View Full Version : Loeb became a dad today

19th November 2007, 22:02
So will this make him take it more easy ore give him a boost for GB?

A classic comment on seb's looks this weekend on a Norwegian forum.

"Why do Loeb look like he's been drunk for a week? Don't look good.. looks a bit like he's been driving banger races and working under the car for a week, and then get realy drunk before the rally starts... He looked much more representable before. Ok he's good, but there are limits...Remember lots of people were hammering Petter because he used to have long hair, but he's never looked this scrufy? and infact Petter has had a reason to not care..."



20th November 2007, 08:20
Yeah...he really looks messed up... "fur shure..."

20th November 2007, 21:50
I agree with the opening comments. He does look like hes been out all night!
As much as I respect his huge talent, he does not come across as having much charisma or personality on tv!!!

20th November 2007, 22:31
This is a personal message for monsieur Loeb:

Congratulation, you're a dad now :up: Wouldn't it be wise to play safe and lay off the gas pedal ??? Settle for let's say, 6th. position ??

merci in advance


21st November 2007, 06:23
LOL Aff :-)