View Full Version : Has...........

10th January 2007, 08:38
...........RaikkonenRules re-registered as Brown, Jon Brow? Perhaps he's taken over his ISP? Because BJB seems to asking almost as many, if not more (if that's possible) questions than RR did when he first signed up. Perhaps it's proof that the yoof of today still have a thirst for knowledge? Am I asking too many questions? Do you think I should stop now?

Ian McC
10th January 2007, 18:52
thirst for knowledge

Thirst for something maybe but I doubt it's knowledge.

10th January 2007, 19:01
Members do this when they want to effortlessly make posts without taking part in the discussion.

It requires a little more thought (mostly!) to enter the discussion after a few posts hve raised more debate, whereas starting your own thread is much easier.

Possibly ;)

10th January 2007, 19:33
It would be better if the threads in question had titles that sufficiently indicated their content... :p :

10th January 2007, 20:29
do you feel others should leave the posting to you cause they arent welcome in your forum?

Brown, Jon Brow
10th January 2007, 21:23
I'm not Raikkonen Rules yet!!

A lot of my old threads from a month ago have been revitalised recently so looks like I've just created them ;)

I try to contribute to other threads as well!

Hazell B
10th January 2007, 23:47
Am I asking too many questions? Do you think I should stop now?

No, keep asking. It's what they did at Watergate ;)

Jonbrowngate kinds has a ring to it :p :

11th January 2007, 12:58
do you feel others should leave the posting to you cause they arent welcome in your forum?

Did I say that?

Hazell B
11th January 2007, 19:16
Shouldn't worry Carl, rimryder's only produced 7 posts in two and a half years and none show up on a search - wonder if they've all been removed? :p :

Shame really, we've not had many new faces of late.

12th January 2007, 03:18
peeple dont like my face
i dont like peeple who slam others for asking questions

Hazell B
12th January 2007, 09:34
How's that, then?

We can't see your face! Carl asked a lighthearted question and you're having a go at him .... he's done nothing to warrant it. If you've missed the point and don't realise it's a joke, fine, but you should probably say sorry :mark:

12th January 2007, 12:33