View Full Version : What makes you really mad?

Brown, Jon Brow
6th January 2007, 23:13
There are many things that make me mad in this world. So I thought I'd get it off my chest.

1) Americans saying " we saved your butts in WW2" when they didn't

2) Political Correctness- Not being allowed to say 'black' or 'white' because is racist. :rolleyes:

3) Musical Talent not being appreciated- so many good bands don't get recognition and talentless 'rappers' and DJ's do.

6th January 2007, 23:20
That there's a weight losing pill developed for the pets launced in US.

That is just rediculous.

7th January 2007, 00:13
Traffic, Supermarkets and The Daily Mail.

7th January 2007, 00:22

7th January 2007, 00:29
Eki, you sure are at the wrong place ! ;) :laugh:

7th January 2007, 00:31
When I've done something at work, and then having someone else come along and undo what I did without saying anything and, I think sometimes, without thinking :(

7th January 2007, 00:36
Slow drivers.

Silly people.


7th January 2007, 00:51
Left politics

7th January 2007, 01:05
Newspapers hyping up the next big thing in English Sport, when we all know that in the end, it just ends in retirement :p :

7th January 2007, 01:31

people thinking that "rap" is only what's on TV.

right wingers

people going to some place and acting like they own it or something similar (yeah, i'm pointing at you americans, english, french and dutch people)

people who think that there is some kind of "natural order" and who dont belive that people are all equal

people who try to push their religious agendas

and another thing that gets me mad is any abuse of authority at any level whether it's on the internet forums or by cops or by gigantic governments.


7th January 2007, 02:50
2) Political Correctness- Not being allowed to say 'black' or 'white' because is racist. :rolleyes:

3) Musical Talent not being appreciated- so many good bands don't get recognition and talentless 'rappers' and DJ's do.

can't say it much better, but people who continuesly ask the same question? :mark:

people who drive with Cell phones, they are complete idiots on the road and should always be ticketed for it.

when the Detriot Red Wings win :devil:

7th January 2007, 07:20
Greenpeace!!! god i hate them! i walk past and they always try to shove thier 'beliefs' down my throat

go away and get a bloody job!

oily oaf
7th January 2007, 11:40
Oatabix and Noel b******d Edmonds

Brown, Jon Brow
7th January 2007, 11:43
Deal or No Deal?

7th January 2007, 12:35
People who...
- are dishonest, corrupt, demagogical
- lack empathy
- think their view of the world is superior to anyone else's, especially when it's based on some collection of moralistic fairy-tales invented in the primordial soup of civilization 2-5 millennia ago (may contain a lot of Thee-s and Thou-s ;) )
- are overly sentimental, take themselves and life too seriously, and have no appreciation for dry humour

Well actually, only the 1st sort of people make me really mad. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th sort of people just meet my mockery and disapproval. :p :

jim mcglinchey
7th January 2007, 12:58
when my wife refills the tea caddy with tea bags and the lazy +++ doesnt even bother separating the pairs of tea bags into individual tea bags and then every time I reach into the caddy for a tea bag to make a cuppa and get two, I go absolutely berserk...

Brown, Jon Brow
7th January 2007, 13:06
when my wife refills the tea caddy with tea bags and the lazy +++ doesnt even bother separating the pairs of tea bags into individual tea bags and then every time I reach into the caddy for a tea bag to make a cuppa and get two, I go absolutely berserk...

Maybe your wife thinks your tea is too weak??

You could use loose tea leaves? :p

7th January 2007, 13:22
People who put ketchup on Spaghetti :p :

7th January 2007, 15:02
Jade Goody being called a celebrity and being paid tons of money for being a thick chav.

Dave B
7th January 2007, 15:04
Nothing makes me really mad. I've got hundreds - no, thousands - of petty annoyances, see the Room 101 thread for examples, but nothing I've seen on this thread so far is worth getting stressed about. :)

7th January 2007, 15:46
There are many things that make me mad in this world. So I thought I'd get it off my chest.

1) Americans saying " we saved your butts in WW2" when they didn't

2) Political Correctness- Not being allowed to say 'black' or 'white' because is racist. :rolleyes:

3) Musical Talent not being appreciated- so many good bands don't get recognition and talentless 'rappers' and DJ's do.
I agree with all three of these, but number 3 really gets right up my nose :mad:

7th January 2007, 16:38
Why does everyone think that rappers are talentless? I'd wager that Jay-Z has more talent than anyone on here.

Mark in Oshawa
7th January 2007, 16:43
I must say I agree with Brockman, nothing on here really makes me MAD.

Lets just list my pet peeves shall we?

1) Those people who think they are better informed than others with no more evidence than their own self superiority and pure bluster.

2)Arrogancy. People who cannot look at someone else without slotting their arguments in a category or pigeon holing them.

3)Crooked bosses, I just finished working for one...

4)Montreal Canadiens fans. You may not win the cup for another 60 years now, so get over your lucky streak.

5)Rednecks who don't think they are rednecks. You know who you are.....

6)Greenpeace, WWF, PETA,and the Green Party. Yes I know the world is going to hell in a hand basket, I knew about much of the science behind global warming 20 years ago, but I don't need your social left agenda rammed down my throat to put me on a bus for 2 hours a day because Iam not allowed to own a car in your eyes. Oh yes, and the pompous Hollywood types who push your agenda, while living with private jets and limos...

Mark in Oshawa
7th January 2007, 16:46
Rappers are clever wordsmiths, but I refuse to put them in a category with musicians such as BB King, Eric Clapton, Jimi Page, or about 15 Jazz and Classical music stars I can think of...

Brown, Jon Brow
7th January 2007, 16:54
Why does everyone think that rappers are talentless? I'd wager that Jay-Z has more talent than anyone on here.

I have more musical ability and talent than Jay z.

7th January 2007, 17:17
There are many things that make me mad in this world. So I thought I'd get it off my chest.

1) Americans saying " we saved your butts in WW2" when they didn't

One of my main beefs is this.

Brits who think that they were doing a sterling job with WW2 by lulling the Germans into some sort os false sense of security with such "successes" as Operation Market Garden, Dunkirk and other such absolutely pitiful failures. Just face facts. The Americans may be loud and brash and you might not like them but they still saved your butts in WW2 by sending supplies through the Atlantic, by bombing German industrial centres and taking all the losses while British Bomber command committed genocide by night and finally by providing the manpower and military force to actually get allied forces back onto continental Europe. If not for the Americans and probably to a greater extent the Russians the war would have raged on for far longer.

Brown, Jon Brow
7th January 2007, 17:34
We saved our own butts in ww2 by fighting alone and holding off the Germans in the battle of britain. After that I doubt that Germany could successfully defeat Britain when they were pre-occupied with the soviets.

America certainly helped the Germans be defeated quicker, but the Soviets were the most important factor in the Allies victory. Just look at the statistics of casualties.

7th January 2007, 17:41
You need to redo your history. The US government gave the Brits a helluva lot of aid before they actually became militarily involved in the war. Where do you think a good deal of the munitions, ammunition and raw materials needed for the war came from?

I acknowledged the fact that the Russians did most of the work but Britain probably would have fallen if not for the help it got from the US before the US got involved in the true sense.

You also forget that Russia very nearly fell but for the Americans sending supplies to them in the form of tanks, aircraft and raw materials. If Russia had fallen then Britain was done for.

So basically the US propped up both countries.........

End of discussion.

7th January 2007, 17:45
We saved our own butts in ww2 by fighting alone and holding off the Germans in the battle of britain. After that I doubt that Germany could successfully defeat Britain when they were pre-occupied with the soviets.

America certainly helped the Germans be defeated quicker, but the Soviets were the most important factor in the Allies victory. Just look at the statistics of casualties.

Well, the Americans helped a lot the Soviets as well with their lend-lease program. Doubtful if the Soviets had achieved so much only on their own.

About the topic. I don't know, what makes me mad. :) If it happens, I'll let you know. :p :
Don't think that people should go mad on something - everything should be taken with sanity.

7th January 2007, 17:47
Russia's winter I thought took a toll on the German Troops as well

7th January 2007, 17:50
Beavis and Butthead still being banned on Network TV :mad:

there are alot worse TV shows on TV now than the cartoon, it pisses me off.

also Comedy shows that are not funny and ones that they say are a comedy (like Desperate Housewives and Sex and the City) are not comedy's

Brown, Jon Brow
7th January 2007, 17:51
If Germans were successful in the Battle of Britain, the chances are that they would have taken control of the Atlantic and USA would have been under serious threat of Nazi invasion (perhaps through Mexico who knows)

Unlike the surrenduring French, at no point was Britain occupied by Germany therefore Americans have no right to say that we would be German speaking if it wasn't for them.

End of discussion

7th January 2007, 17:58
Unlike the surrenduring French, at no point was Britain occupied by Germany therefore Americans have no right to say that we would be German speaking if it wasn't for them.

Leaving aside the comparisons of the collective penises of different nations in WW2, I certainly agree that the assumption that the Brits would be speaking German now if they'd been invaded is absolutely laughable.

7th January 2007, 17:58
This very thread.

Why? Because it's pointless and unnecessary. Description of this thread: let's put here stuff that make us mad, then we can think more about stuff that make us mad and so we can be mad, pissed off, angry about how crap the life really is...

End of discussion.

jim mcglinchey
7th January 2007, 18:03
Even if the Luftwaffe had defeated the RAF in the Battle of Britain, an invasion of England by sea was highly unfeasible because the Royal Navy always ruled the English Channel, and despite some spectacular successes by the U-Boats and some surface ships, the Royal Navy always had the edge on the Germans.

Captain VXR
7th January 2007, 18:59
Ageism and sexism

7th January 2007, 19:12
dont get mad get even

7th January 2007, 20:08
I was sure I've answered on a similar thread before... must have been the room 101 thread mentioned earlier... far too many pet peeves to list though.

Things that make me Mad-

blatant, pointless animal cruelty. That DOES get me mad.

7th January 2007, 21:23
What makes me mad is when msn keeps signing me out every 5 minutes for no good reason.

donKey jote
7th January 2007, 21:24
nothing makes me really mad, apart perhaps from the constant dribbling from the current inqui^h^h opposition party triunvirate in Spain :p :
oh and the Basque branch of al Qaeda for breaking the truce and the hopes of so many Spaniards and Basques with their latest bomb in Barajas :rolleyes:
oh and the land speculation and linked corruption in Spain :s

no wonder I don't live there anymore :p :

7th January 2007, 21:39
Here's another one: being told to be confident, and then not being told how to do this.

7th January 2007, 21:46
I keep forgetting things that annoy me until I come across them again. One I do know is:

People who walk slowly, haphazardly and not looking where they are going. Usually women browsing in shop windows from too far away. Being stuck behind one of these people really grates me. Especially when you overtake them and they veer into you and then mutter under their breath as if its your fault.

Then theres people at the gym who go in FAST LANE and swim VERY SLOWLY. Can they not read? Worse is the lifeguards never ever doing anything about it. Recently one big fat heffalump of a woman was barely swimming, merely doing breaststroke arms and virtually walking along the pool. In the FAST LANE. And the Slow Lane was free - so I went in there and swam very quickly - and then some other woman got in and told me off for going too fast. "This is the slow lane, dear." - "Learn to swim, bitch."

7th January 2007, 22:10
It just came to my mind, what makes me mad.

1) If it's late evening or night and some persons are having a party in next room. And they are soo drunk that they don't listen at all to calm a bit down. :mad:
2) If for some reason I don't become sleepy at all and I stay up the whole night. :(

Damn, the next day is gonna be totally ruined without having enough sleep: :rolleyes:

Captain VXR
8th January 2007, 11:42
I was sure I've answered on a similar thread before... must have been the room 101 thread mentioned earlier... far too many pet peeves to list though.

Things that make me Mad-

blatant, pointless animal cruelty. That DOES get me mad.

I agree with you totally

Brown, Jon Brow
8th January 2007, 20:23
I keep forgetting things that annoy me until I come across them again. One I do know is:

People who walk slowly, haphazardly and not looking where they are going. Usually women browsing in shop windows from too far away. Being stuck behind one of these people really grates me. Especially when you overtake them and they veer into you and then mutter under their breath as if its your fault.


I hate encountering slow walkers aswell! Especially where St.Georges shopping centre joins Fishergate street (in Preston). It always makes you collide with people going in and out of WHSmiths ;)

People who block streets by chatting to each other also me want to punch them!

8th January 2007, 21:13
...4)Montreal Canadiens fans. You may not win the cup for another 60 years now, so get over your lucky streak....

