View Full Version : Oh, nice people

30th January 2008, 16:05
At times you get the feeling humanity isn't going to the toilet just yet.
I girl who either lives in my floor or was visiting someone rang my doorbell to inform I had left the keys in lock. (two hours before)
Fortunately no one had taken the key ring as it had two keys to my workplace too, it would have been a hassle to get a new keys for those.

30th January 2008, 17:37
This same thing happened to my dad about a week ago. He had a frozen shoulder at the time and was in alot of pain. He went out and managed to open the door and let himself in the house but didn't take the keys out of the door as he'd got distracted by the pain. The postman rang the doorbell the next morning to tell him he'd left the keys in the door. On his key ring included keys to the house as well as the keys to his car which was also still parked on the drive way. Doh.

Maybe January is just a lucky month for this kind of thing. :)

31st January 2008, 02:34
I experienced the same end of last year when attending annual meeting in a five star hotel in the city. Thought I came late for the meeting and in my hurry I forgot to put off the ignition from my bike and went directly to the meeting room. I prefer using bike to avoid coming late for traffic jam.

I was shocked when I found nothing on my pocket and bag once the meeting ended and everybody coming home. The ignition key was hanging on the bike the whole day. I felt being relieved once the parking service ask my bike document and found it matched with bike which the key he has taken from. Nice person. There's no disadvantage treating others nicely.

31st January 2008, 07:17
My aunt ownes an apartment in my building and her entrance is directly in the street. She came and cleaned it then went and forgot the keys in lock. After four days 2 drunkers who used to stay and drink at her entrance rang to my door and told me about the keys. It's strange that in the country that offers the most thieves/ 1000 inhabitants nobody entered.

On the other hand my mother and aunt found in the street a huge wallet with a lot of money and official papers. It belonged to a judge that lived in the nearby. They rang her up but nobody answered and the funny thing was that my relatives were really scared. Then I came home with the weird idea that maybe one of the guys who were convicted by her killed her and throw away the wallet as a diversion. After 5 hours we managed to find her and she was so rude to don't offer anything to the old ladies.

31st January 2008, 07:27
The drink didn't totally work yet to the drunkers. They still can distinguish easily between key and its hunger and money.

31st January 2008, 08:57
It was in December when I lost a cheque for 620 € and the person who found it took the time to call my boss to ask him my phone and minutes later gave me a phone call telling me where to pick my lost money.

31st January 2008, 15:52
On Tuesday this week, my wife left the house to pick up our children from school, but left a boiling pot of eggs on the stove. After picking up our girls she went to the grocery store where she remembered about the eggs. Thank goodness for cell phones as she eventually reached a neighbor who, while she wasn't home herself, called another neighbor who went to our house and turned off the stove before the eggs caught fire and burned the house down!

Its a good thing my wife left the front door unlocked, too. Still, the house has stunk of burnt eggs, kind of like singed hair, for a couple of days now. Its just starting to clear out. If it weren't 30 degrees fahrenheit (-1 C) we'd have the windows open, but as it is we'd rather be warm than smell pretty!

Oh, yeah, the eggs burst and splattered all over the kitchen. What a mess.

31st January 2008, 16:47
Eggcellent story Breeze. Glad it all worked out.

Last summer while enjoying a day at the amusement park my bro-in-law realised that he had lost his Visa credit card. He immediatley rang up Visa to report a lost card. They told him that they had just received a call reporting his card found by someone who had dropped it off at the park lost 'n found. We picked up the card without even ever having to cancel it :) .

(Btw, at -1 deg. C we open the windows for some fresh air :p : )

31st January 2008, 16:52
Its a good thing my wife left the front door unlocked, too. Still, the house has stunk of burnt eggs, kind of like singed hair, for a couple of days now. Its just starting to clear out. If it weren't 30 degrees fahrenheit (-1 C) we'd have the windows open, but as it is we'd rather be warm than smell pretty!

Few years ago my old flat mate manage to char a bread in the oven, it took two hours of draft through the flat to get the smell of smoke out and it was -15 C outside, woolly socks for the win. :D

31st January 2008, 22:44
It really annoys me when people say society is going to hell in a handbasket and this is just proof it isn't, some nice stories! :)

1st February 2008, 07:45
It really annoys me when people say society is going to hell in a handbasket and this is just proof it isn't, some nice stories! :)

Hmm.... I've just told two positive examples but I know thousands of negative ones. Like guys who steal old poor pensioners' last money.