View Full Version : Mexico 2008

2nd December 2007, 16:57
Does anybody have any info on Mexico for 2008? Even though they say there will be a WRC event this year, there doesn't seem to be any info yet. Getting kind of close to the date to be making vacation and travel plans....

3rd December 2007, 18:39
According to crash.net it will be held Feb. 29-March 2

The official webpage is blank which is a bit concerning...I really want to go this year.

3rd December 2007, 23:22
http://www.rallymexico.com has been slow to put anything up. I'm sure very soon that they'll get on that.

You should go. It's an awesome event. I'll be making my 4th trip!

4th December 2007, 00:25
I'm probably going to Mexico and make it two in a row. Just use a little patience and the site will probably be updated.

Wow, didn't know so many yanks were on the rally forum! Who else is going?

4th December 2007, 08:46
I am no yank, but I am thinking about it. I have very little info so far though, so it would be really nice if the guys down there could get the site running...

4th December 2007, 08:55
I'm probably going to Mexico and make it two in a row. Just use a little patience and the site will probably be updated.

Wow, didn't know so many yanks were on the rally forum! Who else is going?

I went in 05 will try my damndest to make it next year but may be codriving in rally america therefore limited funds.

5th December 2007, 03:03
I am no yank, but I am thinking about it. I have very little info so far though, so it would be really nice if the guys down there could get the site running...Come along. The information will be there eventually. *Fingers crossed*

I went in 05 will try my damndest to make it next year but may be codriving in rally america therefore limited funds.Sounds like you'll have more fun co-driving than spectating.

If any of you manage to go, myself included, we should go out for a beer.

My schedule is tentative because of college, work, etc. Hope I can make the trip!

5th December 2007, 03:11
Oh yeah...beer is good.

5th December 2007, 05:10
Im not so sure... Going in 05 was a hell of alot of fun, went down with a group of North American competitors. Travel package was everything included, including van service to and from stages and shakedown.

If I can i will make it. Contact me over the myspace


6th December 2007, 02:19
The site has already been renewed but information will be released until january


6th December 2007, 07:44
I see they have to alternatives: spectators and responsible spectators :)

6th December 2007, 10:26
Sh1t im not going to be there... :( but Im glad the site is up and running now. For the ones going, have a great time Im sure you will, and for the ones thinking about going, just GO its a great event. I know rally mexico is not very popular with many forumers (specially europeans) and I know is not the most exiting or with the best entry list(or with the best spectators), but hey it is still in the calendar and I hope 2008 to be better than past years!

6th December 2007, 13:28
Sh1t im not going to be there... :( but Im glad the site is up and running now. For the ones going, have a great time Im sure you will, and for the ones thinking about going, just GO its a great event. I know rally mexico is not very popular with many forumers (specially europeans) and I know is not the most exiting or with the best entry list(or with the best spectators), but hey it is still in the calendar and I hope 2008 to be better than past years!

Ok, first you state that it is a great event, and then you rule out some potentially good reasons to go, and comes up with that the main reason for going is that it is in the calendar?

6th December 2007, 14:48
Ok, first you state that it is a great event, and then you rule out some potentially good reasons to go, and comes up with that the main reason for going is that it is in the calendar?

Going to Mexico will be an experience, no matter what. Going to the Mexico WRC will be an experience that includes spectacular views and rallying with enjoyable culture and a great vacation.

I think he is saying Mexico might not be the "best" rally but it is a trip worth taking and an event worth experiencing.

29th December 2007, 17:57
The site has been updated. (http://www.rallymexico.com/index.php)

30th December 2007, 23:50
I think he is saying Mexico might not be the "best" rally but it is a trip worth taking and an event worth experiencing.

exactly, get a few english lessons magnus!

10th January 2008, 21:04
Has anyone on the list from SoCal gone to the WRC event in Mexico? My son and I are thinking about it. I'd be interested in any info. I've never been to Mexico and I don't speak spanish. Any problems? Costs? Are there any tour groups we could hookup with? Any insights or advise would be great. Thanks.

11th January 2008, 00:55
I didnt speak Spanish either and in that part of the country it is a problem. Most guides say it is a tourist location which is true but mainly for other Mexicans. I met one English speaking person there she taught English at the local university.

I was also with a travel group that was mainly US rallyists. It helped ALOT. I will check if hes doing the travel group again but he hasnt since 05 I think.

I may be heading down with a member of my service crew who has friends that live in the area and he is fluent in Spanish.

