View Full Version : Christmas Decorations

17th November 2007, 17:33
Saw my first christmas decorations on a house today!

Is it just me or is it to early for christmas decorations, its not even a month away!!!!

17th November 2007, 18:45
A friend text me a picture of a house in Tingley with Christmas lights on about five days ago. It was probably the same one you saw. I've seen a few houses with light on sinse. :)

I was driving to work on Thursday and I heard my first Christmas song on the radio. I have to say I sang along but it's way way way to early for Christmas songs.

17th November 2007, 18:49
A friend text me a picture of a house in Tingley with Christmas lights on about five days ago. It was probably the same one you saw. I've seen a few houses with light on sinse. :)

I was driving to work on Thursday and I heard my first Christmas song on the radio. I have to say I sang along but it's way way way to early for Christmas songs.

How you know I live in Tingley? Did i post that somewhere?

Probably was! Any chance you could post the picture on here?

17th November 2007, 19:06
Because your on the Motorsport forums facebook group. I noticed you either go/ went to the same high school that my other half went to. :)

17th November 2007, 19:11
Because your on the Motorsport forums facebook group. I noticed you either go/ went to the same high school that my other half went to. :)

Ah right! Still go to!

I haven't heard any christmas songs yet, propably won't be too long before I do! :s

17th November 2007, 19:25
Haven't seen any houses with decarations yet which is odd since a house just down the street usually has them up about a 1/3 through November. :s

18th November 2007, 00:21
The place I work at has been selling xmas decorations for weeks, and last week started playing xmas songs. Unfortunatly.

18th November 2007, 01:27
Haven't seen a house decorated in my neck of the woods yet, but saw a business decorated already, not counting the shopping centers that had them up before Halloween.

18th November 2007, 09:46
I remember this year i walked into the TARGET store in the CBD and saw heaps of Christmas decorations...... in SEPTEMBER!!! now come on, thats a little early dont ya think!!!

Mp3 Astra
18th November 2007, 09:52
It's always too early to sell Christmas decorations, because where I work, the customers can select from boxes of singles Christmas decorations. As a result you get baskets full of fiddly little pieces of breakble plasticy type substances where the bar codes are missing, getting sparkly bits everywhere including my face and hands which doesn't look very professional...

Dave B
18th November 2007, 12:13
The good news is that many councils have stated their intention to actively enforce the recently-introduced Part P regulations on electrical work - basically you need to have outdoor electrics inspected and tested.

Hopefully this will stop some of the more garish and tacky displays, although I seriously doubt it.

I cannot stand the whinging doom-mongers who bleat on about carbon footprints, but just for Christmas I'll join them as it's a good excuse to moan at people who think large displays of lights are in any way classy or desirable. :p

18th November 2007, 19:58
It's snowing and has been for hours. Now it feel like Christmas time. Ohh I'm all excited! :D

19th November 2007, 19:29
The decorations are going up in town, but the official "lights switch on" is not til later this week apparantly. I've yet to see a house with christmas lights on yet though... thankfully. I'm going to try and hold out until the 12th this year... I think I could only last up until the 10th last year and I just HAD to put my tree up. :)

Dave B
20th November 2007, 08:02
The trees went up in our town centre yesterday but so far they're unlit. I don't know when the "big" switch on is, nor which z-list celeb / Big-Brother reject is booked to turn them on.

Edit: just found out it's Fifi and the Flowertots. I'm getting old... :s

20th November 2007, 15:27
The trees went up in our town centre yesterday but so far they're unlit. I don't know when the "big" switch on is, nor which z-list celeb / Big-Brother reject is booked to turn them on.

Edit: just found out it's Fifi and the Flowertots. I'm getting old... :s

Plymouth had the lights switch on, last Thursday. It was done by the two twins from Big Brother :p :

Saying that, Kate Lawler (I think she won like the 2nd / 3rd series?) is coming to a nightclub here, I can't think why :confused:

20th November 2007, 22:21
My neighbours on either side were putting up their Christmtas lights this weekend.

I still have a pumpkin on my porch :s

Langdale Forest
26th November 2007, 07:13
Some christmas decorations were being put up in the town yeaterday.

Azumanga Davo
26th November 2007, 12:48
I got Christmas decorations all over the truck.

But that's only because the local Red Dot Stores nazi can't wrap pallets for s*^&...