View Full Version : Why hasnt Max Mosley resigned yet?

12th December 2007, 07:24
This guy is crazy vindictive. Ron Denis has the money why dont pay someone to get him you know dropped

12th December 2007, 07:47
He resigned in 2004. But he was advised to stay because they couldn't find someone who could do the job, which is why he's still there.

It's time someone went looking again.

12th December 2007, 09:37
Perhaps they couldn't find anyone as pompus, vindictive, corrupt and arrogant enough to fill his shoes....(my opinion I know and dioes not reflect Max a s aproffesional buisness man), incase I get my behind sued as well as everyone else, who speaks out about him.

Something isn't right with Max that is for certain. Time to leave for his own sack I think, if he were a pollitician he'd be gone already.

12th December 2007, 10:01
Perhaps they couldn't find anyone as pompus, vindictive, corrupt and arrogant enough to fill his shoes....(my opinion I know and dioes not reflect Max a s aproffesional buisness man), incase I get my behind sued as well as everyone else, who speaks out about him.

Something isn't right with Max that is for certain. Time to leave for his own sack I think, if he were a pollitician he'd be gone already.

He'd fit right in at Labour!!!! (Alledgedly) And, how dare you compare honest businessmen with Max, that's unfair to professional businessmen the world over IMO.

12th December 2007, 10:06
It's a pity Carlos Reuteman has got a proper job, he'd be a good candidate I think.

12th December 2007, 10:32

What a bunch of frustrated people!

12th December 2007, 10:36

What a bunch of frustrated people!

Ioan, that's it, you've encapsulated the FIA in one sentence! :p :

12th December 2007, 10:42
Ioan, that's it, you've encapsulated the FIA in one sentence! :p :

Depends on the point of view! :p :

12th December 2007, 12:01
Max is saving for his pension..
let the old man crawl for another year or two.. then him and bernie are out i guess.

12th December 2007, 12:03
Max is saving for his pentions..

What's that???

12th December 2007, 12:33
Why should he resign? To make Ron happy?

Big Ben
12th December 2007, 12:49
Why should he resign? To make Ron happy?

and make Ioan and Jean miserable. Who would then take care Ferrari wins something from time to time when they don't come up with a good car?

So you'd rather have this slow witted guy just because you two hate the same person? Good thinking man.

12th December 2007, 12:51
It's getting back to the Jean-Marie Balestre style era, Max has become what he fought against.

I can't help wondering if all of this is retribution for the proposed breakaway formula? I honestly think Max needs to go, & they need to be very careful who replaces him. The sport is in grave danger.

12th December 2007, 13:22
Shame Jackie Stewart isn't interested.

A lot of damage has been done this year regardless of your point of view. Fortunately the racing was good, we had a good fight for the championship and either way the winner would have been worthy, and yet still the reverberations of Max's personnal battle with some team owners continues. With Renault essentially being let of the hook, for something that Rons team got fined for is a huge problem, whether you agree or not with the desicion or the finner points, Mr Joe Bloggs average man on the street, doesn't know or care about those points, but knows the French team didn't get stung and the British / German team did.

Most executive Directors have to retire at 60, how comes that mad old englishman gets to stay on. Its about time the news of the world got on Max's case and started digging around. Bet they would find something worth getting him the big old boot.....Appart from that I think he is a lovely careing man, sorry to all other business men I slated earlier.lol

12th December 2007, 13:24
In fact it's not the result of what has happened that would bother me as his boss, it would be the poor manner in which he conducted himself.

12th December 2007, 13:46
Shame Jackie Stewart isn't interested.

God forbid that he changes his mind (pun intended).

12th December 2007, 13:49
Why should he resign? To make Ron happy?

You got it right!
Interesting enough it's mostly the McLaren supporters that are against him. Having the team they support exposed as liars and cheaters hurts them, but instead of facing the truth they prefer to attack those who exposed them.
Hypocrisy showing a lot more every day.

Azumanga Davo
12th December 2007, 14:40
Tsk, tsk, I always wonder what his father would think of him...


Oh, well, could be pleased for him I guess...

12th December 2007, 14:55
God forbid that he changes his mind (pun intended).

Where was the pun, sorry, missed it......

