View Full Version : What do you think of this new toy?

race aficionado
10th January 2007, 16:58

too much in one box or just perfect?

I would wait for the second generation of this one before even thinking of getting it.

It is a Mac, I am a Mac man but new toys have a tendency to come with bugs of some sort.

I also wonder what the sticker price will be.

It looks cool though.

:s mokin:

Dave B
10th January 2007, 17:00
A lot of it hinges on the build quality, especially the touchscreen.

It's a lovely idea in principal, though.

10th January 2007, 17:10
The reports I heard was that it should retail for $499.

I have no need for it. I don't want to watch anything on a screen that small regardless of who makes it. The touchscreen shouldn't be a problem, many of the GPS units use them and work very well.

10th January 2007, 17:16
Mac man? Are they those who lurk in dark parks and wear a raincoat?

10th January 2007, 17:42
I worry about the touch screen durability.

My phone is always in my pocket(No ****er clips for me), so I worry the touch screen could get damaged.

Other than that, I like it.

race aficionado
10th January 2007, 17:56
Mac man? Are they those who lurk in dark parks and wear a raincoat?

oh yes indeed . . . . :s mokin:

but for the record, I do wear clothes under my raincoat.

:s mokin:

10th January 2007, 18:40
It looks good but I don't need so many things in a phone.

Ian McC
10th January 2007, 18:47
No doubt it is the way forward but first versions of a product are not always that good. I would wait a few years first.

Mark in Oshawa
10th January 2007, 20:22
I think it could make life miserable for the RIM Blackberry, but I suspect the boffins in Waterloo will come up with something to compete. It is not a surprise though that Apple tried to leap frog the leader.

10th January 2007, 20:58
Another smartphone just like all existing, but this one will be released in ... a year.

I'm thrilled :s nore:

10th January 2007, 22:04
So it's war then. Apple declares war on Nokia and Motorolia, It will interesting to see what the mobile phone giants combat this with.
Does the iphone have a camera? can't recall?

Originally Posted by luvracin
I worry about the touch screen durability.

My phone is always in my pocket(No ****er clips for me), so I worry the touch screen could get damaged.

Other than that, I like it.Same Hear, I think they would have to prove to me that the touchscreen is scratch resistant and durable.

10th January 2007, 22:11
Same views as the touchscreen durability. But on the whole I dont like how it looks anyway.

And I dont completely see the point? Get a decent Sony Ericsson and you have an MP3 player already, get a big memory card and youre sorted too. Plus you can access the mobile interweb and emails already on a WAP enabled phone, and its on a more basic level which is what I prefer on phones. I dont want a standard web browser crammed onto a mobile screen.

I just dont see any huge advantages

11th January 2007, 06:34
i think its a good idea, reduces the amount of clutter already in my pockets

11th January 2007, 06:57
I thought it was stupid.

Then I realized how many freaking things I will try to jam into my pockets on any given day.

I'll be interested in it when we see it with more cellular capabilities and more data space. GSM might be great over seas, but CDMA carriers still ahve a wider coverage area here in the US, and Cingular will never get a single cent from me. I'd consider it, but it would have to be 15gig or larger for it to be worthwhile otherwise I wouldn't be able to maximize any of the features on their own to make it worth consolidating to one device (no point in one thing doing 10 things just ok for the sake of having one thing). An ability to wirelessly transfer data between apple products will be a must for me to shell out $500.00 though.

From the sounds of it I think I'll patent iTalk as well...

11th January 2007, 08:55
iDiots at Apple forgot to say please when asking permission to use the iPhone name. :p :

Cisco Systems is suing Apple Computer for trademark infringement in a US federal court, for using the iPhone name.

11th January 2007, 09:03
Same views as the touchscreen durability. But on the whole I dont like how it looks anyway.

And I dont completely see the point? Get a decent Sony Ericsson and you have an MP3 player already, get a big memory card and youre sorted too. Plus you can access the mobile interweb and emails already on a WAP enabled phone, and its on a more basic level which is what I prefer on phones. I dont want a standard web browser crammed onto a mobile screen.

I just dont see any huge advantages


The funny thing is that Cisco owns the trademark for the name "iPhone" and the phone is not even FCC certified yet so it's a while off and Cisco aren't going to give Apple the iPhone name for free. So basically Apple have released the phone now and it's not on sale so if Nokia, Sony Ericsson and the rest are at all worried they'll simply accelerate any projects they had going and saturate the market before Apple's marketing maching goes into swing. I've always thought "soft" launches were for moronic companies. Why on earth launch a product to the world and not actually start selling it at the same time? Just helps your competitors that's all.

