View Full Version : Gold Star available......

Hazell B
3rd December 2007, 21:48
.... to whoever posts the guess nearest to what I'm going to an auction tomorrow to view.

I'm bored, so thought other people here might be bored enough to take a guess at what I'm doing tomorrow (tuesday) afternoon. The only clue is that it's an auction lot I'm going to look at before the auction on wednesday. It won't be more than two hundred quid, but may be two quid!
I go to machinery, farming, antique, bric-a-brac, horse, horticulture, building supplies, car and reclaimation auctions, so it could be anything in the big wide world!

Madder your guess, the better :p :

3rd December 2007, 22:11
A Morris Minor?

Dave B
3rd December 2007, 22:19
Animal, vegetable or mineral?

3rd December 2007, 22:20
A person? :D If it is then I'm disappointed in you Hazell, people aren't just for the month of December you know, they need food and water all year round, and regular exercise :p :

4th December 2007, 00:04
A plough Jethro used to own?

Mp3 Astra
4th December 2007, 00:26
Horsebox Door?


Leg of lamb?

Azumanga Davo
4th December 2007, 07:48
Land Rover named Uncle Albert*?

*-During the war, it sunk the Bismarck. Whilst driving it... :D

4th December 2007, 16:46
Glasses. :cool:

4th December 2007, 17:32
a scarecrow, a trap, (as in pony and trap) or an old plough :)

4th December 2007, 20:27
a sink

4th December 2007, 20:37
A new squeky rubber chicken for Naburn?

4th December 2007, 21:12
Upon further thought I reckon it's not just any person but Oily. Think about it, you probably wouldn't pay more than £200 for him and Oily is definately in the big wide world (his own mostly) :p :

4th December 2007, 21:22
Is it the answer to another question, "Peter, Paul and Mary are leaving on..."

...a combine harvester? ;)

4th December 2007, 21:57
Memorabilia from the 80's?

jim mcglinchey
4th December 2007, 23:24
..a 1956 BSA Gold Star....do you see what I etc...

Mp3 Astra
5th December 2007, 00:21
I'm all tense now... I want to know who's won a gold star!

Hazell B
5th December 2007, 20:23
Nobody's won, really :p :

But, in the spirit for good will, Dave Brockman becomes Dave Brockman Gold Star. He can sign that on his chequebook and everything. It's a real award, honest! :)

Even though he only asked 'animal, vegetable or mineral?", his vague stab won the day. It was a "white metal" cigarette case the auctioneer had entered, but as he'd not valued it he didn't know if it was unmarked silver or just plain tat. It was a toss up, but I decided it was thin silver that might be worth buying, then didn't bother after all. I'm awkward like that :p :

Next week, guess how often I blow my nose on tuesday ;)

5th December 2007, 20:28
Eight times! Eight, I tell you! Eight! *crosses fingers*

Hazell B
5th December 2007, 20:53
Pox!, you've made me have to actually count now :p :

5th December 2007, 22:19
Damn I was so close :erm: I'm going with no times with the nose blowing because I think you won't bother so that you don't have to count, if that makes sense