It can be a little harry down there much like the wild west in Leone movies, prices in 05 were very very cheap it was great but since then the dollars taken a nose dive so Id guess its still cheap just not as great a deal.

All in all looking back it was the best week of my life bar none. Highly suggest you go but have someone that knows Spanish with you so you dont get conned, the people there are very poor and would most likely see foreigners as an easy mark (they did with me =) )

If I end up going we should link up. any other questions just ask!

11th January 2008, 01:51
I've gone the last three years and am going again this year. It is a little rough if you don't speak spanish or know someone there. It can be very confusing getting around. I couldn't ever find a simple guide offering directions to get to the stages. I am lucky that a buddy of mine lives there and knows the area well.

The costs are not to bad. You shouldn't plan on spending a whole lot. Depending on what you plan for expenses...it's pretty decent.

I recommend going as it won't be back for 2 years, but it will be difficult if you don't know any locals. It's easy to get lost or not be able to find your way to a stage in the mountains around Leon. If you head out at the right time you can just follow the caravan of cars into the mountains. They will most obviously be going to the stages.

11th January 2008, 03:57
I'm your candidate!

I live in SoCal and will be attending WRC Mexico this year. My plane tickets are going to be purchased this weekend and I'm taking off from Tijuana (much cheaper). My parent's are Mexican, so I inherited their ability to speak Spanish as well.

Mexico is great, but you need to be aware of a few things: 1) hook up with someone that speaks Spanish, 2) buy a map with all the stages included, 3) get a rental car. I cannot stress the the last point enough. Throwing around a little Chevy ****box for 3 days is something I'll never forget. The rental people tried to charge my friend for damages, but he just left on the plane.

Contact me if you're serious because I'm already putting in my days to get off of work. I hope to see everyone there!

11th January 2008, 03:59
Moderator's: Thread should be merged, no?


11th January 2008, 17:17
I've been talking to the director of operations for Rally Mexico (Gilles Spitalier) he's given my company (GPX Tours) the green light to put together package for people wanting to go. The only thing that sucks is I the only flights I could get were out of Las Vegas and they would put us in Leon an hour after the start ceremony.
WRC Rally Mexico, Feb 28th thru March 2nd it will include

Pricing for the WRC Rally trip. $995 per person includes
Round trip Air fare from Las Vegas
3 nights hotel stay (transfers to and from hotel and airport)
VIP Tickets which include the following
General Admission
Grand Stand
Rally Campus Tickets
Gift Bags

Rally Mexico pricing is based on per person in double occupancy including all taxes Package includes Roundtrip Airfare Las Vegas - Leon - Las Vegas
[font=&quot]In order for this pricing and package I have to have at least 20 people to sign up for it by end of Jan first week of Feb.
If you’re interested email or pm me or follow the link.
If I don't get enough people I'm most likely not going to do it and just get ready for the season ender in the UK.

www.gpxtours.com (http://www.gpxtours.com)

12th January 2008, 03:53
Wow! Expensive.

At least for me it is quite pricey.

Last year I just ran into some blokes from Texas who had a rental car. All of us combined probably didn't spend anywhere near $900 in Mexico.

10th February 2008, 19:43
We just saw and great ending at Rally Sweden. JML, Mikko, and Gigi all in the top three and Ford taking a strong lead in the manufacturer's championship.

So what happens now? The first gravel rally of the year is in two weeks and I'm quite excited. I will be in Mexico and I'm anxious to see if there is a way that Loeb can be thrown off his throne.

Give me your thoughts people!

10th February 2008, 20:07
Well, one thing is for sure. Latvala got an enermous boost to his self-confidence and is probably going to attack there as well. Mikko will have to sweep the road from day one and suffers from it some bit. And Loeb is most certainly trying to put things in order again.

Others unfortunately have no chance to break this scenario unless pucntures or mechanical failures come in picture.

10th February 2008, 20:27
Loeb, Atkinson and Latvala should have a decent road position on day one, right?

Unless the road becomes so rutted that they have to back off to avoid punctures or whatever, but Mexico's not usually that rough I don't think.

10th February 2008, 23:20
Hirvonen will suffer in the first day and Loeb is likely leading after friday. But, we have to remember that after that Loeb is sweeping the road and Mikko has possibility to take advatnage of the road position. There might be some tactical games before sunday..

11th February 2008, 07:25
Loeb, Atkinson and Latvala should have a decent road position on day one, right?

Running order day 1
Same as WRC-points standings!

