View Full Version : Rafael Sperafico Killed in Accident?

12th December 2007, 19:55
Rafael Sperafico was killed December 10th in a Stock Car Brazil Lights race at Interlagos, it was a truly sickening accident and I give my condolences to the Sperafico Family. Rafael was 26 years old and he was a cousin to Ricardo, Rodrigo and Alexandre Spearfico.

RIP Rafael Sperafico, You will be truly missed!

12th December 2007, 20:14
Those Brazil stock cars seem to be really dangerous... IIRC there have been several deaths in the last couple of years...

RIP. :(

(Why the question mark in the title?)

12th December 2007, 20:59
(Why the question mark in the title?)

Don't know really!

12th December 2007, 21:49
Never heard of Rafael Sperafico but death in sports is always a shock. RIP Rafael.