View Full Version : Grandparents

18th November 2007, 12:21
Do you have any grandparents left ??

I have only one, my grandmom who is now 89 years old. She has been there for me all my life and basicly took care of me when I was in school. She has always been very healthy and in good shape, considering her age... and comparing to other grannies.

Last february she had a heart attack. She lives in this Nursing home and they have buttons in case of any kind of alert. Well, she had chest pain in the middle of the night but didn't feel like pressing the buttons because she didn't want to bother the nurses :s Thank god the pain got worse and she had to press it. Long story short, she got in hospital and she survived. Doctor said that should she not pressed the button and alert for help, it would have been all over for her.

Now she is doing fine. Yeah, she is doing better than let's say, three years before. The medication she got is brilliant and she feels great. She even visited my home last month whic is in two floors and climbed the stairs up and down without any help... jeez.

But the funny feeling and basicly the point of this thread is that like I said it felt funny because I've always got that feeling that MY grandmom is there forever. That she just won't disappear. Her heartattack was the first time for me which actually shocked first and stopped then to really think ... wake up, she is almost 90 years and not going to live forever. I hate this feeling.. forcing to prepare yourself that some day you just kinda have accept that somebody important to you will be gone.

Sorry if this went too much to the boyband section of threads. I'm just interested if anyone has the mutual feeling right now ??

18th November 2007, 14:14
Both my Dads parents and my mothers father died before I was born.

I have one grandmother left, she turned 90 last month :)

18th November 2007, 16:09
I have one grandmother left, my dads mother.

I never knew either of my parental grandfathers, as they both died before I was born, though I did have a step grandfather, he died about 8 years ago.

My mums mother died this year in October aged 93. I still miss her greatly ;( . She was always wanting to help out whenever and however she could, even with all her problems - basically the only thing right with her was her mind, that was fully active. The last time I saw her was 4 days after her birthday, when I took her to Snetterton to watch me race back in July, there were two photos I was going to give her for Christmas, but now I can't, though I did ask to have one of the pictures put in her coffin with her - it was a picture of her sitting in her wheelchair next to my race car with me sitting in it. :p
My nan died peacefully in her sleep after about two weeks a suffering; from falling over and fracturing her pelvis and staying in hospital for a week, then having real bad diarrhoea for the next week - we think she might of got c-diff.

I had the same feelings A.F.F, I never wanted my nan to die, though when she had to have a blood clot taken out of her leg a few years back that was the time when I started to think to myself that she wasn't going to live like forever and it kinda scared me a bit to think that at any moment I could lose my nan, but now she has gone I don't quite know how to feel :s whether to feel happy and remember the great times I had with her or sad that I won't have any more years to spend with her or should I just feel both happy and sad.

I have the same feeling about my parents that they will be there forever, but I know they won't be.

18th November 2007, 17:22
I have one grandmother who lives in Mauritius. I haven't seen her since February 2000, although I do speak to her on the phone quite often. As I haven't been to Mauritius for such a long time I never really practise speaking French unless I'm on the phone to her or other relatives so my french is getting worse and worse. I do struggle when speaking to her these day's which is probably more my fault than hers. :(

My mothers parents both died before I was born, so apart from the yearly holiday when I was younger to see my dads folks I've never really seen myself as having grandparents. At school, and still to some extent now I am actually quite jealous of people that have grandparents. I would of loved a grandparent to take me places at the weekend or bake cakes or do anything with really.

My other half's niece has four grandparents and three great grandparents. At her first birthday party a couple of months ago they were all clamouring to hold and do stuff with her. I'm going on holiday with her and all four grandparents for Christmas. I'm already worried now that there won't be enough of her to share between them all as she's the first grandchild in both sides of the family. I dont want fighting grandparents to ruin my Christmas. :s

18th November 2007, 17:38
I have one gran left. She's pretty much lost it and she doesn't really know what's going on. She also gets generations confused, all of her children are her brothers or sisters and her granchildren (as in me) are her nephews and nieces. There's a whole lot of other things too.

It's not nice to say, but we are essentially waiting for that phone call..

18th November 2007, 19:59
my mother's both parents are alive and quite good.
my (step)father's father died about 7 years ago, but both mothers are alive... I mean then my (step)father's father's mother and his own mother...
my (biological) father's father is... I think he died some years ago. I recall something... his mother is alive though. he himself died 6-7 years ago though.

18th November 2007, 22:42
i kinda know how u feel A.F.F, i lost 3 grandparents before i was born, and only had one grandmother since i was born, who i have always enjoyed visiting, and enjoyed spending time with. she died on Christmas day in 2005, and it was the worst feeling ever, because i spent so much time with my grandmother. You will eventually feel better after you have coped with the shock, but it is not a nice feeling to go through, it took me a while to get over my loss :(

19th November 2007, 04:11
Grandparents usually love us more than our parents.

