View Full Version : Misheard/Awful Lyrics

Mp3 Astra
25th November 2007, 23:45
Reading this BBC news article about terrible song lyrics made me laugh, and reminded me that there are many funny awful or misheard lyrics floating around the world. Can you think of any of your favourites? Post them here!

I'll start:

Misheard: Coldplay - Yellow "For you I peed myself" har de har :D

26th November 2007, 00:21
For the Spanish speakers of the forum:


26th November 2007, 09:14
Any track with Scooter...

26th November 2007, 09:22
From british songs I laugh at " Space - Me and You vs. the World " for :
"I first met you hanging knickers on
The line"

But nothing compares to all O-zone's songs.
They bacame famous due to to this lines:
"Nu-mi raspunzi la SMS
Eu iti scriu atat de des " :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

In fact all romanian dance songs have such stupid lyrics. Although the laugh may be lost in translation here there are some samples:

" Suzana, I'll tell to my mama
You ate my banana
I won't play anymore, ore, ore, ore...
Mama, they ate my banana,
Roxana and Suzana, etc "

" Money and chicks
Are eating our days
oh, oh, oh, moooo-neeeey"

26th November 2007, 12:30

Best song for misheard lyrics.....

26th November 2007, 14:55

26th November 2007, 18:52
I think the lyric from that song by Bryan Adams and Mel whatever is one of the worst ever:

'Even food don't taste that good
And drink ain't doing what it should'

Other than that, the Croatian national anthem is probably a hot candidate for misunderstood lyric of the moment...

26th November 2007, 19:07
Always used to think Paul Weller was singing about the wah wah woo. Never really knew what the wah wah woo was (thought maybe it was a dance) until someone pointed out it was wild wild wood.

Terrible lyric:
I'm so sick, sick, sick and tired
of working hard just to be retired.

:angryfire At least try to make a real rhyme

26th November 2007, 19:40
La Bamba.

"La-la-la-la-La Bamba" is what I thought it was for years. Then it came on the radio one day, after I'd been living here in Barcelona a few years. "Para bailar La Bamba...."

As for the article, I think that line from War Pigs is great!.

26th November 2007, 20:45
My friend in school went for years thinking that Bon Jovi where singing "Living on bread" in their song "Livin' on a Prayer".. I thought that was hilarious at the time. :)

27th November 2007, 05:04
As noted...the classic is Jimi Hendrix
'Scuse me, while I kiss this guy...'

For a large database of mis-heard lyrics, here is a great place:


I always thought the Beatles' Across The Universe had the line 'Jackaroo' when in fact it is Jai Guru..