12th December 2007, 15:23
Why should he resign? To make Ron happy?
I'm sure Ron would be delighted if Max's choice for future FIA President took up the post :dozey:

Max Mosley has been quick to use Article 151 of the FIA's international sporting code when it suits, and Article 151 says that "any fraudulent conduct or any act prejudicial to the interests of any competition or to the interests of motor sport generally" is a breach of the rules.

Had a current driver, or team owner, described the FIA President as a "certified halfwit" you can be sure they would be up in front of the FIA charged under article 151. Had Ron Dennis sued in light of some of the comments directed toward him in recent months he would have been derided as being over sensitive at best.

12th December 2007, 15:34
Had Ron Dennis sued in light of some of the comments directed toward him in recent months he would have been derided as being over sensitive at best.

Because you can't call a proven (certified if you wish) liar a liar?

12th December 2007, 15:50
I'm sure Ron would be delighted if Max's choice for future FIA President took up the post :dozey:

Max Mosley has been quick to use Article 151 of the FIA's international sporting code when it suits, and Article 151 says that "any fraudulent conduct or any act prejudicial to the interests of any competition or to the interests of motor sport generally" is a breach of the rules.

Had a current driver, or team owner, described the FIA President as a "certified halfwit" you can be sure they would be up in front of the FIA charged under article 151. Had Ron Dennis sued in light of some of the comments directed toward him in recent months he would have been derided as being over sensitive at best.

Because you can't call a proven (certified if you wish) liar a liar?
.........as in truth is generally a defense, or according to Markabilly, you can not kill a dog which has already been dead for a long time...... :D

12th December 2007, 17:41
and make Ioan and Jean miserable. Who would then take care Ferrari wins something from time to time when they don't come up with a good car?

In 2005 and 2006 Ferrari lost to Renault and in 2005, to McLaren as well. Max is not guilthy that McLaren is a team of incompetent liars, who can not win the championship even when they have advantage - gained probably in illegal manner.
And yes, if McLaren are destroyed I'll be very happy. 2006 we had great battle between Renault and Ferrari.

12th December 2007, 20:13
In 2005 and 2006 Ferrari lost to Renault and in 2005, to McLaren as well. Max is not guilthy that McLaren is a team of incompetent liars, who can not win the championship even when they have advantage - gained probably in illegal manner.
And yes, if McLaren are destroyed I'll be very happy. 2006 we had great battle between Renault and Ferrari.

You just cannot substantiate that can you, hence the cunning probably. If someone could provide the cast iron proof, it'll shut a lot of folk up on here, and in the sport itself.

But it seems not to exist, this beyond reasonable doubt proof, doesn't it?

Big Ben
12th December 2007, 20:44
You got it right!
Interesting enough it's mostly the McLaren supporters that are against him. Having the team they support exposed as liars and cheaters hurts them, but instead of facing the truth they prefer to attack those who exposed them.
Hypocrisy showing a lot more every day.

many have said it before but I'll repeat it. You begin to sound like a broken record.

12th December 2007, 21:24
many have said it before but I'll repeat it. You begin to sound like a broken record.

I could say the same about you but that wouldn't help the discussion.

Easy Drifter
12th December 2007, 21:41
I feel Mad Max has become too enamoured of himself.
I also feel that when he was involved with March cars there were certain issues. Mind you that was true of most racing car manufacturers. Yes, I have had experience with about a half dozen companies including March.
But we should be careful what we wish for. We might get Tony George! :eek:

12th December 2007, 22:59
I feel Mad Max has become too enamoured of himself.
I also feel that when he was involved with March cars there were certain issues. Mind you that was true of most racing car manufacturers. Yes, I have had experience with about a half dozen companies including March.
But we should be careful what we wish for. We might get Tony George! :eek:

Did he not just receive from the FIA, the big award for promoter of the year at that big banquet?

Personally, I now feel so much better, knowing that Tony G has that award, instead of having another GP in 2008, as we back in the good ole US of A, will not have to put up with another US Grand Prix, and can go visit the trophy instead. :(

Big Ben
13th December 2007, 00:54
In 2005 and 2006 Ferrari lost to Renault and in 2005, to McLaren as well. Max is not guilthy that McLaren is a team of incompetent liars, who can not win the championship even when they have advantage - gained probably in illegal manner.
And yes, if McLaren are destroyed I'll be very happy. 2006 we had great battle between Renault and Ferrari.

