Ever seen yourself on TV?

Have they already shown the Top Gear episode Naburn was in? I don't mean those times he's been disguised as the Stig, but that time they were filming near your place.

Hazell B
5th February 2008, 19:20
Hazell wasn't Naburn filmed for Top Gear, did Naburn ever make it onto the tele?

No he didn't, but the car wizzed past neighbouring fields three times :rolleyes: then cut away about ten yards from our trees and hedges starting. Frustrating, as I'd swap all Naburn's other TV stuff (which was all a pain in the buttocks to film) for one second on something I actually choose to watch :p :

If anyone's watching repeats on some obscure channel of Pet Rescue the dog's on about half way through the penultimate series and then in the top ten count down of favourite animals (the last ever episode made) according to my neighbour. She videos him :mark: . I have no idea why he was chosen for the last show, other than the ruddy RSPCA made me sign something before I could adopt Naburn. Never thought they'd take up that contract :rolleyes:

6th February 2008, 03:06
Yep it's a Daihatsu and there are quite a few rallying in my hometown of Canberra.

Mine's a 3cyl turbo GTti.


When was it produced, thought Toyota pulled Daihatsu out of Australian market in 2003, but I don't know exactly the story.