View Full Version : Show us yer desktops

27th November 2007, 13:25
I know this thread gets done all the time but I like, so what does your desktop look like. Photos of actual desks also welcome.

Here's my current one to start

http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/1254/desktopbo3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

27th November 2007, 13:39

27th November 2007, 15:08
Here's my PC under my bed:

http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/4758/p7180104vz4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

An eMachines with Vista Home Premium, 1GB RAM 320GB Seagate SATA and Celeron D. It's a tad on the slow side. :o

http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/7880/desktoplp8.th.jpg (http://img85.imageshack.us/my.php?image=desktoplp8.jpg)

Sonic. :D

27th November 2007, 16:02
****, now i can never show mine when you have such tidy ones... vanīt we take the outside view instead :D

27th November 2007, 18:17

Your mouse is on the wrong side. Or is that a British thing?
By the way, is that a hump of cheese on the far left of your photo?

306 Cosworth
27th November 2007, 18:26
Here's my current background

27th November 2007, 18:37
Here you go:

27th November 2007, 19:07
That's an old picture. I can't remember when you had a 6310 :mark: But it was a while ago :p

27th November 2007, 19:11
That's an old picture. I can't remember when you had a 6310 :mark: But it was a while ago :p

So old that this thread is on the screen.. :p :

27th November 2007, 19:47
Your mouse is on the wrong side. Or is that a British thing?
By the way, is that a hump of cheese on the far left of your photo?

Probably means he's left-handed. :)

27th November 2007, 20:09
So old that this thread is on the screen.. :p :

Photoshop! That or that's not a 6310 and I'm a blind idiot :p

You choose :p

27th November 2007, 20:31
Here you go:

Is that photo angle like that to hide something? :p :

I'm not sure I'll put a picture of my desk up either, you lot are far too tidy :p :

27th November 2007, 20:56
Photoshop! That or that's not a 6310 and I'm a blind idiot :p

You choose :p

I dunno about a blind one but you're certainly an idiot! :p

27th November 2007, 22:13
Probably means he's left-handed. :)

My old boss was right handed but used the mouse that side, said he found it easier as often had to input numbers. Always threw me when I had to use his computer though, like driving an LHD

27th November 2007, 22:28
I use the mouse left handed, even though I'm right handed :)

Mp3 Astra
28th November 2007, 00:00
My life: my desk.

I like the cars, can't get hold of the game :D

28th November 2007, 00:15
My life: my desk.

I like the cars, can't get hold of the game :D

Awesome set up and background! Loving those speakers too. Whereabouts did you get that wallpaper from? :)

Is it me or are we all on Vista so far? :D

Mp3 Astra
28th November 2007, 00:29
Awesome set up and background! Loving those speakers too. Whereabouts did you get that wallpaper from? :)

Is it me or are we all on Vista so far? :D
Logitech speakers, Ģ23 (best on the market for that price.)
Wallpaper, free (http://www.race-game.org/race07/index.php)
Having a PC you can move around, priceless. (or a few hundred pounds)

Psst... Mark's isn't Vista ;)

28th November 2007, 00:30
Logitec speakers, Ģ23 (best on the market for that price.)
Wallpaper, free (http://www.race-game.org/race07/index.php)
Having a PC you can move around, priceless. (or a few hundred pounds)

Thanks for that. Those speakers look to be very good for music. :)

28th November 2007, 07:44
By the way, is that a hump of cheese on the far left of your photo?

It's an SD card reader. Stopped working about a year ago, but I haven't been bothered to throw it out :p

28th November 2007, 08:20
Let me figure out how long took time to read the thick books while operating computer.

28th November 2007, 11:19
Is that photo angle like that to hide something? :p :

I'm not sure I'll put a picture of my desk up either, you lot are far too tidy :p :

Other than my irresistible sex appeal, you mean? :p

The truth is the chair is too close to the wall so I couldn't get the whole desktop using a more common angel, besides it was made with the phone and I didn't pay much attention to the process.
I have to admit my desktop is not ususally that tidy, yesterday I had a client signing a contract and that's why it looked better than normal. :)

28th November 2007, 13:07
Mine is a mess. I'm in the middle of an audit, have several suppliers trying to get me to approve them for use, a waste transfer note project on the go & a desk that can't hold much more!

