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9th January 2007, 12:39

Has anyone else heard about this? Aside from the lovely humidity, being near Savannah (80 miles away isn't exactly near) is a great location. However, I'd worry about two things:

1) Home owners will surely tire of the noise from the race track. Most of us are aware of the flack many tracks receive for their noise output (as well as many airports), and I wonder how long it will take before people grow tired of it.

2) Restricting the track to use only by the homeowners. The fees for track maintanance will be sourced from homeowners dues, so that is not an issue. But not allowing others to come play for a small fee is a silly idea, in my opinion. Maybe I don't appreciate the elitist element to it, but having a track up to FIA standards and not running some prestigious races there or allowing others to use it is stupid.

9th January 2007, 15:59
However, in general, I think the idea of having a race track in your own backyard, with an integral landing strip is pretty cool.