View Full Version : This is burried in Monte Carlo thread, but you have to see this....

27th January 2008, 20:22
He is luckly gendarme.....
Seen it at least 10 times, unbelievable....


27th January 2008, 20:43
He is luckly gendarme.....
Seen it at least 10 times, unbelievable....

Maaaaaaaaaaaaan! Scary. Don't let Pino see this. We all know how much he likes the Gendarmerie ;)

27th January 2008, 20:48
woah, that was way too close

27th January 2008, 21:16
Here is another lucky one ... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=QRVII5Zlcos

27th January 2008, 21:48
Cool as a cucumber :cool:

27th January 2008, 21:52
This doesn't surprise me at all...not after Montecarlo 2006 :crazy:

27th January 2008, 22:19
how come you a allowed to be so close in monte when u have to be so far away from the road in sweden that u have to use binoculars??

27th January 2008, 22:24
No worries. Just looking at the way he walks across the track he must have known he would make it across, he had the situation under control :p

27th January 2008, 22:58
Try pausing it when the car is at its very closest!

He did look quite cool about it but he must have completely sh!t himself.

27th January 2008, 23:00
how come you a allowed to be so close in monte when u have to be so far away from the road in sweden that u have to use binoculars??
You should go to Rally Australia. Just remember your telescope :)

27th January 2008, 23:47
how come you a allowed to be so close in monte when u have to be so far away from the road in sweden that u have to use binoculars??

I thought Sweden was a great rally for getting close, a lot easier than some other events.. *cough*Australia*cough* :p :

28th January 2008, 06:33
I thought Sweden was a great rally for getting close, a lot easier than some other events......

I totally agree, and that's one of the reason I love Sweden so much :D

28th January 2008, 08:00
It is a little fun that he at the same time waves at the others to back of... Mind your own business gets a new meaning... :)
BTW: I just turned 900. Not much to celebrate, but it has taken me three years and three month...

28th January 2008, 10:32
He is luckly gendarme.....
Seen it at least 10 times, unbelievable....

Holy smoke! What an idiot. I hope this gets back to the Monte organisers.

Here is another lucky one ... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=QRVII5Zlcos
And I bet they thought they were safe, stood on the inside of the corner. I love the surprised look on the guy's face. He wasn't expecting that to happen! And thankfully he wasn't one of these idiots who jumps up and down and cheers like a retard when a car goes off in front of them.

28th January 2008, 11:55
I thought it was a guy :p

28th January 2008, 12:02
And I bet they thought they were safe, stood on the inside of the corner. I love the surprised look on the guy's face. He wasn't expecting that to happen! And thankfully he wasn't one of these idiots who jumps up and down and cheers like a retard when a car goes off in front of them.

Yeah that's probably where I would stand :D

28th January 2008, 12:08
I totally agree, and that's one of the reason I love Sweden so much :D


This photo was taken at 17mm, and we were about 1.5 metres away - although I will admit he got a bit closer than others ;)

28th January 2008, 12:17
The look on his face was comic genius, I gaurantee that first guy was scraping his undies out after that close shave with the C4!

28th January 2008, 12:18

This photo was taken at 17mm, and we were about 1.5 metres away - although I will admit he got a bit closer than others ;)

That was the closest I've ever been when spectating an event...great spot indeed :s mokin: :D

28th January 2008, 12:32
Damn take me with you when you next embark on a rally! Even closer than we get in New Zealand!!!

28th January 2008, 12:34
Damn take me with you when you next embark on a rally! Even closer than we get in New Zealand!!!

You need to be as crazy as J4MIE, Basher, and myself for that :p :

28th January 2008, 16:37
You need to be as crazy as J4MIE, Basher, and myself for that :p :

You and Daniel just love to get close :p :




28th January 2008, 16:39
As do I. :D


28th January 2008, 16:54
Nice shot Jonathan, but I can get closer than that :p :


We even stay in places next to the stages :D


(taken from the porch)

28th January 2008, 16:57
Oi Jamie you were there too and even closer than me :p

28th January 2008, 17:01
Oi Jamie you were there too and even closer than me :p

Any photos? :D

29th January 2008, 12:05


29th January 2008, 12:14
You need to be as crazy as J4MIE, Basher, and myself for that :p :

And I can tell you from my own experiences: that's really crazy! ;)

Brother John
29th January 2008, 12:19
You need to be as crazy as J4MIE, Basher, and myself for that :p :
That will be a nice and crazy weekend with some of this guys in Sweden. :D

29th January 2008, 12:24
You and Daniel just love to get close :p :


You should take note from that sensible guy in the red t-shirt, he looks the smartest of the bunch location-wise. ;)

29th January 2008, 12:31
Is this close enough for you ?? :D :D

29th January 2008, 13:18
You should take note from that sensible guy in the red t-shirt, he looks the smartest of the bunch location-wise. ;)
Jamie tagged that guy as AFF on Facebook :p

29th January 2008, 14:42
He is luckly gendarme.....
Seen it at least 10 times, unbelievable....


Form seb Web site:

Someone told me about the video that is on the Internet, where I brushed past a policeman. I had seen him from a distance, but hey, he did not hurry to cross the road! At no time did I think I was going to hit him. We tend to skim the walls to within 5 cm, and I can tell you that we skimmed him! It is true that it looks impressive on the video!

29th January 2008, 14:44
Jamie tagged that guy as AFF on Facebook :p

Yep, and he keep insisting that it's me while everybody knows I could never look so sensible as Janne.

29th January 2008, 14:55

This photo was taken at 17mm, and we were about 1.5 metres away - although I will admit he got a bit closer than others ;) This is my best effort: half a millimetre more away but my lens won't go further than 18mm. The distance is a bit less than 1 metre.


I've had a third "visitor" in that corner, after the rally he sent me an email to say he had recognised me on the onboard camera and wanted to buy the photo. :D But Belgium isn't a paradise for those who want to get close to the action, all spectator areas are 10 metre zones, not 10 cm like this one.

First prize for getting (too) close goes to my mates for this one:

Quiz: how close was that to the guys on the left? :p :

29th January 2008, 18:13
Yep, and he keep insisting that it's me while everybody knows I could never look so sensible as Janne.


You look pretty similar to me though :p :

29th January 2008, 18:17
This is my best effort: half a millimetre more away but my lens won't go further than 18mm. The distance is a bit less than 1 metre.

Nice pics :up: Was that a right-hander?

First prize for getting (too) close goes to my mates for this one:

Quiz: how close was that to the guys on the left? :p :

Very close, but did they get the pics before they started running? :p :

29th January 2008, 18:22
You look pretty similar to me though :p :
Only from behind and at a distance :)
to be honest, it could be me in that pic as well, so let's forget the smartness of it. ;)

29th January 2008, 18:38
We have only 1 life so please no more accidents.

In rally finland we have luck 1984
http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=ay43m_xNhtc 2004...
Only 7 to hospital all save thir life

Luckily all save their life..

2times 'I have been near bad accident in my home rally.

1995 Bruno Thiry was driving 0-car and 4 spectators walk on the road.
There was very heavy rain so it was hard to hear Gr n cars sound.
It was 6 left....
3 boys jump right 1 girl jump left and bruno turn left..
about 20 years old girl died. My rally feelings was 0. I was only 500 m from that accident place and i saw all what ambulance mans tried to do :-(

Next year SSS Harju in central of Jycäskylä city. Driver from Danmark haven´t notes. Driver take wrong line and speed was about 150km/h and.... then nightmare was live. 1 belgian men died and 34 spectators to hospital.
My frien lost his shoe under car . Belgian spectator was HERO. He jumped over finnish girl when he saw the car. Down was young girl.. then Belgian and then Mitsubishi gr N car.. Thet was the end of SSS HARJU. Hopefully every drivers who try to drive fast have notes and every spectators take one step back.

