View Full Version : Fizzy Drinks

Hazell B
7th January 2007, 22:23
What's your favourite fizzy, non-alcoholic drink?

Just opened some dandelion and burdock whilst on the phone and the person who'd called started saying how disgusting my taste is! :(

I love dandelion and burdock, it's the drink of sober champions. Second are Diet Dr Pepper and Diet Vimto, with Pepsi Max close behind.

7th January 2007, 22:43
Irn Bru.

Made in Scotland, from girders :up:

Dandelion and burdock isn't bad either though :)

7th January 2007, 22:47
There's a drink called L&P which I think exists only in New Zealand which is quite nice, but very sharp. It's the colour of beer.

I also like Red Bull. I go through minor withdrawal when I don't have it. tastes foul, but no wonder Dietrich whateverhisnameis is so rich.

7th January 2007, 22:55
Yes! I'm hooked on D&B at the moment, its beautiful stuff! Lucozade is up there though.

7th January 2007, 23:12
I don't drink dizzy drinks so leave me out of this one. :)

Dave B
7th January 2007, 23:30
Proper "fuzzy teeth" Coke. Not the diet muck.

Ian McC
7th January 2007, 23:50
I don't get these people that can't taste the difference between diet and non diet drinks, to me it's obvious.

8th January 2007, 00:44
I don't drink dizzy drinks so leave me out of this one. :)

Too late, you're involved forever now :p

I don't get these people that can't taste the difference between diet and non diet drinks, to me it's obvious.

There's a vast difference. Diet tends to be way too sweet for my taste.

8th January 2007, 00:49
There used to be a local brew, funnily enough made by Charles Wells, a local brewery in Bedford, called Golden Lemonade and it was fab, but the company stopped making it a few years ago :(

These days I like Sprite but prefer either something like Powerade, Oasis or just plain bottled water.

The only time I drink Coke is with reasonable quantities of Vodka added to it ;) which ain't very often ;(

8th January 2007, 01:34
Dr. Pepper

8th January 2007, 01:43
Apparently Fizz does drink, he is quite partial to the odd pint of bitter.

8th January 2007, 02:03
Red Bull... goes wel with a side of snickers!!! my favourite meal, bottle of red bull and a snickers!!

8th January 2007, 06:19
Dr. Pepper
they tried to sell that Stuff over hear a few years back. Spent Millions in advertising and and failed. Did try it
(Cough gasp, spit.) Didn't like it too much.
Needless to say, either did the rest of OZ. Don't see it in the shops no more.

Same as American Beer they try to sell it hear in OZ, thinking Aussies will drink any beer. But to Quote Monty Python -:It's like making Love in a Canoe, F***ing Close to water. Sorry about that my American Cousins.

Non alcohol drink I like would be Water, Ice cool. or Plain old Coke comes in Second.

8th January 2007, 08:01
I don't drink fizzy drinks except for Sprite (with a vodka) :)
Favourite non-alcoholic drinks would be water, orange/watermelon juice and Powerade.

Rudy Tamasz
8th January 2007, 08:42
Tonic Schweppes or Tonic Evervess. Root beer is cool, too.

Ian McC
8th January 2007, 09:43
my favourite meal, bottle of red bull and a snickers!!

That's healthy!

Ian McC
8th January 2007, 09:44
Yes! I'm hooked on D&B at the moment, its beautiful stuff!

Never heard of it before, must look for it in the shops.

8th January 2007, 12:09
I think my Coke addiction is not helping my teeth one single bit, (hence the two fillings i need) so I'm removing it from my life for the first part of 2007. I changed to Coke Zero recently which is fairly decent, not that I'm drinking it anymore.

Captain VXR
8th January 2007, 12:38
Pepsi Max http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/eatdrink031.gif

8th January 2007, 13:28
I've just finished my first can of D&B in years, and ahh... the memories.. so good!! as the can says.. "tall, dark and drinksome"

In the world of other fizzy drinks.. i quite like tonic water, red bull, coke and lemonade. but i find i get stomach aches when i drink the fizzy stuff so i dont really drink them much any more.

8th January 2007, 14:50
Sprite/7 up (they're basically the same thing)

8th January 2007, 15:53
Diet Coke
Diet Dr. Pepper

They're just about the only two fizzies that I drink.

8th January 2007, 15:59
Sainsbury's Classic Cola. I drink at least 2 pints a day :D

Hazell B
8th January 2007, 20:00
So, it's 50/50 diet and normal, roughly, on here.

I dislike the normal ones as they make my teeth feel fuzzy. Diet ones go flat a bit faster too, which I like.

