View Full Version : The Storm

9th January 2008, 23:07
Anyone here from Scotland? Quite some storm, eh?

Our brand new school got it's roof ripped apart, and so we get a few days off :) It was featured on the news, as well.

Anyone else caught up?

10th January 2008, 14:13
Good stuff eh? :p :

10th January 2008, 14:19
Was quite stormy here last night. I moved my car so the other side faced into the weather and now the whole car is quite well washed :D

10th January 2008, 14:21
Was quite stormy here last night. I moved my car so the other side faced into the weather and now the whole car is quite well washed :D

lazybones... :laugh:

10th January 2008, 17:06
Was very very windy the other night, couldn't sleep for most of it and sounded as though a few tiles came off and was waiting for them to come through the window :\

Roads around here were quite bad, the bridges were closed too. Since then it has been raining quite heavily and lots of very deep water on a lot of roads, but it doesn't have anywhere else to go, the fields are like lakes.

So much for me trying to get out and about to do a bit more exercise :p :

10th January 2008, 17:50
lazybones... :laugh:
Not lazy. Just efficient! :D

10th January 2008, 18:38
http://www.bebo.com/Link.jsp?Url=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.bbc.co.uk%2Fplayer% 2Fnol%2Fnewsid_7170000%2Fnewsid_7178900%2F7178900. stm%3Fbw%3Dbb%26mp%3Dwm%26news%3D1%26bbcws%3D1

Aside from the school, there were several mangled trampolines lying around...

10th January 2008, 20:10
Good stuff eh? :p :
I thought you might say that.