I think it's a bit of a rubbish product anyway. Apple seem to be proclaiming that this is some sort of new product. So many other companies have had this sort of thing out for ages. I also think that looking at the specs of the thing they've vastly misunderstood what people who want to spend US$500 on a phone actually want. I just love on their site how they seem to think this thing is a ground breaking new product when all of the technology is out there and has been done before. Apple are going to stab themselves in the chest with their white handled knife sometime soon.


11th January 2007, 09:50

Nokia don't seem to be crapping themselves :)

HELSINKI (Reuters) - Apple's (AAPL.O: Quote, Profile , Research) iPhone is an interesting product, but its sales goal is not very high, Anssi Vanjoki, the head of the multimedia unit at Nokia (NOK1V.HE: Quote, Profile , Research) was quoted as saying on Thursday.
Apple unveiled its much-anticipated take on the smart phone on Tuesday, presenting a sleek device with a large screen that combines a phone, an iPod and instant messaging.
"It is quite an interesting product but it is lacking a few essential features, such as 3G, which would enable fast data connections," Vanjoki, whose multimedia unit is a direct rival to Apple, was quoted as saying by Finnish business daily Taloussanomat.
Apple's Chief Executive Steve Jobs said it could sell 10 million iPhones in 2008. This would be roughly 1 percent of the number of mobile phones forecast to be sold that year.
"Apple's objective is not at a very high level," Vanjoki was quoted as saying.
Vanjoki said Apple's entry would give an additional boost to the market and that the iPhone proved Nokia's multimedia strategy was right.
"This is another piece of evidence that we have been on the right track from the beginning," he said.
Nokia said earlier this week it had sold close to 70 million phones with integrated MP3 players last year but analysts say sales of Nokia's music-focused devices account for only a small share of that total.

11th January 2007, 09:54
I have no need for it. I don't want to watch anything on a screen that small regardless of who makes it.

Exactly my thoughts :up:

11th January 2007, 10:06

Nokia don't seem to be crapping themselves :)
He can't be seen quoted "were doomed, doomed i tell you" can he. ;)
He does make a good point about no 3G, but other than that, if i were looking for a gadged, i might take a serious look at it.

11th January 2007, 10:08
Well the thing is Nokia have little to fear from Apple on this front. When Apple released the iPod it was releasing something to a fairly new market and it was innovative. The market isn't new and the product isn't innovative plus like the article says it doesn't do 3G so there's a big hole there.........

11th January 2007, 10:16
Mind you, Apple isn't aiming for world domination with this phone, i think they realize they can only piece of the pie. Biggest selling point is their image, Nokia can't ever compete with that. And as long as there are people who like the image, Apple have customers.

11th January 2007, 10:29
Very true. But with this sort of product it's important to sell volume so that the price of manufacturing comes down. That's why Microsoft can sell an XBox 360 for cheaper than an iPhone which is made up of a lot less silicon and plastic and so on. Apple manage to make a good profit because iPod's sell in big volumes so the manufacturing costs are low.


It's a harder market to break into and I think people are a lot more educated than in the past and Apple will find it hard to sell 10 million of these things. But of course image will sell a few million no doubt.

11th January 2007, 10:35
I thought XPoks was sold at a loss and real money was made on software?

Dave B
11th January 2007, 11:42
Although to be fair Apple have only predicted a 1% share of market, so they're not exactly declaring war on Nokia.

1% of a bloody big market, mind...

11th January 2007, 16:30
Seems to be a bit of a problem with its name. From what I heard on the radio today Cisco Systems already markets a product called an IPhone and have been doing so for several years. Apple approached Cisco several times about using the name, each time Cisco refusing to allow it. So Apple decided to launch it with the name anyway, and now the legal beagles are circling.

11th January 2007, 17:12
CarlMetro, read posts 15 and 16 again. ;)

11th January 2007, 17:32
Seems to be a bit of a problem with its name. From what I heard on the radio today Cisco Systems already markets a product called an IPhone and have been doing so for several years. Apple approached Cisco several times about using the name, each time Cisco refusing to allow it. So Apple decided to launch it with the name anyway, and now the legal beagles are circling.
Maybe they should rename it iMoan.

11th January 2007, 17:40
CarlMetro, read posts 15 and 16 again. ;)

My bad, I didn't read all the first page ;)

11th January 2007, 18:40
Well the thing is Nokia have little to fear from Apple on this front. When Apple released the iPod it was releasing something to a fairly new market and it was innovative. The market isn't new and the product isn't innovative plus like the article says it doesn't do 3G so there's a big hole there.........

EDGE is more or less 2.5-3g depending on coverage strength.