8th January 2007, 20:10
I used to LOVE dandelion and burdock when I was little and for some reason I can't even stand the smell of it now... :(

I don't drink all that many fizzy drinks unless it's used as a mixer in something alcoholic... but If I had to choose it'd be Dr Pepper. :)

8th January 2007, 23:31
I think my Coke addiction is not helping my teeth one single bit, (hence the two fillings i need) so I'm removing it from my life for the first part of 2007. I changed to Coke Zero recently which is fairly decent, not that I'm drinking it anymore.

The foam solidifies a little bit when you pour it, which is disturbing :eek:

Sainsbury's Classic Cola. I drink at least 2 pints a day :D

:eek: That made me feel violently ill reading it... seriously, it did. You cannot be serious!

9th January 2007, 00:04
Anyone remember Cream Soda? I used to love it and haven't had any for years.

9th January 2007, 00:15
Anyone remember Cream Soda? I used to love it and haven't had any for years.

Ah, nice stuff, but I could never drink a whole can, it was too sweet for my taste.

9th January 2007, 00:21
Anyone remember Cream Soda? I used to love it and haven't had any for years.

Yes, it was sweet but great stuff! Don't see much of it around any more.

9th January 2007, 09:56
Pepsi would be my favourite. Followed by Coke and Sprite.

But my favourite if I was still in Australia would be Fanta. It's soooooooo much better than the rubbish we get here in the UK that they call Fanta :(

Dave B
9th January 2007, 11:11
My favourite Australian soft drink is Fosters :p

9th January 2007, 11:16
:eek: That made me feel violently ill reading it... seriously, it did. You cannot be serious!

Why? I do mean 2 pints, not 2 litres. Which is just two pint glasses full, I don't see how that is seriously excessive? If I'd said two pints of beer would you still feel violently ill?

9th January 2007, 11:22
Why? I do mean 2 pints, not 2 litres. Which is just two pint glasses full, I don't see how that is seriously excessive? If I'd said two pints of beer would you still feel violently ill?

I would. ;) :p :

Dave B
9th January 2007, 11:25
On a tangent: does anybody still own or use a Soda Stream? Now that was crap cola! :s

9th January 2007, 11:37
Just go to a pub or cimena etc, what you get effectively is soda stream.

9th January 2007, 12:20
Anyone remember Cream Soda? I used to love it and haven't had any for years.

A classic in many delis, who have a variety of brands.

What about an egg cream? Ah!

9th January 2007, 19:32
Coke, I can stop myself from buying it, I just can't stop myself from drinking it :\

9th January 2007, 19:58
Dr Pepper for me :D I find the Diet Dr Pepper a bit flat :s

Also drink Diet Coke, Pepsi ... i think im just addicted to fizzy drinks ...

9th January 2007, 20:15
Can't beat a bit of silver Purdey's :D

9th January 2007, 22:49
Why? I do mean 2 pints, not 2 litres. Which is just two pint glasses full, I don't see how that is seriously excessive? If I'd said two pints of beer would you still feel violently ill?

Two pints is still a fair amount. I couldn't drink even one pint of soft drink in one go without vomiting, not that I've ever tried. I could probably drink that much in a day but only if it was spread out. Two pints of beer wouldn't be so bad... but drinking even one pint of beer makes my head spin like mad :o

Pepsi would be my favourite. Followed by Coke and Sprite.

But my favourite if I was still in Australia would be Fanta. It's soooooooo much better than the rubbish we get here in the UK that they call Fanta :(

Pepsi would be you favourite, under what conditions? sorry

I presume you mean orange Fanta. Have you encountered all the other flavours?

10th January 2007, 00:08
Grape Fanta?

10th January 2007, 01:34
Tonic Water for me too, especially when out and driving. Mates are getting drunk, so drinking water is boring and the sugar from Coke gets to me too much, so it has to be the sober half of G & T.

10th January 2007, 11:02
Grape Fanta?

It tastes weird. But I don't like the orange stuff, I think the grape is nicer.

10th January 2007, 16:02
Definstely Dr Pepper for me, i live off the stuff :p :

10th January 2007, 20:28
I'm addicted to Pepsi, there are days where I drink up to a liter of it, it's not healthy I know.
I like also Coke and Red Bull but they're too expensive so I can't afford an addiction to them.
The only time I tried Dr.Pepper tasted like a cough medicine

10th January 2007, 20:30
Why is Coke more expensive than Pepsi? :confused:

10th January 2007, 21:20
hmmmm... nice... advertising. ;) :p :