My literal desktop is the back of a site manager inspecting some skips that have been marked into a segragated waste system... very interesting, if you like that sort of thing! Used to have webshots where I used to work - that was great, this place falls over at the idea of people personalising their space. Hence there's plants all over my office! :p :

28th November 2007, 17:48
http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/9853/desktopif0.th.jpg (http://img291.imageshack.us/my.php?image=desktopif0.jpg)

Thanks for the link for that MP3 Astra. :D

28th November 2007, 17:49
I actually changed my desktop because of this thread, old one was bit too dark, and I'm testing something I read a while ago that "green" desktops help reduce stress because it fools the mind to think you're not indoors.http://www.students.tut.fi/~poutiaij/desky.jpg

28th November 2007, 20:07
Ok, forumtechinques for dummies... if I want to show a pic like janneppi above; how do I do it? I tried with attachements, but I was only allowed 200 something dots vertically, and the one above is 800*600.

28th November 2007, 21:54
You have to use another site to host it like imageshack.us or something bucket. You upload the photo and it gives you a link to paste with the right code to make it viewable on a forum. Took me several attempts to get it right :D

12th December 2007, 19:16
Ok here are my two :)

Home - Vista

I have the same speakers as MP3 Astra but mine are the 5.1 version although I don't actually use the other three most of the time :)

Work - XP

Argh! Dell!!!!!!

13th December 2007, 02:01
http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/4766/p8030123ny2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

My bed\PC desk has been moved to the end of the room to give me more room. It's also gotten messier and that screwdriver on the desk was for opening my PC for cleaning the fans. :)

http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/4073/desktoprl4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

My desktop changed again. As for the gadgets, I added a few and Z :\ is a network drive, it's full, then again it's only 5GB. :p :

13th December 2007, 02:15
You wouldn't have so much dust in your PC if it wasn't directly on a carpeted floor.

This doesn't illustrate it as well as it could but you should always have your PC on your desk or raised up off the ground. I have a similar thing for my current PC which keeps it a few inches off the ground and helps a lot with dust :)


13th December 2007, 02:20
You wouldn't have so much dust in your PC if it wasn't directly on a carpeted floor.

This doesn't illustrate it as well as it could but you should always have your PC on your desk or raised up off the ground. I have a similar thing for my current PC which keeps it a few inches off the ground and helps a lot with dust :)

Hehe yes true, unfortunately the bed had CPU tower holder brackets to attach to the frame but at the moment they are unattached. The reasons because with my PC last year, it was a midi ATX Fujitsu-Siemens PC the top of the tower was hitting the keyboard drawer, but unfortunately I have lost the brackets since. I clean them every 6 months as well, they don't get very dusty for the amount of time I use it, and the PC is on quite often. :)

Nice PC BTW. :D

Mp3 Astra
13th December 2007, 21:37
Changed mine again... :D

13th December 2007, 21:55
I notice you're using the UK radio player gadget :) One of the best gadgets out there IMHO :)

13th December 2007, 22:00
Hehe yes true, unfortunately the bed had CPU tower holder brackets to attach to the frame but at the moment they are unattached. The reasons because with my PC last year, it was a midi ATX Fujitsu-Siemens PC the top of the tower was hitting the keyboard drawer, but unfortunately I have lost the brackets since. I clean them every 6 months as well, they don't get very dusty for the amount of time I use it, and the PC is on quite often. :)

Nice PC BTW. :D
That's my old PC. My new case is much nicer and has dust filters on front fans which mean that I only have to clean it once every 6 months or so rather than one every 2 months like with my last PC :) That PC is now my parents one.

This is my current case

Far quieter that my last one which was almost intolerable with the silly blue lights and noisyness as it was in my bedroom and I usually run my PC 24/7 :)

Mp3 Astra
13th December 2007, 23:24
I notice you're using the UK radio player gadget :) One of the best gadgets out there IMHO :)

Indeed! It's the perfect way of recording radio directly to your PC, which is very useful.