Not that I'll buy it but...

11th January 2007, 18:42
From the FWIW department.

According to the press here, CISCO has a trademark on i-phone...

Apple's legal position is appearantly they were attempting to avoid any similiarties in their negotiations but that i-phone is different enough from iPhone...

Hazell B
11th January 2007, 19:32
Didn't Apple try and have some fruit logo altered a few years ago because it dared to be slighly apple shaped and people might get confused and buy fruit instead of computers?

They're in no positition to complain when they themselves copy, are they?

race aficionado
11th January 2007, 19:50
I'll be a cynic here but it wouldn't surprise me that Cisco and Apple have already struck a deal and are just getting some free publicity with all this speculation.
Heck, I hadn't heard of CISCO till now but then again, I don't go out that much.

Hazell B
11th January 2007, 19:54
Ah, I bet you're right!

11th January 2007, 20:30
I'll be a cynic here but it wouldn't surprise me that Cisco and Apple have already struck a deal and are just getting some free publicity with all this speculation.
Heck, I hadn't heard of CISCO till now but then again, I don't go out that much.

Cisco is bigger than Apple.

race aficionado
11th January 2007, 20:46
Cisco is bigger than Apple.

Dang! got to go out more! :p :

11th January 2007, 21:44
Cisco is bigger than Apple.
The other key difference is that Cisco/Linksys also make good products and Apple makes fashion accessories.

race aficionado
11th January 2007, 22:04
The other key difference is that Cisco/Linksys also make good products and Apple makes fashion accessories.

Man, I love my fashion accessories:
My Super Mac computer, Cinema display, Apple's Final Cut Pro HD editing software, Super fast RAID storage solutions and it's fast and creative graphic capabilities are keeping me pretty busy.

. . . . . I don't have an iPod though . . . my wife and son do lend me theirs once in a while though . . . .

I am a Mac Man, coocooKachoo ;)

:s mokin:

11th January 2007, 22:16
Yes but all things you can do with non Apple stuff but cheaper :)

I had RAID on my previous PC ;) Next PC is going to have a big LCD screen as well :p

race aficionado
11th January 2007, 22:35
Yes but all things you can do with non Apple stuff but cheaper :)

Daniel, as a video editor by profesion, I can vouch for the price value as compared to quality and usefulness of this piece of equipment.
It is sooooo amazing what I can do now and what invested for this one is almost 1/5 the price of the editing equipment I had before.
(it is killing me with my depreciaton taxes though).

And as for cheaper things that can do the SAME thing, not a true fact. Again, seriously, I say it through experience and deep research.
Right now, I am in editing heaven.

I had RAID on my previous PC ;) Next PC is going to have a big LCD screen as well :p

cool. :cool:

:s mokin:

11th January 2007, 22:44
Dang! got to go out more! :p :
No need. Cisco pretty much routes the internet to the privacy of your own home.

11th January 2007, 22:45
Cisco is so famous it's even appeared on the Simpsons :)


11th January 2007, 22:49
Daniel, as a video editor by profesion, I can vouch for the price value as compared to quality and usefulness of this piece of equipment.
It is sooooo amazing what I can do now and what invested for this one is almost 1/5 the price of the editing equipment I had before.
(it is killing me with my depreciaton taxes though).

And as for cheaper things that can do the SAME thing, not a true fact. Again, seriously, I say it through experience and deep research.
Right now, I am in editing heaven.

cool. :cool:

:s mokin:
Fair enough. I've always admitted that Mac's are good to do video editing with :) But now they share more or less the same hardware as regular PC's the gap can't really be the same can it?

All equipment always goes down in price :) I'm amazed at what Caroline's computer can do for merely a fraction of the price I paid for the one I had back in Australia. Just as I'll be blown away by the performance of the PC that I should be building sometime this year. But I'll wait until a few more technologies come out before I build so I'm not caught at the inevitable upgrade deadend.

Basically what I'm saying is that whenever you upgrade you should be blown away by new features or performance otherwise it wasn't money well spent! :p

12th January 2007, 08:00
No need. Cisco pretty much routes the internet to the privacy of your own home.

And even phones to your desk at work...Like mine!

12th January 2007, 08:51
MacOS == Vista == DRM :devil:

12th January 2007, 09:10
tOdy = in love with Linux :p

14th January 2007, 13:30
Seems Apple are going to have to pay through the nose even more to get the iPhone out if they keep on violating patents and trademarks like they seem to be doing. Now they're in hot water with Nortel


14th January 2007, 16:45
LOL :laugh:

16th January 2007, 22:14
LOL :laugh:

More heartwarming news for you :)

