View Full Version : Poor Britney.

4th January 2008, 16:47
Am I totally bad person when I predict this lady won't see the year 2009 ??

Dave B
4th January 2008, 16:49
Not really. I (wrongly) predicted she wouldn't survive 2007. She clearly has problems, and by the looks of things her sister's not far behind. :s

4th January 2008, 17:27
LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!!!! :angryfire

4th January 2008, 18:33
Why do people even care about her?
The media seems more interested in these fake people than all the real people out there.

4th January 2008, 18:34
She will survive and people will continute to be interested .... unfortunately.

4th January 2008, 18:39
It bothers me that there are so many people out there with her same problems and they use the reason "I don't have enough money for therapy" as an excuse. So what is her excuse?

4th January 2008, 18:44
Why do people even care about her?
The media seems more interested in these fake people than all the real people out there.

Why? because it sells lots and lots of magazines and provides stories for trashy TV shows that have no trouble getting lots of advertisers.

4th January 2008, 20:12
I hate the consept of yellow press. In Finland we have a former skijumper who I think is agitated by the press do again more and more crazy things. This poor ******* is so near to death he can't even realize it. The same is happening with Britney. They dare her to kill herself.

4th January 2008, 20:18
Money can't buy happiness. She should sort herself out if only for the sake of her kids.

Hazell B
4th January 2008, 21:29
You know AFF, I hadn't thought about it that way, but you're right in that the press pretty much dare some celebs to kill themselves.

Watching the news this evening I did wonder how much longer she would last. If not a suicide that's a cry for help gone wrong, then a dodgy sniff of something will probably get her. Can't see she has anyone else to blame, though I feel sorry for her to some extent. After all, how well would anyone with that much money yet so little ability to cope, cope?

If anyone's sick enough to start a betting frenzy, I already have a date in mind ;) :s

4th January 2008, 23:02
It's time she got help and dealt with it. I'm certain she could go somewhere where the media gits cannot get to her, and she needs to do it now. In the meantime, I really think she needs to be denied access to those poor children.

5th January 2008, 06:09
Local news stations are reporting that she is attempting to move into a neighborhood a few miles (6 or so) from where I live. It is far too tempting to start carrying my camera with me more when I leave the house, I am ashamed but I can't help it.

As for her situation, I can only feel so sorry for someone that has all the ability and resources one could need to turn things around if she only wanted to....

5th January 2008, 12:06
I have my own little rule which i try to follow: if you can not say anything positive abt another human, then say nothing at all.
It´s a hard life out there, outside this forum :) Life certainly is a struggle, if you have the money you have no love, if you have someone to love you get sick, and suddenly, when everything is on a high you do something stupid like crashes with your car.

I had this experience the autumn of 2005, when i was involved in a higspeed boat accident and my best friend died. I thought abt ending it all, but I struggled along, and today life is nice again! (and the mini Clubman one week away!)

So do you feel sad for Britney? Say something kind to the next person you meet, and remember: if you are with a person who talks a lot of rubbish abt other people you can be shure you will be the target when he/she is with others. If you want to change the world, you´d better start with yourself.


7th January 2008, 00:36
I can't find Britney on any Celebrity Death Watch lists. I would have suspected that Lindsay Lohan was more likely to wipe herself out, or maybe even Amy Winehouse found out in the middle of a Royal Army minefield and "accidentally" stepping on a land mine.

jim mcglinchey
7th January 2008, 09:24
I have my own little rule which i try to follow: if you can not say anything positive abt another human, then say nothing at all.
It´s a hard life out there, outside this forum :) Life certainly is a struggle, if you have the money you have no love, if you have someone to love you get sick, and suddenly, when everything is on a high you do something stupid like crashes with your car.

I had this experience the autumn of 2005, when i was involved in a higspeed boat accident and my best friend died. I thought abt ending it all, but I struggled along, and today life is nice again! (and the mini Clubman one week away!)

So do you feel sad for Britney? Say something kind to the next person you meet, and remember: if you are with a person who talks a lot of rubbish abt other people you can be shure you will be the target when he/she is with others. If you want to change the world, you´d better start with yourself.


I like your attitude Magnus.

7th January 2008, 10:40
She will survive and people will continute to be interested .... unfortunately.
The problem is that not much people who want to admit that they like her :)

7th January 2008, 13:31
i just hope that if she goes, she takes out Kerry Katona with her, 2 more vaccuous wastes of skin you will struggle to find ;)

7th January 2008, 16:21
Money can't buy happiness. She should sort herself out if only for the sake of her kids.

Well maybe so but for 8 grand a day I could sure as hell rent some!!!

306 Cosworth
7th January 2008, 16:23
Britney and the Media have ruined her life tbh! And I know it sounds bad but I really couldn't give a toss what happens to her, except she obviously needs sectioning!

