View Full Version : I am nervous

5th January 2008, 18:09
Of to my first DJ-job...
Will the stuff work, will they like my songs, will the band playing aswell take the edge of my effort? Will people throw rotten tomatoes at me?
Wish me luck!!!

5th January 2008, 19:42
Good luck.

Nerves are good and once you get set up the adrenalin will kick it and everything will be fine!

6th January 2008, 01:24
Best of luck Magnus - hope it goes well for you :) Remember - the audience can smell your fear, so stay calm ;)

Azumanga Davo
6th January 2008, 07:46
Stay away from any vinyl displaying the words 'Bus Stop' and you shall be a swinging success... ;)

6th January 2008, 13:41
I survived! Got quite a few jumping around on the dance floor. Normally itīs all a question of making the ladies happy, because the guys follows them :)
I finished it all of with a none dance-tune: AC/DC Thunderstruck, and it was a big success, though probably some ladies thought that I had lost it...

6th January 2008, 15:50
Congratulations then.

6th January 2008, 22:02
Congrats, and a nice track to finish with ;)

Azumanga Davo
7th January 2008, 08:31
I survived! Got quite a few jumping around on the dance floor. Normally itīs all a question of making the ladies happy, because the guys follows them :)
I finished it all of with a none dance-tune: AC/DC Thunderstruck, and it was a big success, though probably some ladies thought that I had lost it...

What, no Scooch requests? :D

How strange. Sounds like a ripper night though. ;)

7th January 2008, 08:33
I survived! Got quite a few jumping around on the dance floor. Normally itīs all a question of making the ladies happy, because the guys follows them :)
I finished it all of with a none dance-tune: AC/DC Thunderstruck, and it was a big success, though probably some ladies thought that I had lost it...

Congratulations, however next time I think you should step it up a notch and blast some Cryptopsy or Cannibal Corpse at them :p :

9th January 2008, 06:10
I just found this thread talk about a career I wished to be long time ago, besides radio broadcaster.
I felt that my ability of speaking is not too bad, had some sense of art and sufficient motivation to improve knowledge on the field. I couldn't find way to actualize the dream, but just came to the floor... Congrats ;)

9th January 2008, 08:20
I do not take to seriousle, but it is a little fun once in a while since music is a big interest of mine, and I from time to time end up mixing tunes at different plces.
Bought an NuMark I-podmixer yesterday actually. The old one gave up its breath in the middle of the action last weekend. I was not very happy with this action ;) managed to sort thing out anyway though...

9th January 2008, 08:42
It is the fun way to transit our life for the better before managing the more promising thing sorted out. Entertainment is not thing where we can lean the whole of life on, you can't do it once your age no longer sellable ;)

9th January 2008, 09:48
It is the fun way to transit our life for the better before managing the more promising thing sorted out. Entertainment is not thing where we can lean the whole of life on, you can't do it once your age no longer sellable ;)

My age is always sellable :D
Otherwise I do not completely agree... You should never let yourself be restraint by your age. Do what ever you want, whenever you want. Let other think what they will, it is their problem. You only know one thing, and that is that one day you will not be able do do anything. In that perspective you can just aswell make a fool out of yourself in front of the girls on the dancefloor while you have the chance :)
I try to live by my on little device, which actually is a messed up wisdomeword:
All these days that passed, I did know them to be life!

9th January 2008, 13:23
yeah...they will call you uncle :D