View Full Version : Autoextremist weighs in on NASCAR...

6th December 2007, 18:24
A 'what do you think' thread should be interesting...

I'll leave the NASCAR marketing juggernaut out of this discussion for now, because after seeing bits of that corporate business-to-business shill-fest - aka the season-ending NASCAR awards "banquet" - unfurl on TV last Friday night it's clear that these people are operating in a world lost unto themselves - one that is becoming further and further removed from the average racing enthusiast altogether. NASCAR has chosen to either rationalize or ignore the fact that fans are turning away from its once red-hot, "can't miss" sport in droves, as TV ratings plummet and empty grandstands loom glaringly on the live broadcasts. It's as if the powers that be in NASCAR have decided that the racing entity can exist without the fans altogether and that ultimately all that matters are the co-branding opportunities, the marketing partnerships and the synergistic advertising relationships. To that I say, "We'll see." Because without its hard-core fan base to bank on, even NASCAR's dynasty would crumble.

Lee Roy
6th December 2007, 20:52
DeLorenzo The Loon bashing away on NASCAR . . . . so what's new?

7th December 2007, 02:33
SS,DD....same chit, different day.

15th December 2007, 18:23
DeLorenzo has done critiques of most of the major racing series recently. He didn't pull any punches with any of them. And while he's not my favorite writer, IMO, he made some very valid points regarding each of them.

NASCAR (and its fans) shouldn't fall into the trap that open wheel fans have: only wanting to hear the good news, while shouting down anyone who points out the (rather obvious) flaws.

In any business, it is possible to change too much, too fast. Whether Brian has done that, or is doing that, I don't know. But the ratings haven taken hits for some reason. That doesn't mean that the world is coming to an end, but it is certainly an issue.

Lee Roy
16th December 2007, 23:51
NASCAR (and its fans) shouldn't fall into the trap that open wheel fans have: only wanting to hear the good news, while shouting down anyone who points out the (rather obvious) flaws.

I do enjoy criticism of NASCAR when it's done by someone who is capable of discussing the issues in a rational and even handed manner. That definitely leaves out DeLorenzo. He goes spastic every time he mentions NASCAR. Even in an article critiquing open wheel racing he can't refrain from a paragraph on NASCAR.

17th December 2007, 19:46
NASCAR (and its fans) shouldn't fall into the trap that open wheel fans have: only wanting to hear the good news, while shouting down anyone who points out the (rather obvious) flaws.

the champcar fans just wanted the decline to hit the bottom before they could rebuild, that bottom never came.

NASCAR is in a good position to stop the slide in popularity. It might mean that the goose lays smaller golden eggs, but it'll make sense for everyone.