7th January 2008, 17:49
Looking at some of the posts methinks this is the Heather Mills McCartney "ranting" debate all over again.

7th January 2008, 19:01
No worries anymore.

Dr.Phil to the rescue :bounce:

7th January 2008, 19:26
The old baldie(not Ms Spears) was probably just looking for a topic on his next episode of his show Women sitting in the audience applauding to the bleeding obvious.

7th January 2008, 20:00
The old baldie(not Ms Spears) was probably just looking for a topic on his next episode of his show Women sitting in the audience applauding to the bleeding obvious.

Same audience as Oprah :D

Garry Walker
9th January 2008, 14:09
Am I totally bad person when I predict this lady won't see the year 2009 ??

and I would feel zero sorrow for her. Would feel sorry for her kids though.

She will survive and people will continute to be interested .... unfortunately.

Exactly. Media should just stop following her actions or reporting about her and her fellow whores like paris hilton and lindsay hohan. I try to ignore the news about those idiots, but unfortunately even the best news sites and programs tend to show bits about them at times. I think CNN had Britneys recent whatever happened to her again, as their main story, while so many really important stories were happening all around world. How crazy is that?

What I find really sad about it all is that many young pre-teen and teenage girls, who are not very mature yet and seemingly cannot distinguish between good and bad, see the news about them and think, oh they are so rich, popular and everyone loves them, i want to be like them, I will screw every guy out there I see too, so cooool. Our societies obsession with celebrities is quite sad really.

9th January 2008, 14:35
Feel free to shoot me down as someone who has no first hand experience of being a celebrity or being a reporter of celebrities but why is it people are only interested in the bad things a celeb does? Especially when it comes to hitting the old sauce or smoking the odd magic mushroom like Ms Spears. Why is it people, when it comes to celebrities, only like saying bad things about them?

Heather Mills finally speaks about how she feels about things on a morning nation-wide TV show and everyone reacted with criticisms, something people had a field-day with, yet when she does work for charities nobody bothers with her.

I hope Ms Spears does get back on track soon. Then she will not give a public eager to criticise her the moment she slips up in her life a reason to criticise her and force them back into their little holes.

9th January 2008, 14:42
i just hope that if she goes, she takes out Kerry Katona with her, 2 more vaccuous wastes of skin you will struggle to find ;)

Add Jordan to that list.

9th January 2008, 16:30
So...we have to an ever growing list...Heather Mills, Britney Spears and now Kerry Katona and also Jordan/Katie Price.

Anyone seeing a pattern emerging?

Blonde (though in some cases not all the time), attractive (though to some men not) and female.

Does anyone want to push the boat out and add Strictly Come Dancing trio Penny Lancaster, Letitia Dean and Gabby Logan to the list?

9th January 2008, 16:49
So...we have to an ever growing list...Heather Mills, Britney Spears and now Kerry Katona and also Jordan/Katie Price.

Anyone seeing a pattern emerging?

Blonde (though in some cases not all the time), attractive (though to some men not) and female.

Does anyone want to push the boat out and add Strictly Come Dancing trio Penny Lancaster, Letitia Dean and Gabby Logan to the list?
Why are we not allowed to dislike celebs for being stupid? :mark:

9th January 2008, 17:02
Why are we not allowed to dislike celebs for being stupid? :mark:

Because people don't balance their public profile out by praising them when they do right. Where are they in the public eye when they do right? What thought was paid to Britney before this issue happened? Nowhere and none whatsoever.

Criticise people when they do badly like people did with Angus Deayton when the News of the World revealed his cocaine use and a relationship with a prostitute by all means. They did wrong. Celebs like Britney, and Heather Mills before her, ought to be publically criticised. They are supposed to set an example. Though not of their own making. This is a celeb culture. People have chosen to look up to them as often if not more so than their own parents or great pioneers and sources of inspiration like Isambard Kingdom Brunel. But after you have left them alone when they do right, why not praise them?

9th January 2008, 23:36
Celebs like Britney, and Heather Mills before her, ought to be publically criticised.

Or crucified. :rolleyes:

9th January 2008, 23:47
But what has Britney or Heather Mills ever done that I want to praise them for? Tell you what. Congratulations for not murdering anyone today Britney and Heather. Happy now?

10th January 2008, 01:38
Feel free to shoot me down as someone who has no first hand experience of being a celebrity or being a reporter of celebrities but why is it people are only interested in the bad things a celeb does? Especially when it comes to hitting the old sauce or smoking the odd magic mushroom like Ms Spears. Why is it people, when it comes to celebrities, only like saying bad things about them?

This is bizarre.

For instance, Janne Ahonen, a finnish skijumper just won a historic fivehill jump for the fifth time. No skijumper has ever done that before. Today I saw a tabloid in a newspaper:

All about Janne Ahonen. Family. Home. Income. PROBLEMS.