RIP young lady and Belgian hero

See you in sweden and one step back

29th January 2008, 19:29
I can't help but feel a bit disappointed about the views of most posters here that "the closer the better". I thought serious rally fans like you would be more a little bit more responsible.

29th January 2008, 19:39

You look pretty similar to me though :p :

You frigging paparazzis. Leave Britney and me ALONE !!

29th January 2008, 19:42
I'm continually amazed how there haven't been an accident with serious consequences at Rally Finland in last few years. From the Petter's Ouninpohja record run there is clearly seen how close spectators stand from the road, and that after the jumps and crests, often after several crests where the driver could easily lose the car. Remember when Petter(again) flew through bushes when he had broken the rear spoiler? Rather lucky that there were no spectators there.

29th January 2008, 21:56
You frigging paparazzis. Leave Britney and me ALONE !!

So it's your fault that she went nuts and shaved her head :p : :laugh:

You b*****d ;)

29th January 2008, 22:05
You frigging paparazzis. Leave Britney and me ALONE !!

I knew there was something strange in janneppi ... :eek:

29th January 2008, 22:09
So it's your fault that she went nuts and shaved her head :p : :laugh:

You b*****d ;)

That's the thing. She went to too many nuts.

29th January 2008, 22:16

Weeeeeeird :p

30th January 2008, 03:25
You need to be as crazy as J4MIE, Basher, and myself for that :p :

I qualify in the crazy department for sure! Crazy is my middle name mate! haha

Just ask Mr paparazzi about our driving antics in Rally japan hahahah

30th January 2008, 04:21
um but sorry guys, how is it that a few years ago when i posted up about me wanting to be very close to the stages to get shots, in Australia, that i got slightly "bashed" in other words for me wanting to be right at the edge of a stage to get a shot, to be in an unsafe area etc, yet here for example Daniel and/or j4mie got closer, and now ya'll are showing off your photos? I don't get it.....

30th January 2008, 04:40
um but sorry guys, how is it that a few years ago when i posted up about me wanting to be very close to the stages to get shots, in Australia, that i got slightly "bashed" in other words for me wanting to be right at the edge of a stage to get a shot, to be in an unsafe area etc, yet here for example Daniel and/or j4mie got closer, and now ya'll are showing off your photos? I don't get it.....

It is the hypocrisy of experience.

Do as I say not as I do...

30th January 2008, 06:29
As always there are stupid places that are close and there are smart places that are close...

There was one corner (a slight right into a tight left over a narrow bridge) in NZ and I would stand just behind a fence post on inside of the corner, cars come by at close to 140-150kmph only 10 cm away, you could see the white of the drivers eyes! Was a great corner, 5 years in a row and never a problem. Now I was super close but yet was still safe as mmiles back you could see if the driver was going to make a mistake thus there was a massive tree to duck behind right next to me.

There is close + safe. We have all seen the other photos/video of people on outsides of corners sprayed with stones and occasionally being run over...theres a "stupid" close...

30th January 2008, 06:49
um but sorry guys, how is it that a few years ago when i posted up about me wanting to be very close to the stages to get shots, in Australia, that i got slightly "bashed" in other words for me wanting to be right at the edge of a stage to get a shot, to be in an unsafe area etc, yet here for example Daniel and/or j4mie got closer, and now ya'll are showing off your photos? I don't get it.....

Mattew, I've spectated many events with J4MIE and Puddle Jumper and altough we've been very close to the cars many times, never once we've been in an unsafe spot.We normally get to a stage in good time so we have plenty of time to choose the best spot available, which usually is the inside of a turn or the outside but far away from the track. The only really danger for us has been everytime... J4MIE started arguing with Marshall :p :

30th January 2008, 09:55
um but sorry guys, how is it that a few years ago when i posted up about me wanting to be very close to the stages to get shots, in Australia, that i got slightly "bashed" in other words for me wanting to be right at the edge of a stage to get a shot, to be in an unsafe area etc, yet here for example Daniel and/or j4mie got closer, and now ya'll are showing off your photos? I don't get it.....

That's because they are moderators and you are not. Get yourself promoted and we'll kiss your ass too ;)

30th January 2008, 09:57
You were on the outside of the corner ggno1. Always the worst place.

30th January 2008, 13:06
Try telling that to the dude who got cleaned up by McRae in NZ back in the late 90's,inside of the corner and WALLLOP, 3 sommersaults + shattered leg later...and no he wasn't in a stupid place, just happened that McRae made a MASSIVE cut on the corner and he was looking through a lens which didn't help...

Also GGno1's picture that you were steaming about was a 90 right on the super special in NZ and Matt was situated on the drivers side of the straight before the turn, so if he was going to be hit by anything, then it was only stones....to hit him the driver would have to turn the total opposite of the way the corner goes....

30th January 2008, 13:14
That bloke WAS in a stupid place. When there is a ditch on the inside of a corner you generally don't stand in it, unless you want to do some somersaults and get a broken leg ;)

As for the cut from McRae, not massive just a standard rally driver's cut on a corner like that.

30th January 2008, 13:18
That bloke WAS in a stupid place. When there is a ditch on the inside of a corner you generally don't stand in it, unless you want to do some somersaults and get a broken leg ;)

As for the cut from McRae, not massive just a standard rally driver's cut on a corner like that.

Sorry but as someone who was on the corner and saw it happen, I beg to differ. he was only JUST clipped and the cut was a b*oody good one by McRae, incredibly fast.

30th January 2008, 13:18
plus i was behind a thick pole, and hay stack in that corner...

30th January 2008, 15:20
Try telling that to the dude who got cleaned up by McRae in NZ back in the late 90's,inside of the corner and WALLLOP, 3 sommersaults + shattered leg later...and no he wasn't in a stupid place, just happened that McRae made a MASSIVE cut on the corner and he was looking through a lens which didn't help...

Also GGno1's picture that you were steaming about was a 90 right on the super special in NZ and Matt was situated on the drivers side of the straight before the turn, so if he was going to be hit by anything, then it was only stones....to hit him the driver would have to turn the total opposite of the way the corner goes....

He could still get hit by the car if the driver overcooks their flicks.

30th January 2008, 15:22
He could still get hit by the car if the driver overcooks their flicks.
My point exactly and with people like Conrad around that's not unlikely :)

As for the guy on the inside of the corner he was in the ditch which is dumb. Jamie, rallybasher, janneppi, pino and myself were well out of the ditch :)

30th January 2008, 15:23
Actually this wasn't the first time Seb had nearly hit a spectator. I have(or had) an onboard video of him on some SS in Argentina and there he also nearly brushed a spectator in a right hand corner.

30th January 2008, 15:26
As for the guy on the inside of the corner he was in the ditch which is dumb. Jamie, rallybasher, janneppi, pino and myself were well out of the ditch :)

I imagine a good place to get close to the car is standing on a bank on the inside of a corner. That way the car hits the bank, not you.

And you can stand on the other side of a ditch and still get hit - the ditch didn't stop Petter in Finland in 2004. (Sure, that was after the corner had ended already.)

30th January 2008, 15:37
Picture taken from a safe place:


And another:


Picture with true emotion:


30th January 2008, 16:13
Nice pics :up: Was that a right-hander?
Yes, this was the picture I took when he was in the corner:


It was quite a slow corner, so not dangerous to stand there (although the photos don't really make it look like it). I wouldn't want to stand so close on the outside though.

Very close, but did they get the pics before they started running? :p :
Off course! :D


30th January 2008, 16:23
As for the guy on the inside of the corner he was in the ditch which is dumb. Jamie, rallybasher, janneppi, pino and myself were well out of the ditch :)
Well, some more than others ;)


30th January 2008, 18:09
It looks like I'm doing something to Pino who's doing something to J4mie...... :uhoh:

30th January 2008, 19:37
Picture taken from a safe place:


And another:


Picture with true emotion:

Thos pictures show quite well that you don't always have to be right up close to get a good pic :)

30th January 2008, 22:27
Next year SSS Harju in central of Jycäskylä city. Driver from Danmark haven´t notes. Driver take wrong line and speed was about 150km/h and.... then nightmare was live. 1 belgian men died and 34 spectators to hospital.
My frien lost his shoe under car . Belgian spectator was HERO. He jumped over finnish girl when he saw the car. Down was young girl.. then Belgian and then Mitsubishi gr N car.. Thet was the end of SSS HARJU. Hopefully every drivers who try to drive fast have notes and every spectators take one step back.

