View Full Version : foot in mouth for ralf

28th December 2007, 10:44
how many times did we hear ralf say "i will be in f1 next year." now, he has no ride, and few prospects for next year...

where did he think he had a chance all those months ago, besides the team then known as spyker?

he definitely has his foot in his mouth. it may stay there unless he is willing to pay to take it out.

31st December 2007, 13:02
I think this post should be the in Touring Car forum, as if he really wants to race next year I think DTM is his best bet!!

31st December 2007, 13:06
how many times did we hear ralf say "i will be in f1 next year." now, he has no ride, and few prospects for next year...

where did he think he had a chance all those months ago, besides the team then known as spyker?

he definitely has his foot in his mouth. it may stay there unless he is willing to pay to take it out.

Ralf sacked his manager three days ago (saw it on CNN).

31st December 2007, 17:03
Ralf sacked his manager three days ago (saw it on CNN).
Well why keep him at this stage....

Anyway, I am on sabbatical and it is much tougher than driving. I plan on remaining there until I get my phone call from Ferrari. I would already be back, but they accidentally lost my phone number and panicked, signing Kimi instead--a mistake they said will not happen again, but they will have to come up with another ten million more than before.

Valve Bounce
1st January 2008, 05:06
I think Ralfie made heaps out of F1, while doing not all that much in the last few years except just making up the numbers at midfield.

With the rise of quite a few younger drivers, Ralfie is, at best, a midfield driver and that is being kind.

Time to call it a day with F1.

1st January 2008, 09:50
Ralf will go down as being an "OK" driver - won a few races in a great car, but not much other than that to brag about. It seems that lately he's been getting good at taking other cars off the track! ;)

1st January 2008, 12:02
Ralf will go down as being an "OK" driver - won a few races in a great car, but not much other than that to brag about. It seems that lately he's been getting good at taking other cars off the track! ;)

As I have said before, on a good day, Ralf was unbeatable. It just seemed that Ralf's good days never coincided with a Grands Prix weekend lately.... ;)

2nd January 2008, 01:37
Ralf sacked his manager three days ago (saw it on CNN).

lol. I guess he can save money by doing so but I hope like hell he didn't sack him cause he couldn't get him a ride for this year!

It's Overpaids fault!

Garry Walker
2nd January 2008, 15:43
Ralf is a superior driver to many drivers, who seemingly will have a seat for next season, like Sato, davidson etc.

2nd January 2008, 15:52
Ralf is a superior driver to many drivers, who seemingly will have a seat for next season, like Sato, davidson etc.

:laugh: Thanks for that post, just spat coffee all over the screen. He'll have a seat alright, just not necessarily in an F1 car.......

Garry Walker
2nd January 2008, 15:56
:laugh: Thanks for that post, just spat coffee all over the screen. He'll have a seat alright, just not necessarily in an F1 car.......

Do you think guys like sato and davidson are better than Ralf?

2nd January 2008, 16:02
Do you think guys like sato and davidson are better than Ralf?

Davidson, yes, most certainly I THINK is better. Ralf HAS been in race winning cars and only on occasion was he winning races (Williams). Sato is a little wild at best, but he certainly is no slouch. Give them the same opportunity Ralf had, and I expect them to achieve more than Ralf could muster....

Garry Walker
2nd January 2008, 16:09
Davidson, yes, most certainly I THINK is better. Ralf HAS been in race winning cars and only on occasion was he winning races (Williams). Sato is a little wild at best, but he certainly is no slouch. Give them the same opportunity Ralf had, and I expect them to achieve more than Ralf could muster....

Davidson and Sato are both hopeless and never have or will be top 10 drivers. Ralf at his best was easily a top 3 driver and even after the injuries he had, he was able to show great pace at times. Too often Toyota failed him though.
When Ralf had the best car, his rival was someone called Michael Schumacher, the best driver ever, not exactly an easy man to beat.
But Sato has so far been destroyed by Fisi and Button, didnt look impressive against Montagny and only showed well up against Davidson.