They took care us using their heart, hand, and head.
while parents using their head, hand and heart. Imo

19th November 2007, 05:22

I think many people don't realize until it's too late just how much they appreciate certain other people or family members that have had a positive impact on their lives.

All of my grandparents, both mine and my wifes mothers, one of my brothers, and one of our daughters are gone before us. And I'm only 10 years your senior.

Sometimes it takes such things to make a person realize that every day is the time to show your appreciation to those people. Never take it for granted that you will be able to do it another day, as without doubt those other days at some point end for everyone.

Be glad that you understood the importance of her while she is still here, and that you are starting to accept that she won't be here forever in a physical sense. But also be aware that after paying your respects at a funeral that will one day come, those people can also continue to have a daily influence on many aspects of your life. And be very glad that you still have time to show your respect and appreciation to her while she is still there.

19th November 2007, 08:41
I have one grandmother who lives in Mauritius. I haven't seen her since February 2000, although I do speak to her on the phone quite often. As I haven't been to Mauritius for such a long time I never really practise speaking French unless I'm on the phone to her or other relatives so my french is getting worse and worse. I do struggle when speaking to her these day's which is probably more my fault than hers. :(

As someone who is struggling to try to learn French it would be a scandal if you were to let yours fade. Get yourself and you know who on a holiday or two to France.. somewhere where they don't speak English :p

19th November 2007, 20:26
I'm lucky enough to have both sets of my grandparents here still. In fact until this year, my mum's Grandma was still here too!

We see them every other week and have done so since I was tiny. It's wierd to see changes to their health and general mood over the last few years. I mean it's expected, but I hate seeing the physical and emotional differences in them even from one year to the next. I can't imagine them not being around to be honest.

19th November 2007, 20:56
all dead since 1990.

19th November 2007, 23:58
never got the meet any, all of them died before I was born

20th November 2007, 16:08
Both my granddads died in 1939, somewhere on the Karelian Isthmus.
My Mom's mom died when I was very young so I don't really remember her.
My Dad's mom passed away in 2001 in Imatra (Korvenkyl&#228 ;) . That was the last time I was in Finland :( She was 84

21st November 2007, 15:23
I have never seen my dad's father..infact even my mother did not see him alive.
Both my grandmothers died when I was in high school and my mom's dad died in 2000...sadly my wife did not meet any of them either!

I was more attached to my grandparents on my mom's side...especially her mom

306 Cosworth
21st November 2007, 16:13
I've only got my Mums mum left now, she was 80 on Monday and she's still going strong :D :D :D

Garry Walker
21st November 2007, 21:12
Do you have any grandparents left ??

I have only one, my grandmom who is now 89 years old. She has been there for me all my life and basicly took care of me when I was in school. She has always been very healthy and in good shape, considering her age... and comparing to other grannies.

Last february she had a heart attack. She lives in this Nursing home and they have buttons in case of any kind of alert. Well, she had chest pain in the middle of the night but didn't feel like pressing the buttons because she didn't want to bother the nurses :s Thank god the pain got worse and she had to press it. Long story short, she got in hospital and she survived. Doctor said that should she not pressed the button and alert for help, it would have been all over for her.

Now she is doing fine. Yeah, she is doing better than let's say, three years before. The medication she got is brilliant and she feels great. She even visited my home last month whic is in two floors and climbed the stairs up and down without any help... jeez.

But the funny feeling and basicly the point of this thread is that like I said it felt funny because I've always got that feeling that MY grandmom is there forever. That she just won't disappear. Her heartattack was the first time for me which actually shocked first and stopped then to really think ... wake up, she is almost 90 years and not going to live forever. I hate this feeling.. forcing to prepare yourself that some day you just kinda have accept that somebody important to you will be gone.

Sorry if this went too much to the boyband section of threads. I'm just interested if anyone has the mutual feeling right now ??

I can relate to a lot of what you are saying. My granny is 88 and would be 89 in a few months. She was pretty much the one taking care of me when I was young and my parents worked, I am very very close to her. A month ago the doctors told me that she has pancreatic cancer and due to her age it is inoperable. She doesnt know she has it, we asked the doctors not to say it to her. 2,5 weeks ago her doctor said she has 2 weeks at max to live, but she is still alive, albeit very weak. I am realistic. But still, when I go there to cook for her and help her, she seems more worried about if I have eaten. Amazing woman.

My fathers father died before I was born, my fathers mother died when I was pretty. My mothers father died some years after that.