View Full Version : How much does it cost to start karting?

29th November 2007, 18:39
hey can anyone tell me how much it costs to start karting? and other things to know such as racing requirments.

29th November 2007, 22:23
I am using US dollars for this, so you may have to convert.

Kart: Used karts can range from $500 for a roller, to a complete kart for $5,000. Shifter karts will run you from $1,500-$10,000.

Engines: Look at a budget of at least $5,000 a year for rebuilds, replacements and mantainence.

Tire: At a minimum for $500-$1,000 a year for tires. Buy good quality tires. Talk with people at local tracks and national events about tire choices.

Transportation: You might need to buy a van or truck if you do not have one to transport you kart and gear. Or have a friend who owns one who'd haul your stuff to the races.

Licenses: I am not sure of British karting licenses, but the international CIK/FIA license runs you about $1,500 per season.

Equipment: Helmet-$300-$2,000. Suit-$400-$1,500. Gloves-$50-$200. Shoes-$80-$1000. Underwear-$50-$200.

Other costs, like travel and other race costs are based on how hard you are on the equipment and how far you travel to races.

Requirements: Not sure for England or the UK, but in the US, most classes are based on age and experience. You might be 30 and have to race 15-20 year olds because of your age.

You could easily start out for $5,000-$6,000. Put remember, have fun. Money is what killed the careers of many great racers. They get to the point they loose the drive to race, because of cost. Do not spend what you cannot afford.

30th November 2007, 08:33
hey can anyone tell me how much it costs to start karting? and other things to know such as racing requirments.

Well I did a year of part time work ... so I saved up about 4,350 $$$ (Can).. I went and bought a used $3,500 kart that had the engine and chassis... as soon as I got the kart I stepped it up to a full time job (so 5-4 days of 8hr work) and so far it's worked pretty good.. a good thing to do before you decide to buy is go to a local track.. maybe try out a kart or 2 see if that is really what you want.. You also need tools.. lots of em.. but CC has prety much summed it up.. I was quite lucky to get a trailer for 150 bucks... home made and it's great and pretty light too...

It all is mind blowing at first but then you get used to it and have a lot of fun! :)

If you want to know more about karting you can always PM me questions and ect.

14th December 2007, 11:05
I too, want to start racing.
Just wondering if it's too late to start, i'm 17. Just finished highschool, and starting University soon - doing machanical engineering (if i get accepted).

I'll probably be bugeting on a "uni/college" salery.

My main concern for starting is like joining any club for the first time, being accepted etc. I'm in a cycling club, and for the first year it hasn't been easy because of all the more experience riders being snobby because they're better etc. and i'm afarid that it'll just be the same in karting.

16th December 2007, 10:24
I too, want to start racing.
Just wondering if it's too late to start, i'm 17. Just finished highschool, and starting University soon - doing machanical engineering (if i get accepted).

I'll probably be bugeting on a "uni/college" salery.

My main concern for starting is like joining any club for the first time, being accepted etc. I'm in a cycling club, and for the first year it hasn't been easy because of all the more experience riders being snobby because they're better etc. and i'm afarid that it'll just be the same in karting.

It's never to late for karting... I will be 19 heading into my debut year.. and don't forget Montiero started karting when he was 21 and look where he ended up.. before you purchase a kart try going to one of the club races and familiarize yourself.. the people at my track were reallyt nice and great.. when I watched my first race they gave me tips and helped me out with questions I had.. karting I find anyways is a more kinder sport.. It's just when you jump into a competative series liek world champs or stars that you won't get as much help..
make sure you research each member or team that is offering karts and ask questions.. once you do deside to get a kart it is preferible that you practice practice practice.. don't jump into it right away. and what ever you do don't let anything get in the way of you racing/driving.. If you have the right mind set you will be alright :) .. if you have any questions PM me if you wish..

27th December 2007, 02:32
start saving up for your passion and hobby... karting can be buil-up just a couple of saving and you can start off... i'd agree to that, it's never late to do karting...

4th March 2008, 00:58
Depends on the class you're getting into.
Good used kart around $2000.00
New around $4500.00 and up

10th March 2008, 13:13
hey can anyone tell me how much it costs to start karting? and other things to know such as racing requirments.

This link should helpm you


21st April 2008, 23:38
I started my karting "career" at 44. I am now . . . 44. ;)

It's never too late.

I bought a used package to start, 2005 Sodi. Rotax is the big class at our growing club in Georgia (US), so that's what I opted for, despite the conventional wisdom that suggests new drivers learn on a lower-HP kart (like a Yamaha KT100 or HPV.

My budget is very tight.

My kart set me back $4200.

I bought three sets of used tires (one race weekend each) for $200, which should get me through most of the season. New, the spec tire cost $210 so I saved over $400.

If I remove the tires and sidepods, the kart fits in my SUV.

I rented my kart once to make a few bucks for spares, and will probably do it again.

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