2nd January 2008, 16:18
Ralf at his best was easily a top 3 driver and even after the injuries he had, he was able to show great pace at times. Too often Toyota failed him though.
When Ralf had the best car, his rival was someone called Michael Schumacher, the best driver ever, not exactly an easy man to beat.

Oh, I quite agree, when Ralf was on it, he was unbeatable. He just was on it so very infrequently.

His teammates JPM & Fisi beat him an awful lot.

Schumi, beaten by Hakkinen, Hill, Coulthard, Alonso, Massa, Raikkonen etc.

If Ralf was/is as good as you suggest, he should be in either a McLaren or a Ferrari......

2nd January 2008, 16:52
Hard to compare team mate vs team mate when the cars are set up so poor.

More like saying who is the best driver when it comes to driving cars that are not set up or competitive---and that is a whole different question, than running at the front with a very competitive car

BTW, at Mac, JPM did have a habit of beating the Kimster as well, until he clearly had his falling out with RD, so Ralf beating JPM says he could go with the best.

But there did seem to be a lack of hungry ambition that drives some to excell, and makes them miserable if they are not at the very top. For example, FA, MS, Senna, and others-and Ralfie seemed to not have it as much, maybe even less of it than JPM

and living in the shadow of a brother called MS may have meant that acccepting second place behind him came a little too easy or maybe was just unavoidable

2nd January 2008, 17:07
Hard to compare team mate vs team mate when the cars are set up so poor. Whose job is it to set the car up?

More like saying who is the best driver when it comes to driving cars that are not set up or competitive If they are teammates in the same car, would they not be in the 'same boat' so to speak?

BTW, at Mac, JPM did have a habit of beating the Kimster as well, until he clearly had his falling out with RD, so Ralf beating JPM says he could go with the best. Did RS make it a habit to beat JPM?

But there did seem to be a lack of hungry ambition that drives some to excell, and makes them miserable if they are not at the very top. For example, FA, MS, Senna, and others-and Ralfie seemed to not have it as much, maybe even less of it than JPM :rolleyes: He sure looked to have that hungry ambition in the Toyota. With that hungry ambition, he should have got out quick, but I think the money was the real issue here.....

and living in the shadow of a brother called MS may have meant that acccepting second place behind him came a little too easy or maybe was just unavoidable If he was concerned about that, he should have tried a different career perhaps.....

2nd January 2008, 19:51
Whose job is it to set the car up?

If they are teammates in the same car, would they not be in the 'same boat' so to speak?

Did RS make it a habit to beat JPM?

:rolleyes: He sure looked to have that hungry ambition in the Toyota. With that hungry ambition, he should have got out quick, but I think the money was the real issue here.....

If he was concerned about that, he should have tried a different career perhaps.....

Whose job is it to set the car up? Common public perception is driver, and that was true sometime ago, especially before data acquisition, but now reality is more the engineering team based on data and understanding the driver's style fitting the car to him, rather than feedback and suggestions from the typical race driver.

After all much-if not most-testing is now being done by rookies who have never actually raced the car, only tested it over and over again

That is why I thought it was such a joke with the stuff about FA was not going to help set up LH's car. Poor LH will be helpless!! And now what are they going to do without FA at all!!!

That would only be true if there was no data acqusition from the car and all the engineers/designers suddenly forgot everything they knew about the subject and how the car was suppose to work. In Toyota's case, they had data acquisition, but seemed to have "forgot everything they knew about the subject...."

