View Full Version : Yet another pointless Question from me?

Brown, Jon Brow
9th January 2007, 16:49
What would your policies be if you were the leader of your country?

If I was the Prime Minister of Great Britain my policies would be.

* Reducing state benefits for the unemployed.

* Serious attempt to improve Rail Travel, more services and cleaner services.

* Increase in TAX on short Airtravel (go by train).

* Make it more attractive for dentists to work for the NHS rather than go private.

* Increase research into alternative 'eco-friendly' energy.

* Increase Military spending- not to increase the size but make the British Armed forces the most technologically advanced in the world.

Would I get any votes?

oily oaf
9th January 2007, 16:54
You'd get my ringing endorsement tomorrow mate if you included a pledge to don a pair of boxing gloves whenever you're tempted to post on here.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th January 2007, 17:01
You'd get my ringing endorsement tomorrow mate if you included a pledge to don a pair of boxing gloves whenever you're tempted to post on here.

So is that a vote then or a black-eye ;)

oily oaf
9th January 2007, 17:40
So is that a vote then or a black-eye ;)

Tell you wot JB if you can fix it for your lot to stuff Arsenal 6 or 7 nil with a hat trick from Larson and a good kicking for Wenger from Sir Alex I'll be your campaign manager ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
10th January 2007, 16:12
So not many people like my campaign policies, or people just want me to shut up and never visit the forum again, or they they are put off from accessing the thread because of it's title, or they no nothing about politics( it never stopped me ;) )

Captain VXR
10th January 2007, 17:04
My politics:
Ban animal testing - instead allowing criminals to choose between prison, community service or mediacal research - if they are trustworthy and are genuinly sorry for what they have done
Less emphasis on speed cameras and speed humps, more on proper traffic cops
Harsher punishments for animal cruelty and ban circus animals
Unlawful killing of animals (particularly mammals, birds and reptiles) to be treated as murder
Ban culling - which is more important, a building or something living?
No tax on bio-ethanol and bio-diesel powered cars
Ban bus, car sharing lanes etc
Death penalty for those not sorry of murder
Better standards of living
No wars unless the countries civillians are under threat
Less tax
No anti-4x4 ism
No c-charge
Three noisy days a year allowed at Castle Combe - locals who complain get free holidays when they are on.
Ban McDonalds from advertising before 9:00pm
Encorage healthy eating but don't ban junk food from schools - allow it once a week
Get rid of new car seat law

oily oaf
10th January 2007, 17:33
I must say The Cap'n is a man after my own heart apart from a couple of slight differences:

Animal testing to be made compulsory especially in the quest for a mechanics barrier cream that doesn't smell like cats piss

Criminals to be released into the community but only if they promise to be particularly cruel to animals

Speed cameras and humps every 2 yards

Animal cruelty to be rewarded with money from public funds and all circus animals to be burned face down in their cages

Cull some sense into 'em

Bio motors to be wired to compressed nitro cylinders

Murderers to be given The Queens Award for Gallantry

Everyone to be forced to live in a cardboard box

Foreigners? Nuke the lot of 'em

Lloyd Georges £1.05p in the pound tax to be restored

4 X 4 drivers to be drowned in a bucket

Congestion Charge to rise to 8 million big ones a per mile

Castle Coombe to be blown up

McDonalds adverts to be tattooed on the inside of every ones eyelids

Shoot schoolchildren repeatedly with taser guns until they lose their appetite

People who get on your t!ts in motorsport forums to be forced to sit on booster seats so that every time the motor navigates a speed bump they bash their swede on the roof.

It's almost spooky when 2 minds meet like that isn't it folks? :monkee: