View Full Version : What equipment do you carry in your car?

26th November 2007, 08:19
Jon mentioned in the family car thread that these days you are supposed to carry all sort of safety equipment with you in case of emergency, I don't believe anything adside from a spare tyre is legally required in the UK, but I know some European countries you have to carry hi-vis vests etc by law.

The only thing I've got is a first aid kit from halfords which has a tiny fire extinguisher, plasters and a space blanket, although it's over 3 years old now it's probably all knackered :p

I did carry a jump starter when I was having battery problems but I've ditched that now, as it added 10kg to the car!

26th November 2007, 12:02
First aid pack. One 13mm ring wrench... Hmm... shaving tools :) (itīs always good to have when you realize you forgot to shave and you have gone to long to turn back) Security triangle in case of accident (oblig. in sweden)
And most importantly: my I-pod

26th November 2007, 12:15
First aid pack. One 13mm ring wrench... Hmm... shaving tools :) (itīs always good to have when you realize you forgot to shave and you have gone to long to turn back) Security triangle in case of accident (oblig. in sweden)
And most importantly: my I-pod
Torch, tyre pump (with pressure gauge attached), glass cleaner, cloth and a few other things probably :mark:

26th November 2007, 12:22
My tow hook (eye), mobile phone with local tow truck driver's number, oil, water, fire extinguisher, small 12v compressor, overalls, basic first aid kit, triangle and reflective shirt top thingies.....

26th November 2007, 12:32
Torch, tyre pump (with pressure gauge attached), glass cleaner, cloth and a few other things probably :mark:

Nope, car is rather new,and empty. and boring. forget the last part. i will sell it now anyways... pressure gauge is built in; itīs warning if pressure gets to low.

26th November 2007, 12:36
Nope, car is rather new,and empty. and boring. forget the last part. i will sell it now anyways... pressure gauge is built in; itīs warning if pressure gets to low.
Sorry I don't know why I quoted you :p I meant just to do my own post :p

26th November 2007, 12:53
:rolleyes: :)

26th November 2007, 13:13
Let me see.

Pair of shoes, steel toe cap shoes, rigger boots, hi-vis, hard hat, overalls, wind up torch, spare bulbs, water, spare wheel, about 5 coats, roof rack, Motorsport is dangerous sign, foot pump, tape measure and a spare gear knob (my brother put a metal one on and it's bloody freezing in the morning so had to change it back) :D

26th November 2007, 13:20
Toolkit and water.

Like I'd have a clue what to do if my car breaks down anyway :p :

26th November 2007, 14:26
Two cricket bats and a skateboard... that should do the trick if my car breaks :p : oh and a can of deoderent

26th November 2007, 17:01
I don't have a car but if I did it there would be next to no chance of it being untidy due to carrying stuff all the time. Can't stand messy cars :\

26th November 2007, 18:11
That's what I thought until I got the car. Then I got a new job which meant I need safety stuff all the time.

26th November 2007, 19:54
Bottle of oil, bottle of screenwash, jack, spare bulbs, torch.

If I have a problem I normally ring the RAC! :p :

26th November 2007, 20:13
I had an emergency car bag containing all the things you'd need if you broke down as a Christmas gift a couple of years ago. It's still not made it into my car yet though. Maybe this thread will prompt me to take it off the top of my wardbrobe. :s

My car contains my AA membership card. Thats probably the most important thing and I've got some de-icer in my footwell. I have about 5 litres of water in the boot and always have my emergency stash of confectionary. I keep eating that though. Doh!

Brown, Jon Brow
26th November 2007, 21:14
Empty crisp packets, sweet wrappers and empty drinks bottles, although that isn't really emergency equipment is it? :s

Erm.......Spare wheel and vehicle jack :erm:

27th November 2007, 07:38

Hazell B
28th November 2007, 19:44
Lightweights :p :

Massive jack, spare wheel, compressor, tiny first aid kit, axe, tree loppers (you never know :p : ), cash, cigarettes, assorted snacks, warm clothes by the sack load, dog jumpers, dog leads, dog collars, dog food, boots for wet weather, boots for dry weather, some roof slates I'm trying to find a match for in auctions, pack 200 carrier bags, masses of pens/markers/pencils/notebooks, scissors x3, ropes of assorted lengths and sizes, baler band, hammer, calculator, gloves of all sorts, leather hat collection, ratchet straps, cargo nets, Captain Jack Sparrow on the dash for good luck and, rather oddly, some bones I found in a ditch at the Belvoir Hunt that I still haven't gotten around to identifying after three plus years :mark:

Typically only last week I needed a wheel brace, but didn't have one with me :rolleyes:

28th November 2007, 19:53
High vis jacket, first aid kit, warning triangle, fire extinguisher, few spanners, screwdrivers, spare wheel, jack,

29th November 2007, 00:35
Gloc 9mm.

29th November 2007, 07:41
And I have this 13 mm wrench, what a coincidence! Allthough I think your choice is a little bit strange. Most bolts and screws are 8 mm or 10 mm with 3/8 inch inbetween. In this area I would also suggest 9/16 or the one I choosed, and, off course, the 1/2 inch. regarding manus I do not now of Gloc but i recommend Bacho, Gedore, Teng Tools and Kamasa! Good luck!

29th November 2007, 10:40
And I have this 13 mm wrench, what a coincidence! Allthough I think your choice is a little bit strange. Most bolts and screws are 8 mm or 10 mm with 3/8 inch inbetween. In this area I would also suggest 9/16 or the one I choosed, and, off course, the 1/2 inch. regarding manus I do not now of Gloc but i recommend Bacho, Gedore, Teng Tools and Kamasa! Good luck!

I think he means a Glock 9mm, a gun, Magnus :p :

29th November 2007, 11:03
Yep, I know that all to well, but I thought it was a bit stupid, and tried to express that in my own way...

29th November 2007, 11:19
Due to the distances between civilisation in the area I cover for work, I carry at least 5 litres of water, some food and also things like a uhf radio, fire extinguisher, sunscreen, insect repellant (Aeroguard) and my mp3 player. Also have a good selection of tools, includiing a full socket set.

Can't count on mobile phone coverage now that my work phone is on the Next G network. Crap coverage even in cities like Wagga Wagga and Griffith.


29th November 2007, 16:40
I have a spare tyre, jack, lug wrench and related tools, warning triangle, first aid kid, flash light, water container full of water and Ģ10 emergency fuel money.

6th December 2007, 05:29
Can I include myself as a tool?

Small socket set, full metric spanner set, suntan lotion, jacket, butane burner and a couple of cans of spagetti.

6th December 2007, 15:02
A snow brush :mark:

13th December 2007, 14:22
I bring my mobile with me, a toolbox in the boot, regularly check the spare tyre to see if it is alright, high visibility jacket, a few spare fuses and bumbs, and my little 15 year old brother can be handy so I take him too sometimes. :D

306 Cosworth
14th December 2007, 16:53
All I got is a jack, spare tyre and a spanner or w/e it is to undo the bolts on the wheel! Got two pieces of laminate wood flooring sitting above the spare tyre as well, god knows why, they were in it when I got it :s

14th December 2007, 18:22
Torch, tyre pump (with pressure gauge attached), glass cleaner, cloth and a few other things probably :mark:
I can now add to my list 2l of coolant and 2l of washer fluid. Oh the joy!