So drivers are not so responsible anymore, and getting an uncompetitve car surrounded by people clueless, only means the driver will get most of the blame that really belongs elsewhere

If they are teammates in the same car, would they not be in the 'same boat' so to speak? Some drivers can drive snow mobiles better than others, and some drivers can get more from a car that is set up wrong than others--Just because someone is faster driving a pig, does not mean he will be faster driving a true racehorse, so who can really say--the skill that gets the best from the right set up, may cause the pig to go slower than someone else--much like those two drivers (can not remeber their names off the top of my head-Alesi?) who proceeded to drive the MS's Benetton at the very last track raced by MS when he won the WDC, using the same set up as MS, and yet they were both seconds slower than the times set by MS, and complained about the "difficult" to drive set up of the car

Did RS make it a habit to beat JPM? Err no.....

He sure looked to have that hungry ambition in the Toyota. With that hungry ambition, he should have got out quick, but I think the money was the real issue here.....errr, yes, if he truly wanted to be WDC come hell or high water..... but where else was he going to get paid 20 million per year for being someone else's brother

(Actually this reminds me of Damon Hill, who when choosing between Mac with pay based on victories rather than a high upfront salary or Jordan with pay being a high salary, he choose Jordan)

If he was concerned about that, he should have tried a different career perhaps.....err, yes, but where else was he going to get paid 20 million per year for being someone's brother

Bottom line, talent he clearly had, but it is hard for some folks to get and remain hungry, when they are being paid 20 million a year for being someone's brother

2nd January 2008, 22:58
Ralf was an idiot when he first started in F1 but he matured to become one of the best and indeed if he had had a top level drive he could have become champ. He was at least as good as JV. But now he has stagnated and lost his edge so it is all over.

2nd January 2008, 23:06
Ralf had potential, but I think most of that potential is now gone. At times he could set a good race pace, but when it came to crunch time he never had the right moves to get it done very often.

His chances flew out the windown when he lost the Williams drive if you ask me. He had a good seat and blew it, but for some reason thinks he can command a team and salary more in line with his brothers abilities.

3rd January 2008, 01:27
I'll show you some foot in mouth for Ralf: a few exchange of lines from the official DTM forum. They all hope that RS won't be joining the DTM field in 2008.

Die Frau von Audi wird Ralf Schumacher :)

Ich denk die wollen keine notorische Hinterherfahrerin mehr...

Man wie lustig,
Ralf wird sicher kein Cockpit in der DTM bekommen, da sei dir sicher.

Das hoffen wir doch alle ;)

3rd January 2008, 03:43
Ralf was an idiot when he first started in F1 but he matured to become one of the best and indeed if he had had a top level drive he could have become champ. He was at least as good as JV. But now he has stagnated and lost his edge so it is all over.
He and JPM did have it with Williams one year...perhaps more tire advantage than mechanical ability of the car, but as the season went on, he just semed to lose the edge and then HE not JPM, who seemed to be the one with fire, got the big bucks to drive for Toyota--Indeed while JPM was making maybe 25% of Ralf, JPM seemed to be by far the better investment in terms of results and going toe to toe with MS.

Then JPM goes to Nascar via Mac---and before anyone starts turning up their noses, think about this: My bet is when all the pocket change is counted up, maybe FA and Ralfie made more than JPM this year or maybe not, but it was not by much and LH certainly did not.

But of course, it is not about the money...this is F1, where the subject of money is unworthy any consideration in comparsions to the pure ideals of pure competition based on ability and speed. Indeed the mere mention of money in formula one is met with disgust from the most elite of snobs from the finest gentlemen and ladies in motorsports.

3rd January 2008, 09:27
I think that Ralf was a good driver, after all, he won several races, but he is not even close to his brother and in the last seasons he was really slow. I guess that he should try DTM or Champ Car.

3rd January 2008, 09:47
I guess that he should try DTM or Champ Car.
I'll be surprised if we see Ralf in a racing car too much in the future now that his F1 career is over.

3rd January 2008, 09:53
He is not too old, though. I think however, that DTM would not be good option, because F1 drivers tend to be weaker in DTM. Champ Car is more like F1 and Ralf, I think should not be much slower than Justin Wilson or Robert Doornbos. Champ Car should try to get Ralf - it will help their popularity as well.

