View Full Version : Social Notworking, sorry Networking

20th November 2007, 12:35
In an attempt to keep up with the 'younger' generation (I can't believe I just typed that - I sound like an old fart!), peer pressure has forced me onto these Facebook and Myspace sites that everyone allegedly uses these days. The only problem is that in order to not appear like the sad and lonely person that I am I now need some 'friends' to add to my profiles.

So, does anyone else use these sites and is prepared to admit that that they might know me? And more importantly, can someone explain what on earth a blog is??

20th November 2007, 15:30
On facebook there is a motorsport forums group you might want to search for.

A blog is just a diary that you put online for everyone to read.

20th November 2007, 16:11
I have the same problem as you Pitmarshal. Only that mine is bigger (32 yrs). I also have no friends so I decided to skip the humiliation of facebook and likes :D
But if I do I promise I will ad you!
A blog is a area of the internet which is particularly useful if you want to waste your time. It is a little bit like this forum; it makes you feel more important than you are. And when you are reading a blog or a post on a forum you are always on your way to the next one, the words just passing by at an incredible speed, always afraid that youŽll miss something. Often that something is life itself. Better then stick to some religion that promises you there will be another one, so you do need to bother with the time-aspect.
Blogs are also used by the media to let people think that they have anything to say abt things that happens in the world...
A better way of writing a blog is to write some diary using an ordinary pencil. Every year you then take your diary, and stow it away in some box, with a lock onto it. This box you keep in your attic, or maybe in a safe. Once in a while you put some clip from a paper in there as well. Then you just continue collecting your diaries, not telling anyone abt in, and let time do its work.
Your moment will then come in a hundred and fortyfive years or so, when someone finally finds your box, and opens it. ThatŽs nothing for me though...I want the results now...and the result tilŽnow? wasting a lot of gigs and hours on nothing but writing my strange thoughts on some computer.
I suddenly realized that I today got my first payed writing-job, so maybe I should just shut up. Hmm...

20th November 2007, 16:15
I'm still struggling to understand the purpose of Facebook... :mark:

20th November 2007, 19:01
Its totally, and utterly, a tool for checking out if the girl you pulled last night (or vice versa) was fit or not, and leads to some interesting txt messages usually.

Or at least, thats basically what i use it for :P

20th November 2007, 19:29
tell us what you are registered as and we can find you to add to friends

20th November 2007, 20:50
hey....im on both myspace and facebook

facebook is just my name laura mowat

and myspace is http://www.myspace.com/ascar_chick


20th November 2007, 21:12
tell us what you are registered as and we can find you to add to friends

What are your bank / credit card details? he he he!

I'll add you much quicker.....

Cheques made payable to "Charitable Help for Self Helpers" the initials CASH will do..... just sign it, I'll do the rest.


20th November 2007, 21:30
I have issues with friends that I'm with at the time asking me if we're on facebook together and how we should be friends. I dont think they comprehend that we're friends already or that seeing as we've taken the time to meet up, we don't really need to waste our time talking about the virtual things we can to together on facebook. :s

20th November 2007, 22:02
tell us what you are registered as and we can find you to add to friends

That would help wouldn't it!

Facebook is just my name: Christopher James Stubbs

Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/motorsport_mad

Sorry Rob, financial details are the one thing that I never put on the net. If you want that you have to go to the government.

20th November 2007, 22:22
I've got a facebook and worryingly I now appear to be taking part in some sort of electronic school reunion. Someone 'tagged' me in a photo from 1984 the other day. Awful.

21st November 2007, 00:28
I'm on facebook (Simon Topham)

21st November 2007, 00:34
I'm also on Facebook and part of the motorsportforums.com group. I still don't really see the point but seem to lose about 2 hours to the bloody thing every day.

21st November 2007, 00:38
I have issues with friends that I'm with at the time asking me if we're on facebook together and how we should be friends. I dont think they comprehend that we're friends already or that seeing as we've taken the time to meet up, we don't really need to waste our time talking about the virtual things we can to together on facebook. :s

That is about how I see it. You can make online acquaintance, or maybe even friends, but even then I can't see the point in advertising to the rest of the world who they are.

Oh, and I loved your profile. Add me! :laugh:

21st November 2007, 02:22
Its totally, and utterly, a tool for checking out if the girl you pulled last night (or vice versa) was fit or not, and leads to some interesting txt messages usually.

Or at least, thats basically what i use it for :P

HaHaHaHaHaHaHa! great minds think alike! i do the exact same thing :p :

21st November 2007, 08:13
I'm also on Facebook and part of the motorsportforums.com group. I still don't really see the point but seem to lose about 2 hours to the bloody thing every day.

The sad fact is that there's no point at all in facebook. Still while I'm at work I keep it open all the time. That would be 8-10 hours a day.. :D

Just as a reminder, there's a group in facebook called the motorsportforums (suprise!), everyone is welcome to join! :)

21st November 2007, 12:49
i use it to get jobs and keep in contact with people i've worked with in the past and find out if they're going to be working on the next programme with me again! the entire TV industry uses it! there is even a group devoted to people who have worked on Big Brother!

Sticker Rub
21st November 2007, 19:50
there is even a group devoted to people who have worked on Big Brother!
I've got a mate who I see most days but he still bombards me with emails asking me to join Facebook. Thanks CGS, you've just strengthened my resolve :)

22nd November 2007, 10:18
There's an SCSA group on there as well as a Revolution Racing one...

25th November 2007, 17:54
I don't know everyones real name to their username..... so easier if you all add me cause i'm on Facebook and Myspace. :D Just be sure to leave a message or something to show that you're involved or interested in SCSA or Pickup Trucks cause I don't accept randomers that add me.

Facebook - search for Yung Sung
Myspace - http://www.myspace.com/kinyungsung

26th November 2007, 20:33
i use it to get jobs and keep in contact with people i've worked with in the past and find out if they're going to be working on the next programme with me again! the entire TV industry uses it! there is even a group devoted to people who have worked on Big Brother!

Did you notice you only bothered to use capital letters for TV and Big Brother? Am I now an old fogey?