View Full Version : Migraine

4th January 2008, 16:45
Does anyone else suffer from this horrible disease ?? I've had migraine from childhood but it has gotten worse, way worse I'll tell you. Novadays it gets so bad nothing helps, no medicine, no vomiting, nothing. I usually have put all the lights off, silence everything and just try to sleep it away. The worst thing is when it hits when I'm at work. :(

Guess why I'm writing this post ?? That's right. it's getting on again :(

4th January 2008, 17:29
I now: itīs torture. There is a medicine that works for me, but itīs bi-effects is almost as bad as the migraine. I havenīt had it for some time now. It ususally hits me when I am under stress, and now it is winter som I am pretty much on vacation all the time :D I had it a lot when I was younger.
BTW: what do you for a living ?

Hang on there AFF!

4th January 2008, 18:04
Cheers Magnus. There's a PM for you.

5th January 2008, 15:38
I'm susceptible to migraine too. People don't realise just how bad migraine can be. Fortunately I haven't had one for a while and mine are usually manageable with medications... but I sympathise!

5th January 2008, 17:10
I get them as well.

I started getting them when I was just 4 years old.

19 years later I get 1 to 7 a month still. Luckily I have had good doctors that have been very aggressive with finding medications that work most of the time for me. Mine get so bad though that I can't sleep (was once awake for 32 hours straight) so I end up in the hospital one to two times a year. My migraines are mainly stress or diet related in terms of the trigger, the problem we are having is that I am struggling to identify the new dietary triggers as the old triggers are no longer a cause for me after puberty.

And yes, I am writing this as my regular medication is just finishing off my most recent one.

Maybe we could make the thread more interesting with posting what medications seem to help us?

I used to take Imitrex, which stopped working most of the time, so we switched to Maxalt, which after 4 or 5 years stopped working most of the time, and am currently taking Zomig, which still works most of the time.

5th January 2008, 23:41
I get them pretty badly but mercifully infrequently.

My sypmathy L5, it must be quite debilitating. What do you do when your medication doesn't work? Shut yourself in a dark room?

I was taking a combination of paracetamol and an antiemetic, which did reduce my symptoms but didn't make them go away completely. I'd shut myself in my room and usually the next morning I'd be fine.

I haven't had one for about six months or so... I used to get one every year when I was at high school but not so often now.

Has anyone tried accupuncture?

6th January 2008, 04:19
I get them pretty badly but mercifully infrequently.

My sypmathy L5, it must be quite debilitating. What do you do when your medication doesn't work? Shut yourself in a dark room?

Go to the Hospital (normally I only need to be there for a few hours once I get seen by the doctor).

As far as it being debilitating, it has been part of my life for so long I have learned to live around it. I always carry my medications and take them at the first definitive sign of one coming on. My biggest issue is that I get them in varying degrees of severity, some times I can work through them, sometimes I just have to wait for the medications to kick in, other times it is off to the emergency room.

I keep looking into accupuncture, although my neurologist (big supporter of alternative treatments) has counciled me to wait until we can get a more definitive idea of what the trigger is for my migraines so the therapy can be more focused. The biggest complication I have is that I have 3 white brain lesions that the doctors aren't sure if they are a causal factor or a product of my migraines (they were identified at age 7). There is a distinct possibility that I have a structural condition with my brain that will always leave me highly vulnerable to migraines which complicates the treatment strategies.

6th January 2008, 07:33
I get them as well.

Maybe we could make the thread more interesting with posting what medications seem to help us?

I used to take Imitrex, which stopped working most of the time, so we switched to Maxalt, which after 4 or 5 years stopped working most of the time, and am currently taking Zomig, which still works most of the time.

Like you, I have had migraine for so long, I've learnt to live with it. The problem is that till this day I've not come accross with medicine what seem to help. So, the best way for me is to prevent it in advance. Whenever I feel the first symptoms I know I have max. two hours to cut the head off. I use Ibuprofen, usually 800mg and if I get to take those way BEFORE, it'll help. If not, hell is about to go loose. :down:

Things that seem to cause it are bright sunlight, if I haven't slept well or eaten well, stress even I wouldn't recognize it etc.

My doctor sent me to magnetic resonance imaging but (fortunately) they didn't find anything peculiar :s So, I guess I just have to continue living with it.

