View Full Version : xBox live troubles

26th November 2007, 20:55
Okay I'm so far out of my depth here it's unbelievable. Got a 360 a while back and have recently got a PC which is wirelessly connected to broadband via my router downstairs. the 360 is linked to the computer with some cable (it's got yellow bits :D ). Tickety boo so far. I have internet on the PC and have linked Media Center between PC and console. However if I try to access the computer's media (outside of the media center bit within the xbox) or internet connection it doesn't recognise the computer. The tests on the 360 show that the network is wired but is completely unable to find an IP.

Checked out the website and it was looking quite helpful until I realised it was for XP and I still can't find my way around Vista properly. Soi before I throw the whol f****** lot out the window and dust off the PS2 (which doesn't have that annoying habit of not being able to read discs) and play We Love Katamari does anyone have any ideas.

Please bear in mind that I can get this far but I haven't understood any of the terminology, in fact I only just found out that turning it off and on again is now laughingly referred to by microsoft as a power cycle :laugh: