View Full Version : media day

21st January 2008, 19:53
I am considering going to the btcc media day at rockingham this year, has anyone been before if so whats it like? I have seen some videos on you tube and it looks like you can go in the pitlane, if you are just a normal fan, no other passes needed, is this the case? And finally, is it worth a 5-6 hour round trip to go to, any help appreciated, thanks.

21st January 2008, 23:36
yes , yeas and yes. probably as close as you'll get to the cars and teams all year. the only time the teams don't have the pressure of racing and reprep!

no offence but it always amazes me that people still go on about how far it is to travel to any circuit.

think about the teams, support, media etc etc, who may travel 6,7 or 8 hours to get to your "local" circuit.

In a car, nowhere in the uk is "too far"!

No matter how far it is come along and enjoy the show, you know you'll love it really!

22nd January 2008, 01:14
785 miles to a touring car race! That's the furthest I travelled last year!

Thoroughly enjoyed the racing!

To Rockingham, if you are a fan, should be a dodle!

22nd January 2008, 11:26
Those 2 have described it so well i am speechless LOL Great day out and oppertunity to get a close up look believe me you WILL enjoy.....I'll be there Woo-Hoo!!!

22nd January 2008, 11:39
You not be aloud in the pit lane without a permit, although you can get into the paddock and look in the back of the garages (as with any other race). Rockingham also has a spectator area on the roof of the garages so you can stand up there and look down into the pit area fine.

22nd January 2008, 15:37
I spent the whole afternoon in the Pit-Lane without being challenged apart from when testing began and even then managed to get back in and watch tyre changes close up great day....

22nd January 2008, 16:58
permit how the hell do you get one of those. is it from the teams or something

22nd January 2008, 19:18
to be honest did not mean it like that, thanks for that will defiantly be going

22nd January 2008, 19:44
Last year we got to Rockingham at about 11.15 and they wouldn't let us in - said public weren't admitted until testing began, at 1pm. We just parked by the gate, along with a few other people, and they eventually let us in at about 12, so it was still possible to get into the pitlane. This year, the publicity clearly states that the public won't be allowed in until 1pm, so maybe it won't be quite as easy to get in before that as it was last year.

22nd January 2008, 20:06
This year, the publicity clearly states that the public won't be allowed in until 1pm, so maybe it won't be quite as easy to get in before that as it was last year.

It was like that last year, we organise to get there for 1pm turned and everyone was already in!

22nd January 2008, 22:40
Same with me!

No one stopped me at the main gate, at the tunnel entrance and the exit to the paddock. Even into the pit lane!

They have great security at the Rock! :s mokin:

22nd January 2008, 23:02
We was stopped at the main gate (on the road in), only to be told to park in the car park and go straight in tho!

6th March 2008, 14:29
Do they do the promo photographs (on the track) in the morning then? It's a shame they don't let the public in to see that too!

6th March 2008, 18:35
Do they do the promo photographs (on the track) in the morning then? It's a shame they don't let the public in to see that too!

watching a few hacks almost falling out the back of an Alhambra isn't that memorable....

but if the public came in, there'd be no bacon butties left for us :D

6th March 2008, 22:50
I'm defo going. I only live 10 minutes away and its a great afternoon, if last year is anything to go by! I'll be hoping to see some MG's on track too...
A chance to see all the new teams, liveries, drivers and newly announced deals all for FREE! Why wouldn't you go?!
Bring it on!

7th March 2008, 16:29
me and the wife will cert be there too last year was awsome

if the weather holds out then ill bring my new bike out to for a run and scrub the tyers in.