I mean, wtf ****ing what ???? The guys has just done some heroic act and only thing this newspaper can dig out of it, is to tell people whatever problems he has??? What the hell going on in the postoffice nearby?

10th January 2008, 03:28
But what has Britney or Heather Mills ever done that I want to praise them for? Tell you what. Congratulations for not murdering anyone today Britney and Heather. Happy now?

You forgot to mention Britneys astounding musical talent and creative genius... :p :

10th January 2008, 04:04
Generally I don't feel sympathy for such celebs, but generally if I was majorly messed up, then I wouldn't want Dr. Phil randomly rocking up at my house without my knowledge/consent, and most likely with a TV camera, because that just adds to the problem as it beams those images around the world.

10th January 2008, 04:31
But what has Britney or Heather Mills ever done that I want to praise them for? Tell you what. Congratulations for not murdering anyone today Britney and Heather. Happy now?

Exactly Daniel. Britney Spears has done nothing except release a few crappy (in my opinion) albums and behave badly. Substance abuse shouldn't be excused because a celebrity can't handle the pressure of being rich and famous.

Don't want the paparazzi hanging around? Don't become an entertainer. Spears knew that she had to be squeaky clean once she became famous. If she thought that people would just buy her albums and ignore her actions she was seriously deluded.

10th January 2008, 05:44
good looking white trash with money - just what the world needs.

10th January 2008, 06:57
I do not listen to popular culture music at all, or watch/follow any celebrities. But one time i said i have to listen to some of these crap just to know what it's like. And it turns out the music is so horrible. I mean the only selling element in their music is sex and they can't even do it decently.

10th January 2008, 08:15
I must say that I am baffled at how most of you people just take what the media puts down your mouth with out a blink. It is incredible!!!
No wonder the world looks like it does.
Where is your media critics people? Where are your own thoughts?
Luckily there are folks on the forum who understand that bad news about celebs sell far more then good news, and that the press naturally uses this awkward fact to sell more copies.
I must say that I thought higher of motorsportpeople... I have always considered them as being intelligent and humble people, but thats maybe only IRL.
I guess I will soon have to switch to the soccer forum...

10th January 2008, 08:17
I do not listen to popular culture music at all, or watch/follow any celebrities. But one time i said i have to listen to some of these crap just to know what it's like. And it turns out the music is so horrible. I mean the only selling element in their music is sex and they can't even do it decently.

I have always appreciated a good joke, and this is the best I have heard in a long time. Your caricuture of someone on the extreme leftwing is beautiful!!!

10th January 2008, 09:54
I must say that I am baffled at how most of you people just take what the media puts down your mouth with out a blink. It is incredible!!!
No wonder the world looks like it does.
Where is your media critics people? Where are your own thoughts?
Luckily there are folks on the forum who understand that bad news about celebs sell far more then good news, and that the press naturally uses this awkward fact to sell more copies.
I must say that I thought higher of motorsportpeople... I have always considered them as being intelligent and humble people, but thats maybe only IRL.
I guess I will soon have to switch to the soccer forum...

Surely we just have a wide cross section of society on this forum? I for one don't buy trashy magazines, nor do I watch much of the crap like 'entertainment tonight', 'lives of the boring and egotistical' and other such like, but each to their own. I feel I'm in a minority.

I also think that a lot of these so called celebrities bring their bad publicity upon themselves. They want to be in the limelight to massage their huge egos, but can't deal with negative criticism. the sycophants that surround them keep telling them how wonderfull they are.

Brendan Behan said "There is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary".

When Britney first started out she was portrayed as the sweet kid next door, no drugs, no sex and and no smoking. On a trip to Sydney she was photographed on the balcony of her hotel room with a cigarette in her hand and yet her and her publicists still denied that she smoked!!!!!
So why do they give the media a chance to make them appear ridiculous?

10th January 2008, 10:03
Exactly Daniel. Britney Spears has done nothing except release a few crappy (in my opinion) albums and behave badly. Substance abuse shouldn't be excused because a celebrity can't handle the pressure of being rich and famous.

Don't want the paparazzi hanging around? Don't become an entertainer. Spears knew that she had to be squeaky clean once she became famous. If she thought that people would just buy her albums and ignore her actions she was seriously deluded.

Ever crossed your mind it wasn't Britney's choise to become entertainer in the first hand ? I mean wasn't she one of the Disney Musketeers? And her sister is in the business too ? There must be something dysfunctional with parents too. Or the upbringing if there ever was any. That combined to the fact britney might not be the sharpest knife in the draw. Now she has a few millions to spare in fun and she is living the dream most teenagers did years ago. The life she never had. Too bad she managed to do couple of kids. Like Sarah Silverman said; " Aren't they the cutest little mistakes ever?".

When thinking about her music, I don't think she had much of opinions of her own. I think she sang whatever the producers told her to. Most of the hitsingles came from Sweden anyway.

