View Full Version : Whos' doing what for New Years Eve?

29th December 2007, 10:42
I'm having a BBQ on New Years Eve, anyone in the Canberra area who is on the forums you are welcome to come along.

What's everyone else doing?



29th December 2007, 12:25
I went on holiday for Christmas so New Years will be a quiet affair in our local pub. I don't much care for New Years eve as I'm not the biggest drinker in the world. I do love a nice big New years day lunch and the football in the afternoon though. :)

29th December 2007, 12:53
I enjoy a drink but not that much that I like all the hassle of New Year. I think I will get dragged out anyway but may not stay until midnight.

29th December 2007, 13:01
Well the house party that I was planning on going to has been cancelled soooo looks like we'll be staying in this year!!! I've stuck to house parties for the last few years and they've been much better than any time I've ventured out to a pub or club. It's FAR too expensive to go out anywhere, far too hard to get home from town, and it's always a bit of a drunken let down anyway.

29th December 2007, 14:25
I am staying home with my mum and dad

29th December 2007, 16:18
I have nothing to do. I don't think I'd go out to a club or a bar, it'd be packed...

29th December 2007, 16:42
Early night for me, something I look forward to all year :\

29th December 2007, 16:45
I think I will get dragged out anyway but may not stay until midnight.

Cinde-****ing-drella :D

29th December 2007, 23:26
I am going to my girlfriends new years eve party, its chav fancy dress, with chav games, i cant wait, it will be the funniest night i have had for a long time :laugh:

30th December 2007, 10:18
going to mates house for plenty of drinks and partying 'n' skatin

30th December 2007, 12:01
if I feel as ill as I do now I'll stay in bed. if not a gentle p*** up and off to watch Exeter beat Torquay again :D

30th December 2007, 15:41
I'll have a smallparty at home with my friends. It's been three years now since we have the party at my place and it works well for us.

Easy Drifter
30th December 2007, 17:45
If it is a clear night I may walk across the Bay to the Quarterdeck Rest.

30th December 2007, 19:04
Sauna and a can of beer almost made me forget that tomorrow is a normal work day, unless I drink the remaining 14 cans, I just might forget it and have a long new years eve hungover. :D

30th December 2007, 21:24

31st December 2007, 04:11
I have to accomplish my outstanding job (work-stuff) :\

31st December 2007, 06:51
I'm just at home watching a countdown of the best music of 2007. Most of my friends are overseas on holiday at the moment so there are no parties to go to and I don't really want to go out on my own...

31st December 2007, 17:18
just a hangout with friends. just relaxin.

Dave B
31st December 2007, 18:40
I'm taking my Christmas beer round a mate's house and letting off some fireworks.

He'll be furious when he gets home and finds out... :p

Happy New Year, everyone :D

31st December 2007, 19:57
I am just about to set off to spend new years in a stupidly overcrowded pub where you can't hear yourself think and no doubt have a miserable time.

31st December 2007, 21:54
I'm so jealous Mark. I'd much rather be drinking in an overcrowded pub rather than sat at home on my own where I'll spend most of the night in pain from the stupid amount of coughing that I'm doing.

31st December 2007, 22:22
Well I am back now and going to bed ahh lovely bed. Yes I am old :p

2nd January 2008, 02:56
My greatest time of celebrating the coming new year would be 1997 and 1996.

After that period actually I have more chance on going to somewhere with more exciting, but my first two year of my job was where I lived around with friends that I can't find their solidarity in my today's life. ;(

2nd January 2008, 06:55
I maybe into it again if I find partner, I'd tell that I did that excitability quite long ago. :)

2nd January 2008, 08:06
Skip the partner. she will only be angry with you for hanging around at this forum instead of doing something useful.

2nd January 2008, 09:08
Skip the partner. she will only be angry with you for hanging around at this forum instead of doing something useful.
I paid all her invoices due ;)

2nd January 2008, 11:07
Clients can be categorized also as partner.

2nd January 2008, 16:18
A riveting night of cribbage in front of the fireplace...