View Full Version : Turn off the lights and close the door when you leave.

Rex Monaco
1st February 2008, 01:17
CART is dead. CCWS was just a dream. It's time to move on. Good night.

1st February 2008, 01:24
Oh. Ok. Bye.

1st February 2008, 02:21
Smell ya later!

1st February 2008, 05:52
CART is dead. CCWS was just a dream. It's time to move on. Good night.

If CCWS is dead then why are you here?

I will have a good night and will wake up in the morning on my way to Spring Training at Sebring. Funny I saw the transporters there today. Doesn't look like lights out to me.

Rex Monaco
1st February 2008, 06:32
If CCWS is dead then why are you here?

CCWS isn't dead. And if your head wasn't buried so deep in the sand, you'd have noticed that I didn't say it was.

Well at least not yet it isn't. But give it time (and not much). Because nobody seems to be trying very hard to keep it alive.

It's also not CART. It never was. And it looks to me like it never will be.

And I am here because I was here when it was CART. And I still lurk hoping to see that CCWS has risen out of CART's ashes.

Instead after 4 years of lurking, there are still smoldering ambers that have yet to be doused with anything but gasoline.

Rex Monaco
1st February 2008, 06:38
I will have a good night and will wake up in the morning on my way to Spring Training at Sebring. Funny I saw the transporters there today. Doesn't look like lights out to me.

Wow, you saw transporters. I guess that means a full grids, live network TV coverage and the stands at LBGP will be sold out.

Just like the old days, except for those few things that won't happen YET AGAIN this year.

1st February 2008, 07:12
Enjoy the last tango in Sebring. Please report back on how electric and upbeat the atmosphere is. I am sure that the test will be swarming with phantom sponsors, big time CC fan site media stars like Mark C. and E. Rasmussen Holm along with CC defense squad fan forum posters like "Paper", Sandfly and yourself. Why not invite all nine of them to Sonny's BBQ (a proud ChampCar sponsor!) for a Fanatics meeting wherein everyone can have some fun betting on who might fill the TEN open seats by Long Beach. Say "hi" to PaulieG String for me and please tell him that Chaim says "thanks for the mammaries".

1st February 2008, 07:20
You all who have given up, well go on bye bye!!!

I'm currently pushing for new venues, and better things for Champcar!!

I don't give up easily.

1st February 2008, 08:45
I have paid the electric for the year and then told them to close the door and turn off the light.

Dr. Krogshöj
1st February 2008, 08:49
Good bye. You won't be missed.

1st February 2008, 09:13
i stopped visiting this forum 4 years ago. I decided to come back this week and people are still talking about the same things!

There should be a ban on these 'would the last person turn out the lights' threads, they are such a yawn.

1st February 2008, 09:19
Good bye. You won't be missed.

That was grown up,adieu.

1st February 2008, 11:46
can we close this pathetic excuse of a thread already? its another pissing contest!