I don't understand why there should be anything to praise them for? I don't think that is the point here. I'm interested if all can see she is not well in her head, why don't they leave her alone?? Surely there must be more important things happening in the world.?

Hazell B
10th January 2008, 20:47
But what has Britney or Heather Mills ever done that I want to praise them for? Tell you what. Congratulations for not murdering anyone today Britney and Heather. Happy now?

You like dogs, don't you? That wasn't a pun considering the thread theme, by the way :p :

Both Heather Mills and Britney Spears have fronted anti-fur things that saw dog and cat fur banned in the US and UK. Charities had been trying for many years to stop the trade, yet not one thing changed until these two women made a fuss and met MPs with reporters behind them. Now when you buy 'fake' fur trimmed gloves at Tesco they are not trimmed in dog or cat like they commonly used to be. Pet fur was cheaper than genuine synthetic furs, so makers used them on most products for trim. They don't now.
Having sat through a video of pets rounded up, boiled and skinned ALIVE as part of my charity liaison job a few years ago, I quite like what those two women did. Sadly, nobody remembers it ... as the media saw it as a non-story in the end.

Still don't care too much for them both in general, though :p :

10th January 2008, 21:03
I do not listen to popular culture music at all, or watch/follow any celebrities. But one time i said i have to listen to some of these crap just to know what it's like. And it turns out the music is so horrible. I mean the only selling element in their music is sex and they can't even do it decently.

Q: What's the difference between a Britney Spears music video and a porn movie?

A: The porn movie has better music.

:p :

10th January 2008, 22:39
You like dogs, don't you? That wasn't a pun considering the thread theme, by the way :p :

Both Heather Mills and Britney Spears have fronted anti-fur things that saw dog and cat fur banned in the US and UK. Charities had been trying for many years to stop the trade, yet not one thing changed until these two women made a fuss and met MPs with reporters behind them. Now when you buy 'fake' fur trimmed gloves at Tesco they are not trimmed in dog or cat like they commonly used to be. Pet fur was cheaper than genuine synthetic furs, so makers used them on most products for trim. They don't now.
Having sat through a video of pets rounded up, boiled and skinned ALIVE as part of my charity liaison job a few years ago, I quite like what those two women did. Sadly, nobody remembers it ... as the media saw it as a non-story in the end.

Still don't care too much for them both in general, though :p :
Fair enough :)

Just like you I still don't care much for them though ;)

11th January 2008, 10:46
Q: What's the difference between a Britney Spears music video and a porn movie?

A: The porn movie has better music.

:p :
I can't help you with my answer because it usually plays while the mute is on.

11th January 2008, 17:18
I must say that I am baffled at how most of you people just take what the media puts down your mouth with out a blink. It is incredible!!!
No wonder the world looks like it does.
Where is your media critics people? Where are your own thoughts?
Luckily there are folks on the forum who understand that bad news about celebs sell far more then good news, and that the press naturally uses this awkward fact to sell more copies.
I must say that I thought higher of motorsportpeople... I have always considered them as being intelligent and humble people, but thats maybe only IRL.
I guess I will soon have to switch to the soccer forum...

I was away from the forums for ten days, and this (thread, not your post) was what I found here when I came back on. Can't make up my mind on should I stay or should I go. ;)

Very positive though that there are still people like you around here. :) :up:

11th January 2008, 17:29
Ever crossed your mind it wasn't Britney's choise to become entertainer in the first hand ? I mean wasn't she one of the Disney Musketeers? And her sister is in the business too ? There must be something dysfunctional with parents too. Or the upbringing if there ever was any. That combined to the fact britney might not be the sharpest knife in the draw. Now she has a few millions to spare in fun and she is living the dream most teenagers did years ago. The life she never had. Too bad she managed to do couple of kids. Like Sarah Silverman said; " Aren't they the cutest little mistakes ever?".

When thinking about her music, I don't think she had much of opinions of her own. I think she sang whatever the producers told her to. Most of the hitsingles came from Sweden anyway.

I don't understand why there should be anything to praise them for? I don't think that is the point here. I'm interested if all can see she is not well in her head, why don't they leave her alone?? Surely there must be more important things happening in the world.?

Some people just never miss a chance to be critical of someone else and are blind to the possible reasons why those "bad" people do the bad things they do. "She knew she would have a hard life as an entertainer" etc etc are IMO cop-outs. You can have those behind you in every argument. Not very constructive, though, is it? You can trample and beat up all the Britneys, Lindsays, Amys, Heathers and forecast their death dates, but what does it accomplish? Of course, you can pull the next cop-out "it's their choice, I can't live their lives" - you can just commentate. :)

I wonder how many people actually want to see them happy and live a good life. Most people seem to either "not care" about them, or criticize them for slipping on the road they themselves were not willing to take.