3rd January 2008, 22:12
Ralf was an idiot when he first started in F1 but he matured to become one of the best and indeed if he had had a top level drive he could have become champ. He was at least as good as JV. But now he has stagnated and lost his edge so it is all over.

;) Hhmmm... IMO, Ralfie at his best was a good journeyman driver...

who... on a given day, when the car was perfect, was able to win.

:dozey: In anything less than a perfect car, Ralfie seemed content to follow the pack, especially in the past few years.

I agree with Arrows, I will be surprised... if Ralf returns to competitive racing. Youngsters who are now climbing up the ladder.... will simply push him off the track.

15th January 2008, 09:13
I think this post should be the in Touring Car forum, as if he really wants to race next year I think DTM is his best bet!!

Ralf Schumacher will test a Mercedes C-Class DTM car at Estoril on Tuesday, the team have confirmed.
The German, who won six grands prix during his Formula One career, has been left without a slot on the 2008 F1 grid.
Speaking to the official DTM website, a Mercedes spokesman said that the test had been arranged between Schumacher and Norbert Haug a long time ago, but this week was the first opportunity for the 32-year-old to drive the car.
Autosport.com understands that Schumacher will be one of six drivers at the Portuguese track, including former F1 driver Christian Klien. However, Mercedes did not confirm which versions of the C-Class will be used.

Rudy Tamasz
15th January 2008, 14:51
He is not too old, though. I think however, that DTM would not be good option, because F1 drivers tend to be weaker in DTM. Champ Car is more like F1 and Ralf, I think should not be much slower than Justin Wilson or Robert Doornbos. Champ Car should try to get Ralf - it will help their popularity as well.

Please stop insulting Champ Car. We all know Ralf can be fast on his day. However, his attitude is the exact opposite of Champ Car racing culture. Please tell me how somebody whose name became synonimous with whining and bi***ing can contribute to popularity of the series?

I guess he can only appeal to his local fanbase in Kerpen and around. DTM is the only place left for him.

15th January 2008, 15:27
Please tell me how somebody whose name became synonimous with whining and bi***ing can contribute to popularity of the series?

It didn't do Bourdais any harm.

Back to Ralf and the DTM, his brother advises against such a move.


"I don't believe we are gifted enough to drive in DTM. I know I'm not."

15th January 2008, 15:57
It didn't do Bourdais any harm.

Back to Ralf and the DTM, his brother advises against such a move.


"I don't believe we are gifted enough to drive in DTM. I know I'm not."

And people call him arrogant!

15th January 2008, 16:15
I recall the hype when he came into F1. All the commentators saying he's a better driver than Michael. Then for the next umpteen races all he did was fight with his Jordan team mate Fisi and knock each other off the track. I don't believe he deserves all the knocks, as he did achieve race wins an podiums, all the drivers tell you that thats the hardest thing to do. Having said that, perhaps he did pick the right time to retire, in 6 months, he'll be forgotten.

16th January 2008, 01:21
I believe it's all over for Ralf. His talent has waned recently and his 'taste' for the finest is known. It's F1 or not for Ralfie, and the answer is Not!

His attitude is horrendous, can you imagine paying a lad $1million a race to have him frown, pout, not go to sponser events, and then crash out of the race....

16th January 2008, 15:06
Overwhelmingly the most disliked driver is out. I wonder, who'll win that "award" this year!

But anyway... Ralf is only 32. I guess we can't totally rule out that might try to make a comeback in 2009. A parallel: Villeneuve was 33, when he was sacked, but he made a comeback before the next season was over...

