View Full Version : Oops! (Airbus write-off)

16th November 2007, 10:40
An unfortunate mishap at Toulouse yesterday wrote off this brand new Airbus A340 being prepared for delivery to Etihad Airways. It was undergoing ground engine testing when it seems the restraints failed and the plane surged forward into the noise deflector wall. Thankfully there were no fatalities, but 5 of the 9 test crew sustained injuries. Let's hope they recover swiftly.


16th November 2007, 11:13
Ouch, I read about in the news headlines, but thought it had crashed in landing.

Dave B
16th November 2007, 13:35
Larger version of that photo here:

It's a bad month to be on an A340. One suffered damage during landing (http://www.elperiodico.cat/info/galeriasv2/galeria.asp?idioma=CAS&idgaleria=969) in Ecuador a few weeks back; a few days previously another one skidded off the runway in Cape Town!

Fingers crossed for no serious injuries, though I suspect the plane is a write-off. Carbon fibre doesn't patch up so easily as metal, and the structural integrity of the fuselage will be lost. :s

16th November 2007, 14:06
Umm, it doesn't look terribly strong at the front, thank god I'm not a pilot.

Dave B
16th November 2007, 14:26
It's a tube - terrifically strong in the right axis. You can stand on an upright empty coke can, but squeeze it at the side and you'll crush it with little effort.

17th November 2007, 00:06
Larger version of that photo here:

It's a bad month to be on an A340. One suffered damage during landing (http://www.elperiodico.cat/info/galeriasv2/galeria.asp?idioma=CAS&idgaleria=969) in Ecuador a few weeks back; a few days previously another one skidded off the runway in Cape Town!

Fingers crossed for no serious injuries, though I suspect the plane is a write-off. Carbon fibre doesn't patch up so easily as metal, and the structural integrity of the fuselage will be lost. :s

The A340 is still an aluminum airplane. However, the crash probably did damage the stringers and frames, as well as buckled enough skin panels along the entire fuselage to not warrant the repair. It's probably more cost effective to build a new fuselage and recycle the engine and the wings.