Sorry to hear your experiences satukata :( However we have to remember that when you are at a rally there is absolutely nowhere that is safe. Of course there are locations that are safer than others, but even being well off to the side on a straight part of road doesn't mean that accidents won't happen. Car parts can break and cause cars to go off, unexpected bumps can put cars off, incorrect pacenotes etc. Of course, there is no substitute for distance between yourself and a competing car. However, I think all of the photos that have been shown are probably misleading. Most of the time a wide angle lens can give a different perspective, and especially Juha's photos have been taken when the cars are spinning and are probably quite slow or stopped. You'd really have to go and visit the spot before you can make a reasoned judgement on whether it was a stupid place to stand or not. As well as standing in what I believe to be sensible places, I always make sure that there is an escape route, somewhere that I can run/jump to as a last resort if I can see that I need to! I'm sure Pino will also agree that I have found places at events that would have been brilliant photos from, but because it was a dangerous place I moved on or took from a different angle.

Also GGno1's picture that you were steaming about was a 90 right on the super special in NZ and Matt was situated on the drivers side of the straight before the turn, so if he was going to be hit by anything, then it was only stones....to hit him the driver would have to turn the total opposite of the way the corner goes....

...which is always possible. Here's a shot I got in Sardinia:


I can't recall the photo he posted but I doubt I would criticise anyone unless I had been in that place previously or knew exactly where it was.

30th January 2008, 22:33
Next year SSS Harju in central of Jycäskylä city. Driver from Danmark haven´t notes. Driver take wrong line and speed was about 150km/h and.... then nightmare was live. 1 belgian men died and 34 spectators to hospital.
My frien lost his shoe under car . Belgian spectator was HERO. He jumped over finnish girl when he saw the car. Down was young girl.. then Belgian and then Mitsubishi gr N car.. Thet was the end of SSS HARJU. Hopefully every drivers who try to drive fast have notes and every spectators take one step back.

Sorry to hear your experiences satukata :( However we have to remember that when you are at a rally there is absolutely nowhere that is safe. Of course there are locations that are safer than others, but even being well off to the side on a straight part of road doesn't mean that accidents won't happen. Car parts can break and cause cars to go off, unexpected bumps can put cars off, incorrect pacenotes etc. Of course, there is no substitute for distance between yourself and a competing car. However, I think all of the photos that have been shown are probably misleading. Most of the time a wide angle lens can give a different perspective, and especially Juha's photos have been taken when the cars are spinning and are probably quite slow or stopped. You'd really have to go and visit the spot before you can make a reasoned judgement on whether it was a stupid place to stand or not. As well as standing in what I believe to be sensible places, I always make sure that there is an escape route, somewhere that I can run/jump to as a last resort if I can see that I need to! I'm sure Pino will also agree that I have found places at events that would have been brilliant photos from, but because it was a dangerous place I moved on or took from a different angle.

Also GGno1's picture that you were steaming about was a 90 right on the super special in NZ and Matt was situated on the drivers side of the straight before the turn, so if he was going to be hit by anything, then it was only stones....to hit him the driver would have to turn the total opposite of the way the corner goes....

...which is always possible. Here's a shot I got in Sardinia:


Now while it's an average photo, there was a few of us running at that point cos he was meant to be going right (road direction is between the two trees)! However the marshal didn't have time to move cos he was relaxing back in his seat (I won't say anything ;) ). In all the rallies I have been to that is the only time I have seen that happen.