16th January 2008, 17:22
Ralf was always a bit of a Heinz Harold Frentzen for me. Yeah he could drive an F1 Car better than any of us, yes he had the big dangly bits to be able to drive fast in unstable cars on occasion. However I think Ralfs fire went a long time ago. He believed he was never gonna get a good ride and when he did have it he was to young and inexperienced to win with it. After Williams, he did nothing. Nothing against him, just have always found him dull, even when he is behind the wheel. At least other so called dull drivers are fun to watch race....I think its time Trulli and Fisi got the boot too, along with DC. I'm old and I think these guys should move over for some new hungry talent to move in. Lewis was hungry and had a good car. Ralf was hungry but talked himself out of the Championship because big brother said it was gonna be his.....

I would love to see him in DTM but will he do the Heinz Harold Frentzen bit again???????

16th January 2008, 17:25
It would be good to see him Champ Cars, but
1) they won't pay him enough
2)he won't wanna go
However he did and did well, he could be back in F1 in a year or end up NASCAR racing.

Now that would be a surprise.

16th January 2008, 20:54
It would be good to see him Champ Cars, but
1) they won't pay him enough
2)he won't wanna go
However he did and did well, he could be back in F1 in a year or end up NASCAR racing.

Now that would be a surprise.

:D : NA$CAR's Good Ole Boys would have themselves a time with Ralfie !!!

I don't see him coming to the Good Ole USA... there's not a series here

thats suitable for his character...

;) Can you see Ralfie going Jaw to Jaw with... Paul Tracy ???

16th January 2008, 21:38
Well, when you see the attitude of guys like Carl Edwards, perhaps Ralf wouldn't fit so badly in NASCAR.. He does always tell it like it is, so that would fit in pretty well with the Kyle Busch and Tony Stewart's of the world ;) :up:

16th January 2008, 23:24
:D : NA$CAR's Good Ole Boys would have themselves a time with Ralfie !!!

I don't see him coming to the Good Ole USA... there's not a series here

thats suitable for his character...

;) Can you see Ralfie going Jaw to Jaw with... Paul Tracy ???

You're right he's no red neck!
:p :

17th January 2008, 01:28
I think we can rule out the possibility of seeing Ralf at NASCAR. Yeah, several former formula drivers have gone there, but these have been those, who have formerly been somehow connected to North American racing series (Champ Car, etc). Yeah, Scott Speed had been racing in Europe from quite an early phase of his racing career before going to stock cars, but at least he comes from NASCAR's homeland.

But I think Ralf has no connections with North America or its series and has also shown no interest in NASCAR.

17th January 2008, 19:11
You're right he's no red neck!
:p :

:p : BruuHaaaHaaa... Paul Tracy's a Canadian !!!

Whining & Moaning... doesn't work over here !!!

They'ed run him outta the NA$CAR series in a New York minute.

:dozey: Neither Ralfie or the Chopper want any part of oval racing !!!

Gosh, apparently you didn't realise that either.

19th January 2008, 08:15
apparently Mercedes DTM is interested http://www.planetf1.com/story/0,18954,3213_3057535,00.html

he should take it, little travel, huge popularity, no options.....

Garry Walker
6th February 2008, 13:31
apparently Mercedes DTM is interested http://www.planetf1.com/story/0,18954,3213_3057535,00.html

he should take it, little travel, huge popularity, no options.....

Ralf will race in DTM this season.

6th February 2008, 13:48
Ralf will race in DTM this season.

Ralf Schumacher is set to be confirmed to race for Mercedes in the DTM this season after testing again for the marque at Estoril this week.

6th February 2008, 17:11
Very interesting ;) :up:
Shame that it looks as though Paffett will not get an '08-spec car though..

If Ralf has the right approach (and it sounds like it), I think he will do well,but I doubt he will win a race this year. But probably next ;)

6th February 2008, 18:00
Previous years have proven that former F1 drivers have always found it hard to become top contenders in DTM and no wonder that brother Michael advised him not to go there.