6th January 2008, 11:13
Sorry to hear that guys. I'm lucky and never get migraines. One sad thing about migraines is that a lot of people mistake a bad headaches for migraines and now a lot of people assume when you say "i've got a migraine" that you're lying. This of course makes it worse for the genuine sufferers. Anyway I hope you all get on top of your migraines :)

6th January 2008, 17:05
Like you, I have had migraine for so long, I've learnt to live with it. The problem is that till this day I've not come accross with medicine what seem to help. So, the best way for me is to prevent it in advance. Whenever I feel the first symptoms I know I have max. two hours to cut the head off. I use Ibuprofen, usually 800mg and if I get to take those way BEFORE, it'll help. If not, hell is about to go loose. :down:

Things that seem to cause it are bright sunlight, if I haven't slept well or eaten well, stress even I wouldn't recognize it etc.

My doctor sent me to magnetic resonance imaging but (fortunately) they didn't find anything peculiar :s So, I guess I just have to continue living with it.

They found the irregularities with a cat scan and then confirmed they weren't tumors with a MRI, so lucky me I guess.

What medications have they tried with you. Some of your causal factors sound very similar to mine and I am curious as to what they have tried. Torridol (spelled wrong) and dekadron (probably spelled wrong as well) seem as though they should help given your symptoms, Dekadron is steroid based so I doubt they would give that to you to take as needed but torridol is just a highly potent anti-inflamatory that might be something they can give you that will be a whole hell of a lot stronger than the ibuprofen. Have they tried doing any preventative treatments? If you did respond to a type of drug better than others there are a lot of different preventatives that they can try.

I'm not trying to pry, I've dealt with some of the best migraine specialists in my part of the US as personal doctors in addition to being very involved in my personal care and following the research for so many years. Sometimes doctors become fixated on one idea that they don't consider other options for treatment even though they may be very effective. Even with highly regarded specialists you sometimes have to push them to think broader to find the solutions that will really work for you.

8th January 2008, 14:18
What medications have they tried with you. Some of your causal factors sound very similar to mine and I am curious as to what they have tried. Torridol (spelled wrong) and dekadron (probably spelled wrong as well) seem as though they should help given your symptoms, Dekadron is steroid based so I doubt they would give that to you to take as needed but torridol is just a highly potent anti-inflamatory that might be something they can give you that will be a whole hell of a lot stronger than the ibuprofen. Have they tried doing any preventative treatments? If you did respond to a type of drug better than others there are a lot of different preventatives that they can try.

I have tired Miranax, Zomig and Maxalt. All of them failed with me. Like I said, the best for me is to prevent it in advance and I use Burana 400 mg x 2. But if can't prevent it in time, nothing helps then.

9th January 2008, 08:05
From advertising I heard migraine needs the more particular medicine than ordinary headache. You and the assist of doctor should be able to identify the problem to prevent dependency on chemical medicine. The long use of chemical doesn't seem to be good. Some vitamin or herbal/natural medicine might help minimize such disease for the better stamina. Get well soon.

Sometimes I had it a bit if found claim that my credit cards due :D

9th January 2008, 09:24
From advertising I heard migraine needs the more particular medicine than ordinary headache. You and the assist of doctor should be able to identify the problem to prevent dependency on chemical medicine. The long use of chemical doesn't seem to be good. Some vitamin or herbal/natural medicine might help minimize such disease for the better stamina. Get well soon.

Sometimes I had it a bit if found claim that my credit cards due :D

You're absolutely right leopardsleeping. For instance long use of Ibuprofin will eventually cause headache, as silly as it sound. This is what my doctor suspected at one time.

9th January 2008, 10:36
You're absolutely right leopardsleeping. For instance long use of Ibuprofin will eventually cause headache, as silly as it sound. This is what my doctor suspected at one time.
Long term use (more of the daily type though) can cause kidney problems too. Or is it liver problems? :mark:

9th January 2008, 16:25
Long term use (more of the daily type though) can cause kidney problems too. Or is it liver problems? :mark:

Odd. :confused:

You sound just like my doctor.

11th January 2008, 04:13
AFF, I don't know exactly but seems visit forum will not help when the migraine relapsed :o

11th January 2008, 06:35
I just had another.

These things suck really bad....