View Full Version : Candyman

14th November 2007, 01:47
Is there something relatively wrong with me but I honestly think that Christina Aguilera's Candyman http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=W4kR8OQCrlQ is a brilliant music VIDEO?? It has captured that pin-up style in very cool way. And the song isn't bad either :)

All right, no objections, you can lynch whenever you're ready. :mark:

14th November 2007, 05:31
No moderators in sight?

14th November 2007, 06:34
Can't argue with A.F.F here. :)
It's almost as good as Jenni vartiainen's(an old reality music show winner) ihmisten edessä. ;)

14th November 2007, 06:39
Great video indeed :D

14th November 2007, 07:56
I can't argue both of you :)

14th November 2007, 08:16
I hate it. Reminds me of the stupid american musicals of the 40's.

14th November 2007, 08:44
Can't argue with A.F.F here. :)
It's almost as good as Jenni vartiainen's(an old reality music show winner) ihmisten edessä. ;)

You can say Popstars Janne ;)

I think Jenni made a wise choise to really wait and tune up her record. There's always a market for good finnish singers. But I must say I like more of Tunnoton http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S0gQVzXX8A

What comes to Christina Aguilera, her voice has always been very high, very loud but I think this style suits her way better than those poppish ballads. Another fine example of good song, but not so good video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-Flgwb1pI8 I think she has gotten to like that era gadjo_dilo hates so much :)

14th November 2007, 09:02
Great songs, do they play nationality anthem? I saw too much flag there

14th November 2007, 09:06
I hate it. Reminds me of the stupid american musicals of the 40's.
'Up town girl' westlife version, in the reverse, was great.

However musical concert of Boyzone were awesome, although only Ronan and Stephen who could sing well.

14th November 2007, 09:21
'Up town girl' westlife version, in the reverse, was great.

However musical concert of Boyzone were awesome, although only Ronan and Stephen who could sing well.

Wait a minute, I was talking about those shows and films meant to boost the army's moral.

14th November 2007, 09:47
Wait a minute, I was talking about those shows and films meant to boost the army's moral.
Ten minutes I don't mind, don't worry. :)

14th November 2007, 10:27
Wait a minute, I was talking about those shows and films meant to boost the army's moral.

Aaah... I got you wrong. But do you really think Aguilera's video has nothing to do with that ? Or is it the whole idea that bugs you ?

14th November 2007, 10:43
Aaah... I got you wrong. But do you really think Aguilera's video has nothing to do with that ? Or is it the whole idea that bugs you ?
It's the concept of the video, it's Aguilera's clothes and hair style, it's the muscular soldiers, it's the idea of US army, it's the song itself. To name but a few things that annoy me.

Anyway, " de gustibus non disputandum ".

14th November 2007, 11:19
Anyway, " de gustibus non disputandum ".


And I like it. it's so bubllegum :)

Dave B
14th November 2007, 11:30
Hmmm. Not a bad song, although highly derivative. But the video looks like Disney have finally caved in and made Whore School Musical.

14th November 2007, 12:48
My gran likes this song. I'm pretty sure she could only see the video and hear the overall sound of the song and not the lyrics :p :

14th November 2007, 16:51
Is candyman the oldish man offering "candy" to young girls? :erm:
Crap song IMO, the video loads way too long for me so I don't bother. :)

14th November 2007, 18:55
"Is it Christina Agua...Agu. Is it Britany Spears Mark?" (obscure reference to a radio show)

Back to the subject, I would :cheese:

14th November 2007, 19:11
Why would I like to see someone quite atractive dressing like my grandmother? :mark:

14th November 2007, 19:32
not. my. taste. at. all. please. ban. me. from. this. thread. before. I. say. something. ugly. :disturb:

14th November 2007, 19:40
I don't mind watching the video....but then again I dont get out much... :p

14th November 2007, 20:00
"Is it Christina Agua...Agu. Is it Britany Spears Mark?" (obscure reference to a radio show)

Back to the subject, I would :cheese:

Would what? Buy the record? ;)

14th November 2007, 20:22
I think it fits the song and her style almost perfectly.

Christina could just as easily be another bimbo with no talent making money off of her looks like many not named "music" stars these days. But instead she has an incredible voice, seems to perform almost as well live, and has found a unique niche within the market as far as style goes.

I think she's got a great deal of talent myself, and I think she pulls off that pin up girl look in spectacular fashion.

14th November 2007, 21:03
Would what? Buy the record? ;)


Something like that :D

14th November 2007, 22:01
The damn song got to number 2 in Australia but only 17 in the UK. The chord progressing is very similar to Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. I think perhaps it would have been banned in 1940, which would have been fine, as so have many photos of bomber art of the period anway :D

15th November 2007, 04:22
I switched my speaker off quite long, so my opinion about their songs may not be objective. :D

15th November 2007, 20:07
Sponsored by Campari and the US military. Both available in every corner of the earth.

15th November 2007, 20:35
I've never understood that saying. The earth is round so where are the corners? unless you count the pointy cits as corners because it's not a perfect sphere, to be honest it's a pretty poor effort what with all the sharp bits. Still if that's where the corners are then does it mean that the US army on stood on the top of Everest? Hope they've got their thermals on if they are cos I reckon it's pretty nippy up there.

15th November 2007, 21:27
Sponsored by Campari and the US military. Both available in every corner of the earth.
I hadn't noticed the campari ads until yesterday when i watched the clip without music, well, better that than the cellphone ads most videos nowadays have.

15th November 2007, 21:39
Musicvideos start loosing their point when folks watch them without voice :s

16th November 2007, 06:30
yeah, especially when the quality is at juutuube levels. But listening to thew song would have mean moving from my chair fr two meters to switch the stereos on. Not worth it. :)

16th November 2007, 09:54
And as if it wasn't enough, the Spice Girls copied the idea:


16th November 2007, 10:12
These seem better remembrance than the army's moral of 40's :D