I think it would be probably wise to give Ralf a one-year-old car for his first DTM season. Then his role won't be so responsible and it's also less risky for MB in case Ralf underperforms. In the past Alesi, Frentzen and Häkkinen got newest cars immediately, but were often struggling to keep the pace of their colleagues in new-spec cars.

Garry Walker
7th February 2008, 12:32
Previous years have proven that former F1 drivers have always found it hard to become top contenders in DTM and no wonder that brother Michael advised him not to go there.

I think it would be probably wise to give Ralf a one-year-old car for his first DTM season. Then his role won't be so responsible and it's also less risky for MB in case Ralf underperforms. In the past Alesi, Frentzen and Häkkinen got newest cars immediately, but were often struggling to keep the pace of their colleagues in new-spec cars.

The problem for them is that DTM is so much different from an open-wheeler like an F1 car. Very different disciplines.
Still, Häkkinen was quite unlucky quite often and in his last season was pretty good. Regarding Häkkinen, I have been told he has broken up with Erja and an official announcement should be made soon.

7th February 2008, 13:03
Good luck to him in DTM.

7th February 2008, 13:27
Regarding Häkkinen, I have been told he has broken up with Erja and an official announcement should be made soon.

Been made already.

7th February 2008, 23:33
The problem for them is that DTM is so much different from an open-wheeler like an F1 car. Very different disciplines.
Still, Häkkinen was quite unlucky quite often and in his last season was pretty good. Regarding Häkkinen, I have been told he has broken up with Erja and an official announcement should be made soon.

That could explain also why Schneider performed below average in F1 and why Paffet never gets any attention from F1 teams.
But also let's not forget Alesi, Frentzen and Häkkinen joined DTM way past their prime, but again with Ralf is the same case anyway...

Good luck to him.

7th February 2008, 23:53
Ralf is actually still a comparatively young driver - 32 (will become 33 in summer). So I guess after an F1 career he may add a strong and memorable touring car career to it if he has motivation. As mentioned, in theory there should be plenty of years left in him and he may well continue in touring cars for another ten years (for example Bernd Schneider is currently 43 years old).

Michael had a few unsuccessful races in DTM before his F1 career started, so maybe that's an area, where Ralf can beat his brother. :p :

8th February 2008, 03:38
Who was the member that saw Ralf going to DTM?

I chuckled a bit, but the guy is completely correct.

Ian McC
9th February 2008, 11:11

Ralf to DTM, I have been saying that for about 2 years now!

9th February 2008, 16:11
That could explain also why Schneider performed below average in F1 and why Paffet never gets any attention from F1 teams.
But also let's not forget Alesi, Frentzen and Häkkinen joined DTM way past their prime, but again with Ralf is the same case anyway...

Good luck to him.

Ralf's more in his prime than Alesi, Hakkinen and HHF were when they joined DTM. I'm not his biggest fan but at least by doing the Force India shootout he proved he still had motivation to remian in F1.

I'm sure he can do well in DTM.

9th February 2008, 18:44
And don't forget also how Rosberg did long after he had 'retired' from racing! Also Jacques Laffite raced DTM in the early 90's for Mercedes, again way after his F1 career, and won races too I believe. And the cars are more sportscars with bumpers than touring cars anyway ;)

As far as I am aware Michael Schumacher only did one DTM championship race as part of Mercedes' junior programme but wan't successful...crashed out I believe ;)

As for the reason Bernd Schneider performed 'below average'; he didn't! He was driving for Zakspeed's own F1 team, which lasted less than three seasons and was, frankly, rubbish! Schneider had to go from F3 to turbo F1 but with an outdated turbo engine, then struggled with the switch to N/A with a heavy underpowered and unreliable engine, for a second-year driver with little experience, there wasn't much he could do, but he wasn't outpaced by Aguri Suzuki, who could be very quick, especially in qualifying.
So he wasn't below average, it's just that Zakspeed's average was low in itself! ;)