I can't recall the photo GGNo1Fan posted but I doubt I would criticise anyone unless I had been in that place previously or knew exactly where it was.

30th January 2008, 22:55
Of course there are locations that are safer than others, but even being well off to the side on a straight part of road doesn't mean that accidents won't happen. Car parts can break and cause cars to go off, unexpected bumps can put cars off, incorrect pacenotes etc.

Agreed. My brother go hit in the face by a fairly big stone in the Forest of Dean once even though we were on a straight. On another occasion we were watching at Avon Park/St Leonards on the Sunseeker (great stage and a shame they don't do it anymore) and a 6R4 hit a lump of wood (on the edge of a karting track) which came flying towards me. It wasn't the worst situation anyone's been in but I don't think I've ever moved quicker in my life

30th January 2008, 23:29
What happened to not standing on the outside of corners? JAM's second photo has people standing on the outside of the hairpin, and I saw similar situations in the footage from Monte Carlo. Why does the safety car not get them to move somewhere else?

31st January 2008, 03:53
If a driver was to over-cook his flicks, then technically no matter where you stand, inside, outside you have a good chance of being collected. Thus up a bank above roof level of the car is the only "safe" place...

Rallying does present this issue to spectators although you just need to be street smart about where you spectate from. Most of us here on the forums know where is safe and where isn't thus we have no issues. However time and time again im sure we see people standing in stupid places thinking they are totally safe....

We do put a lot of faith in our drivers to not cock it up however being human mistakes do happen from time to time.

31st January 2008, 14:06
Only really safe place would be a strong branch of a sturdy tree. ;)

Langdale Forest
31st January 2008, 18:20
That man who nearly got hit by loeb was really lucky.

31st January 2008, 20:53
To fit the issue, probably the highest rate of spectator crazyness was reached in Portugal in the 80's. I made an "artistic" video about it a little while ago.


We should be happy it ain't as bad as this anymore.

31st January 2008, 21:39
That man who nearly got hit by loeb was really lucky.

Not really. I think Loeb was able to see the guy early enough, he just kept his racing line as much as he could without hitting him.

31st January 2008, 22:02
Not really. I think Loeb was able to see the guy early enough, he just kept his racing line as much as he could without hitting him.
Do you honestly think Sebastien actually even saw him? :laugh:

I'm as much of a Sebastien fan as anyone on here but Sebastien wouldn't drive at a person on a stage.

1st February 2008, 02:40
Do you honestly think Sebastien actually even saw him? :laugh:

I'm as much of a Sebastien fan as anyone on here but Sebastien wouldn't drive at a person on a stage.

if you read seb's blog over at his site, he's claimed that he remembered seeing him on the stage, saying he wasn't moving fast enough

Brother John
1st February 2008, 06:05
That man who nearly got hit by loeb was really lucky.

You can also say that Loeb was lucky! It could have been a black day for the rally sport.

1st February 2008, 08:41
if you read seb's blog over at his site, he's claimed that he remembered seeing him on the stage, saying he wasn't moving fast enough
Sorry. What I meant to say was do you really think he had time to see the guy and alter his line? If you watch the video it just happens in a split second.

1st February 2008, 10:09
The camera angle could be deceptive since we can't see the road leading up to the corner. It looked like a fast corner (ie. not totally blind) and so maybe Loeb did see him crossing the road before he got there.

1st February 2008, 10:36
Seb has said that he did see him. He said that they skim walls about 50mm away and it's not that different from skimming a person at the same distance. As far as Loeb is concerned he doesn't want to hit either.

1st February 2008, 14:42
Most of the time a wide angle lens can give a different perspective, and especially Juha's photos have been taken when the cars are spinning and are probably quite slow or stopped. You'd really have to go and visit the spot before you can make a reasoned judgement on whether it was a stupid place to stand or not.They were nearly stopped. Actually there was a small ditch between me and the cars. At the speed they had there, it was still possible for me to take the escape route before they would reach me. I always make sure I can get away in time from where I'm standing, and have asked people to move a bit so they wouldn't block my "emergency exit".