View Full Version : Happy Birthday raikk

11th January 2007, 05:16
Happy birthday! :)

Finally 18, huh? You beat me to it (but only by 2 months) :D

Have a great day!

11th January 2007, 05:28
Happy birthday bud! May the Leafs take one in your honour against the Sabres!

11th January 2007, 06:53
thanks a lot guys! I can only hope that the Leafs can salvage a victory against the sabres... cheers to them!

11th January 2007, 07:16
Happy Birthday Raikk :)

11th January 2007, 09:12
Yeah Fella You made 18,
Happy Birthday to you Mate!
Hope it's all you want it to be,
I really hope it's a great year for you,
again Happy Birthday. :up:

11th January 2007, 09:22
Happy Birthday raikk. Now that you're officially a grown up, it's time to realize Habs is the team to cheer ;)

11th January 2007, 09:53
Happy B'day raikk :)

Brown, Jon Brow
11th January 2007, 10:04
Happy birthday! :)

Finally 18, huh? You beat me to it (but only by 2 months)

Have a great day!

Happy birthday! :)

Finally 18, huh? You beat me to it (but only by 1 month) :D

Have a great day!

:) :beer:

11th January 2007, 14:47
Happy birthday raikk! :)
Have a great day! :up:

Oh, and what A.F.F. said ;) :D :p :

11th January 2007, 16:15
Happy Birthday Raikk :D
You're now an adult, don't let old gits to tell you wich team you should cheer ;)

11th January 2007, 16:24
Many happy returns of your birthday :beer:

........even you have to admit Kimi looks better in red ;)

11th January 2007, 17:15
Feliz Cumpleaņos!!!!!

Hazell B
11th January 2007, 19:04
Happy Birthday :up:

11th January 2007, 19:06
Happy Birthday Raikk

11th January 2007, 19:45
Cheers mate!

Oh, and welcome to Tifosi Land. ;)

11th January 2007, 20:12
Happy Birthday raikk!

Mark in Oshawa
11th January 2007, 20:23
Happy Birthday!! Man, you are a pup, 18?? You are not even legal to drink in Ontario yet...hope there was no under age drinking when you were in Ontario last!!!

11th January 2007, 22:42
Hey raikk, as a birthday present, I'll allow you to change your sig... for a day :p : :D

race aficionado
11th January 2007, 23:15
Happy birthday Raikk.
I hope you had a good one.


:s mokin:

12th January 2007, 03:05
Happy Birthday! :beer:

12th January 2007, 03:25
Happy Birthday raikk!

Well...the Leafs won tonight. That should give you cause for celebration aside from your birthday. They beat one of the very best teams in the league and that is an accomplishment in itself because that Leaf team you support are teetering on the edge of not making the playoffs.

Have a good one! :beer:


oily oaf
12th January 2007, 07:33
Please accept my belated birthday greetings :mad:
I'm rather afraid that i spent yesterday suspended by the wrists from a ceiling beam while a Brazilian transexual window cleaner from Deal whipped me to within an inch of my life with his knotted undercrackers.
But hey! We've all been there Right?............................................ .................................................. .......................Right? :(

12th January 2007, 22:45
haha hey thanks a lot every one! I had to work on my bday tho but Ill be doing the ''celebrations'' today ..
@Hawkmoon: Not a tifosi fan yet ;) , I like Hamilton..
@Viv :thanks a lot!
@Dazz9908: cheers mate! ohh and thanks for the karting tips ;)
@AFF: I may be older but I still know that the Habs are evil..thx for the support tho
@Storm: thanks a lot and cheers!
@BJB: thanks a lot and don't worry ure 18 will come soon enuff
@schmenke: thanks a lot pal.. my sig is like a bad rash on me arse!
@jso1985: thanks for the advice and Ill stay true to that
@CarlMetro: thanks for thehappy birthday but come on.... red?? :p :
@Donney: mucho gusto!
@Hazell B: thanks lotz!
@RaikkonenRules: thanks fello Kimi fan
@Woodeye: thanks muchz~
@Mark in Oshawa: welk,l I did drink some champain :s .. thnx for the happy bday wishes..
@race aficionado: thanks and I will today!
@Mallen: thanks a lot bud!
@Sirius: thanks but hopefully they will be a better team when Welly,Tucks and Poni become healthy!
@oily oaf: funny guy! Hope your journeys will take you to the next transvestite in town!
@canada: hey bud thx for the happy bday and hey.. we won! hopefully we will pwn the Nucks big time . cheers and Leafs Fans 4 Life!
@Xsara: thanks for starting a thread just bout me! jeez makes me feel like Jesus hahaha. anyways good luck to u and hope those Coyotes will do even better ;)

13th January 2007, 00:43
A bit late -- sorry about that -- but Happy Birthday!