As for Ralf, I think the closest comparison would be JJ Lehto, who also went to DTM straight from F1 and performed very well in the DTM and ITC.
Nowadays is regarded as about the quickest guy in a sportscar iun a sprint, and solid over a race distance as well. I could easily see Ralf at his age achieving that sort of level, and becoming the next guy after Lehto/Pirro/McNish etc to the the go-to-guy in sportscar terms over the next three years. Maybe he could also beat Michael's Le Mans records too! :p

9th February 2008, 20:08
I've been exclusively an F1 observer (with a little sprinkling of Motocross, and Moto GP)
I do like to follow the F1 pilots when they take on new disciplines!
I even watched a couple Nascar races that Jpm was in! I have bookmarked the official DTM Website,
as I have decided to take in other forms Of Road Racing,
thanks to Ralf. Are the race's shown on TVU or any other live webcasts?

11th February 2008, 01:50
Hindsight is 20/20.


11th February 2008, 05:58
Hindsight is 20/20.


i miss the grumpy little yoke all of a sudden. i started watching f1 at the brazilian gp 1999. out of all the drivers that started that race, only four are still racing in f1, barrichello, coulthard, trulli, fisichella. im just wondering when the day will come that there will be none left. it'll be a nostalgic day for me.

12th February 2008, 10:21
Are the race's shown on TVU or any other live webcasts?

Not as far as I am aware, however if you can get a channel showing SPEED (Wheels certainly used to), they do show the races as live, but you'd have to check the timings!

12th February 2008, 14:48
Not as far as I am aware, however if you can get a channel showing SPEED (Wheels certainly used to), they do show the races as live, but you'd have to check the timings!
Thanks Your Dudeliness!

18th February 2008, 16:28
Ralf Schumacher has ended weeks of speculation about his future by confirming that he will race a Trilux AMG Mercedes C-Class in the DTM this year.

Garry Walker
18th February 2008, 22:45
As far as I am aware Michael Schumacher only did one DTM championship race as part of Mercedes' junior programme but wan't successful...crashed out I believe ;)

He did 6 races as far as I remember.

19th February 2008, 16:27
Hans Werner, boss of the German Touring Car (DTM) Championships, says the interest in Ralph Schumacher's debut season has already boosted ticket sales and generated extra media interest.

The 32-year-old German signed for Mercedes on Monday to race in this year's DTM championship, whose 12-race season runs from April until October, and the competition's boss is already pleased with the extra publicity.


19th February 2008, 16:35
He did 6 races as far as I remember.

19th February 2008, 17:30

Dave B
19th February 2008, 17:34
Ralf, not Ralph, by the way. Unless one's discussing Firman. :)

19th February 2008, 17:44
Ralf, not Ralph, by the way. Unless one's discussing Firman. :)
I think you should shoot an email off to the Editor right away!
It's a quote pasted from the link............ "BRO"

21st February 2008, 13:42
Ralf Schumacher has confessed that he made up claims that he would definitely remain in Formula One in 2008 just so he would have a quiet end to his career as a Grand Prix driver.

21st February 2008, 14:14
I think that is rather clever of him.
As all F1 Drivers. In the end,
he will and should be judged by what he acomplished on the track!
All things considered!

21st February 2008, 15:36
I think that is rather clever of him.
As all F1 Drivers. In the end,
he will and should be judged by what he acomplished on the track!
All things considered!

And all things considered he did better than most of the F1 drivers.

23rd February 2008, 03:09
"I believe that neither of us have the talent to drive those cars quickly -- I have even tried them and it is a completely different world," Michael said in January.

Now that he has signed a minimally one year contract for 2008, Ralf was asked by the German newspaper Bild if he contemplated heeding his elder brother's advice.

"It is more of an incentive for me," he said, amid speculation that the German brothers no longer have a close relationship.

Schumacher also indicated that he may attend some grands prix in the future.

"If I come to the formula one paddock, I will certainly eat my supper in the Mercedes motor home," he vowed.

