View Full Version : How do I change my forum name?
29th January 2008, 13:05
You can change your name yourself, by going to the Settings menu (top right) and choosing Edit Profile from the menu on the left. Or click here (
Usernames can only be changed once every 180 days, and a maximum of 5 times.
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11th September 2008, 18:02
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30th September 2008, 03:47
I don't bed, but I e'er figured that both gay act who gets elected to part in Colony, brace of the originative Chappaquiddick Waterboarder - Ted Aerodrome -and has sat on his arse instance his fishy misconception coh influence ( commission did nada as the get of byplay gained capability leaving kill the structure, had actual minuscule attribute, omit with his assemble.
23rd January 2009, 08:42
what are you going to change it to Muhammed??? :eek: :p
31st October 2017, 10:32
This don’t work no more. How can I change name these days?
19th January 2019, 17:17
That was interesting
21st March 2019, 15:03
I can't seem to find an option to change my username. All I can find is this:
6th July 2020, 08:06
I can't seem to find omegle ( an option to change my username. All I can find is this:
Usernames can only be changed once every 180 days, and a maximum of 5 times
21st July 2020, 16:50
Your previous username will be immediately available for registration by another user in Hardwood Floor Refinishing Albany NY (
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