11th February 2008, 07:33
I'll keep a special eye on three drivers: Jan Kopecky, Patrik Sandell and Sébastien Ogier... :p :

11th February 2008, 07:42
Running order day 1
Same as WRC-points standings!

I'm interested to know how com Latvala is before Loeb? On what base?

11th February 2008, 09:05
I'm interested to know how com Latvala is before Loeb? On what base?

Somewhere down this list: :confused:

22.1 Drivers and co-drivers
For drawing up the final classification of a
Championship, the rule for deciding between drivers
and co-drivers who have scored exactly the same
points total shall be:
22.1.1 According to the greater number of first
places, then second places, then third places, etc.,
achieved in the general classifications of the rallies
which have served to make up their points total;
22.1.2 According to the greater number of highest
places achieved in the general classifications of all the
rallies in which each of the drivers and co-drivers with
the same points score has taken part, one 7th place
being worth more than any number of 8th places, one 8th
place being worth more than any number of 9th places,
and so on.
22.1.3 In the event of a further tie, the rule for
deciding between the drivers and co-drivers concerned
shall be according to the number of best times achieved
in the first special stage of each Championship rally in
which they have taken part.
22.1.4 In the event of a further tie, the FIA itself will
decide the winner and decide between any other tying
drivers and co-drivers, on the basis of whatever other
considerations it thinks appropriate.

11th February 2008, 09:07
Based on results in Monte and Sweden. result of Latvala in Monte was better than Loebs result in Sweden.

11th February 2008, 20:26
this is going to be the first gravel rally with the new-no mousse- pirellis
we have to see also how strong they are in aggresive driving like JML.

11th February 2008, 22:28
Mexico though doesn't have the loosest surface, though, right? So sweeping shouldn't matter after the first one or two cars.

In NZ, Greece, Japan etc I think we might see tactics.

13th February 2008, 06:48
Mexico though doesn't have the loosest surface, though, right? So sweeping shouldn't matter after the first one or two cars.

In NZ, Greece, Japan etc I think we might see tactics.
I hope you're right. I don't want to be bored to death in some mountain and playing with my thumbs.

Who else is going? I'm really eager to meet some new people in Mexico.

13th February 2008, 11:16
Mexico though doesn't have the loosest surface, though, right? So sweeping shouldn't matter after the first one or two cars.

In NZ, Greece, Japan etc I think we might see tactics.

The road position is quite significant factor in Mexico. It's weird that I am almost the only one to bring tactical issues up. For instance many thinks that Loeb's road position is advantage over Hirvonen. Yes it it. But in saturday it will be reverse.

13th February 2008, 12:50
The road position is quite significant factor in Mexico. It's weird that I am almost the only one to bring tactical issues up. For instance many thinks that Loeb's road position is advantage over Hirvonen. Yes it it. But in saturday it will be reverse.

But then again, it would be the other way round for Sunday.
If road position is that important, the best placer to be is second at 1 second to the leader at the end of Saturday.

anyway, as far as I know form Mexico, with roads similar to Argentina, and sweeping is not an issue.
Other advantage of being second or third in road comes from other issues, such as Splits and for SS done at first time (or no repeated) drivers coming second or third in the road can "read" the lines of the leader, and noticed how they are taking the turns. Combining this wth splits information can get you know if wide lines, cutting, or tighter lines are getting the leader to better or worse times.

14th February 2008, 01:26
I thought with Mexico once the gravel is taken off the top then the chances of having a puncture increase dramatically as sharp rocks are uncovered. Although sweeping the road or having a high risk of punctures is a 50/50 and give neither a real advantage.

16th February 2008, 22:10
Today in Belgrade Interspeed held press conference. Man of the day of course was Patrick Sandell. He sad that JWRC is priory championship and he want second title. This year in PWRC he will use to learn 4WD driving style. Interspeed also anonced that in 2009 they will buy two S2000.

More on http://www.automagazin.co.yu

21st February 2008, 04:12
Is this going to be the official Rally Mexico thread?

27th February 2008, 15:45
Just to let everyone know

Rally Results magazine Issue 09 has 47 pages devoted to Rallye Monte Carlo available now from http://www.myrallyresults.com

Includes Entry List, timing, all the stage times, stage notes, retirements, penalties & exclusions, final classification, and loads of cracking photos.

Swedish Rally will also have about 47 pages, including all the above Available on March 11. Also includes 37 pages on Rallye Sunseeker (UK)