:p : :D

What makes me mad:
1. People who insist on gabbering on a cell phone while driving, and;
2. People who hijack threads.

I can tolerate Leafs fans ;)

8th January 2007, 21:42
Leon, the confidence thing is so true. And why do those people think that saying stuff like that will help you to be more confident anyway?
Something that's started bugging me a lot lately is people who insist on mispronouncing people's names, even after they have been corrected. It's rude and patronising.

8th January 2007, 22:19
Leon, the confidence thing is so true. And why do those people think that saying stuff like that will help you to be more confident anyway?

My sister-in-law (brother's wife) is very fond of giving me (unsolicited) relationship advice but it's never helpful. It's always "be more confident. look at how happy your brother and I are". :rolleyes: It's the same with nursing stuff. "If you're confident it'll work properly". But how can I be confident if when I don't know if I'm doing it right? And I'll only know that I'm doing it right if I do it and it works and my preceptor praises me... :rolleyes:

Something that's started bugging me a lot lately is people who insist on mispronouncing people's names, even after they have been corrected. It's rude and patronising.

That is very rude indeed. Does it happen to you? If i can't pronounce someone's name I try to structure my speech so I don't have to use it.

My surname used to be Hodgson, and people had great difficulty spelling it, they'd write virtually anything except the correct spelling. :dozey: I changed it to Brooke so I'd avoid that hassle, so now people assume it's Brook, and I have to tell them to add the e at the end...

Do people mispronounce your name?

8th January 2007, 23:02
My real name, yes. It's Flemish and the first syllable looks like a rude word when it's written down. Some idiots still think they're the first person to notice it and just have to point it out. This has been happening for over 20 years now so it really isn't funny any more. When I write stuff, I hyphenate with both of my grandmothers' maiden names.
What set me off though was someone I work with repeatedly mispronouncing this German guy's first name, which isn't even difficult to say. It just made him sound so ignorant. Grrrrrrrr.

9th January 2007, 11:26
Ungrateful people
Leftist revisionists
Nancy Pelosi
Diane Feinstein

9th January 2007, 12:14
Do people mispronounce your name?

Happens sometimes on this forum. :\

9th January 2007, 12:36
In a word: Dickheads.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th January 2007, 12:45
When people spell Jonathan------as Johnathon!!

And pronounce it Jonniefun.

9th January 2007, 13:01
On the subject of WWII....

Militarily, the Russians defeted the Germans, not the US or Britain. The entire German 6th Army was destroyed at Stalingrad and the defeat at Kursk left the Panzer divisions largely useless and Blitzkrieg at an end. The back of the Werhmacht was broken in Russia and the Germans were fighting on the back foot until the end of the war.

I also don't believe that the US "saved" Britain. Once the Luftwaffe were defeated in the Battle of Britain, there was little chance that the Germans could successfully invade the UK with the RAF controling the skys over the channel.

Having said that, of course, US resources played a vital role in keeping the British going and once the US committed militarily, the German demise was hastened considerably.

As for the topic of the thread...

The thing that makes me mad is when people use "orientated" instead of "oriented". There's no "ta" in the bloody word people, so stop putting it in!

9th January 2007, 13:13
Happens sometimes on this forum. :\

maybe they cant write properly, everywhere the base education is not so very high, i have noticed that in some part of the world its considered funny to try to bend peoples names, the same way like children from 5-8 uses to do.

9th January 2007, 14:20
On the subject of World War II. Revisionists. They believe that if they repeat a lie often enough, people will begin to believe it.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th January 2007, 14:29
On the subject of WWII....

Militarily, the Russians defeted the Germans, not the US or Britain. The entire German 6th Army was destroyed at Stalingrad and the defeat at Kursk left the Panzer divisions largely useless and Blitzkrieg at an end. The back of the Werhmacht was broken in Russia and the Germans were fighting on the back foot until the end of the war.

I also don't believe that the US "saved" Britain. Once the Luftwaffe were defeated in the Battle of Britain, there was little chance that the Germans could successfully invade the UK with the RAF controling the skys over the channel.

Having said that, of course, US resources played a vital role in keeping the British going and once the US committed militarily, the German demise was hastened considerably.

I agree :up:

However to be fair to Nazi Germany they where on the doorstep of Moscow untill the harsh winter forced them back.