I won't bother you with any further questions. I've heard enough.

13th December 2007, 01:36
I won't bother you with any further questions. I've heard enough.


I've seen enough. there really isn't any reasoning is there?

so why bother

13th December 2007, 01:59
Max will remain in his current position until the little pin badge he got on his appointment is wrenched from his cold dead fingers and you want to know why? Money, quite literally and especially in F1, the root of all evil. When the cash-flow was drying up at the end of the Schumi-dominating-all years, Max decided he'd had a good run and would retire. Bernard and co in their infinate wisdom realised that there was noone quite so lacking-in-the-morals, easily convinced and money-orientated to replace him so convinced him to stay for a while, after all, talking utter crap all day is obviously not the hardest job in the world and he gets to sit behind a desk for most of the day so it isnt hard on the back either.

Now, along comes Lewis and the money is rolling in, so darling Max will be going nowhere fast now that F1 and him are back in the limelight and making alot of cash, and Bernie certainly would talk him around again if he even considered it, he doesnt want anyone new coming in, just incase they have the 'morals'...

13th December 2007, 04:24
But we should be careful what we wish for. We might get Tony George! :eek:

Or Bernie Ecclestone ;)

Honestly I see no real reason why Mosley should resign, being called stupid isn't enough otherwise many nations would need to change president every day!

13th December 2007, 17:02
I feel Mad Max has become too enamoured of himself.
I also feel that when he was involved with March cars there were certain issues. Mind you that was true of most racing car manufacturers. Yes, I have had experience with about a half dozen companies including March.
But we should be careful what we wish for. We might get Tony George! :eek:

And a dozen of Formula 1 series with a grid of ten cars

13th December 2007, 17:18
I wonder what do the anti-Mosely ones think about this:

13th December 2007, 18:16
I wonder what do the anti-Mosely ones think about this:

It speaks for itself, doesn't it. At least he (Max) has the strenght to ignore all the crap that has flown his direction.

He who laughs last......

His impending lawsuit has just become extremely watertight if you ask me.....

13th December 2007, 18:18
It speaks for itself, doesn't it. At least he (Max) has the strenght to ignore all the crap that has flown his direction.

He who laughs last......

His impending lawsuit has just become extremely watertight if you ask me.....

Brundle should learn from McLaren and issue a speedy excuse to Max and the WMSC! :D

13th December 2007, 19:45
Brundle should learn from McLaren and issue a speedy excuse to Max and the WMSC! :D

Now , now , Ioan , my friend , don't be too smug .
Did you mean to substitute "excuse" for "apology" ?

Be nice .
This will hurt your fellow fans of F1 .

You are right , though .
Brundle and some of his former driver companions should issue statements as well .

13th December 2007, 20:05
I wonder what do the anti-Mosely ones think about this:

It speaks for itself, doesn't it. At least he (Max) has the strenght to ignore all the crap that has flown his direction.

He who laughs last......

His impending lawsuit has just become extremely watertight if you ask me.....

Brundle should learn from McLaren and issue a speedy excuse to Max and the WMSC! :D
Actually (this will surprize one and all) I think that those were worthy and proper comments about the witch hunt conducted by the FIA

Just because the witch hunt found a witch at the end of the hunt........oopps

Actually all things considered, speaking of hunting and being a sportsman, going after RD (esp. given his long list of false statements and so forth issued this year alone, issued before this latest admission) this hunt could hardly be called sporting, it was more like shooting fish in a barrell............. :eek:

Need to change title and subject of this thread to "why has not RD and ALL TOP OFFICALS of Mac resigned?"

14th December 2007, 18:46
"why has not RD and ALL TOP OFFICALS of Mac resigned?"

Good question.

I do like your line "Just because the witch hunt found a witch at the end of the hunt........"


14th December 2007, 18:48
Had Ron Dennis sued in light of some of the comments directed toward him in recent months he would have been derided as being over sensitive at best.

No he wouldn't.....he'd be derided for being broke and serving time for perjury.