Also even if the Luftwaffe had destroyed the RAF, they would still have had to fight the Royal Navy to launch a serious assault across the channel and give their troops supplies once in England. (This would be even more difficult than defeating the RAF as the Royal Navy was argubaly still the strongest navy in the world at this period of time ;) )

9th January 2007, 14:41
I agree :up:

However to be fair to Nazi Germany they where on the doorstep of Moscow untill the harsh winter forced them back.

Also even if the Luftwaffe had destroyed the RAF, they would still have had to fight the Royal Navy to launch a serious assault across the channel and give their troops supplies once in England. (This would be even more difficult than defeating the RAF as the Royal Navy was argubaly still the strongest navy in the world at this period of time ;) )
Actually this was the point of the Luftwaffe attacks, they needed air supremicy so that they could be free to attack the Royal Navy, which I doubt could have stood up to a concerted asault from the German navy and the Luftwaffe without air support.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th January 2007, 15:52
Actually this was the point of the Luftwaffe attacks, they needed air supremicy so that they could be free to attack the Royal Navy, which I doubt could have stood up to a concerted asault from the German navy and the Luftwaffe without air support.

Thankfully Hitler retaliated to Churchills bombing of Berlin with the Blitz, that allowed the RAF to regroup as they where no-longer the main target in Britain. One of Hitlers many mistakes in the war. ;)

9th January 2007, 17:10
Oatabix and Noel b******d Edmonds
Oily, I have an idea for what you could do with your Oafabix. You could use it to soak up spilled oil from the garage floor.

oily oaf
9th January 2007, 17:58
Oily, I have an idea for what you could do with your Oafabix. You could use it to soak up spilled oil from the garage floor.

For God's sake man do you want to remove ALL the fun from my life? :mad:
I live for catastrophic oil spills in the workshop so that I can lash my apprentice to a stick and swab the floor with his head.

Regards O. Oaf
Health and Safety At Work Director
Honda UK

9th January 2007, 18:22
maybe they cant write properly, everywhere the base education is not so very high, i have noticed that in some part of the world its considered funny to try to bend peoples names, the same way like children from 5-8 uses to do.

There you have it: (http://www.craigharper.com.au/2006/12/ripper-lesson-in-aussie-lingo-from.html)

The next thing we need to discuss is the Australian propensity to destroy surnames and allocate nicknames. In my country, if someone shortens, lengthens, or in any way, changes your name, they like you.

Most blokes address their mates using a modified version of their surname, so:

Craig Harper becomes Harps
Tony Brown becomes Browny
Pete McDonald becomes Macca
Jeff Thompson becomes Thommo
John Davis becomes Davo
Scott Green becomes Greeny

... and so on.

See how many surnames you can modify (destroy in the name of love) today.

Those examples aren't offensive though, children aged 5-8 or more can sometimes be pretty nasty though.

9th January 2007, 20:20
Split infinitives
Tree huggers

Actually, nothing makes me "really mad."

9th January 2007, 20:22
There you have it: (http://www.craigharper.com.au/2006/12/ripper-lesson-in-aussie-lingo-from.html)

Those examples aren't offensive though, children aged 5-8 or more can sometimes be pretty nasty though.

I know a physician named Harold Schlitt - imagine the possibilities.
I have a student named John Schmuck -- imagine!

jim mcglinchey
9th January 2007, 20:26
Do you use the johnny mnemonic SHIRTLIFT to remember that list ?

9th January 2007, 21:51
Happens sometimes on this forum. :\

There you have it: (http://www.craigharper.com.au/2006/12/ripper-lesson-in-aussie-lingo-from.html)

Those examples aren't offensive though, children aged 5-8 or more can sometimes be pretty nasty though.

Just assume that people are doing at as an endearment, because they like you. ;)

9th January 2007, 22:19
I have a student...

Oh, Good Lord! :erm: :s

9th January 2007, 23:25
Oh, Good Lord! :erm: :s

Don't worry son, he's a graduate student, and a bit older and wiser than you. You'll never be a good schmuck.

9th January 2007, 23:34
Don't worry son, he's a graduate student, and a bit older and wiser than you. You'll never be a good schmuck.

Oh, but there is great cause for concern, for if the likes of you truly teach graduate students in America, then the world is a much more dangerous place than I previously thought. ;)