View Full Version : Sticky problem...

5th January 2007, 17:05
I need help.

I am trying to re-attach a rear view mirror to the windscreen. Thinking that it would be an easy task I bought some superglue and tried to fix it on. I hadn't realised that the weight of an Audi mirror is not dissimilar to a sack of spuds - slight exaggeration but it's heavy - and it just slid off. So I went to Halfords and bought some glue that is formulated for glass. It assured me that glass and plastic would bond really quickly. Long story short, it didn't.

Now I saw some double sided sticky pads and am now wondering whether I should have bought those :s

Anyone help? Thanks :)

5th January 2007, 17:19
More importantly, I think I speak for all other members here... what course of events occured that resulted in the dislodging of the mirror in the first place? :p :

5th January 2007, 17:23
Ahem. The details, schmenke, are not important :p :

Mirrors can just fall off you know, I've been told.

5th January 2007, 17:30
Mirrors can just fall off you know, I've been told.

By him who was driving your car when it happened? :rolleyes: :p :

5th January 2007, 17:35
Sadly, I can't blame anyone for the mirror's demise :( It just fell off. A certain Australian hasn't even been behing the wheel of this car yet :p :

5th January 2007, 17:43
The double sided pads should work as the mirror is stuck on with these in the first place.

As for how it became dislodged, I think Caroline has earnt a reputation regardless of fact as so often happens on this forum :p : :D :wave:

5th January 2007, 17:47
Caroline, there is a special adhesive for re-glueing the mirror to the windshield.
If the mirror is real heavy, the mirror needs to be removed from the mount ...
glue the mount to the windshield, let glue set for 24 hours, then atttach mirror to the mount. :D
(There is usually a small screw on the bottom of the mirror case to hold mirror onto the mount.)

oily oaf
5th January 2007, 17:50
Yep Double sided pads love
Trust me I'm a mechanic
Right that's £79.00+VAT

PS Try poking your legs out of the side windows in future.
Trust me I'm a sex god
U can 'ave that one for free mate.

5th January 2007, 17:54
PS Try poking your legs out of the side windows in future.
Trust me I'm a sex god
U can 'ave that one for free mate.

At least you didn't suggest she might be on top with a larger than average posterior ;)

5th January 2007, 17:59
Sticky pads. Yes, I will try them out.

(Note the deft manoeuvre away from the seedier aspects of this thread ;) )

Oily, the cheque is in the post. Cough.

oily oaf
5th January 2007, 18:16
At least you didn't suggest she might be on top with a larger than average posterior ;)

We can always rely on you to lower the tone can't we Knockie ;)

Carrie. I'm not holdin' me breath darlin' :D

Dave B
5th January 2007, 18:18
The double sided pads are the best option, but both glass and mirror must be absolutely clean beforehand. Try a little bit of vodka on a clean cloth. Then try a little bit of vodka with an ice cube and a dash of coke. :drink:

5th January 2007, 18:24
We can always rely on you to lower the tone can't we Knockie ;)

Jesus was born in a Manger, me in the toilet.

I do have a reputation to uphold ;)

5th January 2007, 18:40
I'm glad someone still has a reputation to maintain. After this, mine is all but gone.

Had a look at the mess on the windscreen after several gluey attempts were made to stick the damn thing on. Vodka it is then, Dave. Thank you all ( I think) :)

5th January 2007, 18:45
Save the vodka for more ejoyable pleasures. Use rubbing alcohol on the windscreen.

5th January 2007, 19:27
I know what happened, they really should ban "YMCA" from all cars, dangerous song, that.

5th January 2007, 23:15
At least you didn't suggest she might be on top with a larger than average posterior ;)

Yes :up:

Because he'd have been wrong :p Well proportioned is my Caroline :cheese:


5th January 2007, 23:27
Caroline, there is a special adhesive for re-glueing the mirror to the windshield.
If the mirror is real heavy, the mirror needs to be removed from the mount ...
glue the mount to the windshield, let glue set for 24 hours, then atttach mirror to the mount. :D
(There is usually a small screw on the bottom of the mirror case to hold mirror onto the mount.)

Thanks for the tip. It's actually a little different but basically it swivels on a ball that clips into the mirror itself. So I've not separated the two and will try to glue the mount to the windscreen tomorrow during the day when there's less moiture around :)

oily oaf
6th January 2007, 06:55
Save the vodka for more ejoyable pleasures. Use rubbing alcohol on the windscreen.

For Chrissake Schmenkey Get a grip man :mad:
This is absolutely NOT the way forward.

Now listen up Carrie the following is a simple easy to follow step by step guide to a satisfactory result.

1/ Remove Daniels boxers from glove compartment and apply a little brake cleaner to the waistband area taking great care not to allow your hands to come into contact with the gusset area.

2/ Degrease a small area of screen and mirror mounting bracket

3/ Affix mirror to screen applying firm pressure

4/ Drink vodka

5/ Lapse into fit of girly type giggles

6/ Drink rubbing alcohol

7/ Sit in road shouting "You're me best mate you are" at complete strangers

8/ Have a fight with yourself

9/ Drink brake cleaner

10/ Snuff it.

I hope this helps.

Now looky here I'm prepared to waive my usual fee on condition that you send me a colour photograph of yourself listening to the Shipping Forecast wearing a disposable plastic mackintosh and a souwester.
Rest assured that the "smudge" is for my own private collection and will certainly not be uploaded onto the Forecasters Wives website to be leered at and slavered over by a motley collection of low grade perverts of my acquaintance. Oh dear me no.

Yours in fevered anticipation
Oily :s ailor:

6th January 2007, 10:49
Could you not just go to your most local autoglass and ask them to stick it back on with whatever they use?

6th January 2007, 11:20
There would be no fun in that, now would there?

Plus it'd cost a ton for a small fix like that.

6th January 2007, 11:46
Depends if you ask nicely I'd have thought.

Dave B
7th January 2007, 15:58
Fully comp? Then crack your windscreen with a small toffee hammer and get the whole thing replaced gratis on your insurance! :p

Who says fraud can't be fun? :uhoh:

7th January 2007, 18:06
We only just insured the car so I wish you'd said that first Dave! :p

8th January 2007, 18:04
Fully comp? Then crack your windscreen with a small toffee hammer and get the whole thing replaced gratis on your insurance! :p

Who says fraud can't be fun? :uhoh:

Small toffee hammers! Ingenious! But, no, I am going outside in a moment to try yet again to stick the small base on and then hopefully attach the mirror itself. Just got to remember to leave the window open this time and not be stifled by the glue fumes :s

8th January 2007, 19:17
... Just got to remember to leave the window open this time...

Perhaps if you would have done so in the first place you wouldn't now be in your sticky predicament :erm: :p :

8th January 2007, 21:06
Well I can't speak for all people, but of all the years I dated, and since I've been married, I've always had all the females use a simple method of car repar.

They just ask me to do it. ;)

Mark in Oshawa
8th January 2007, 22:02
AIRSHIFTER!!! Don't encourage em, my woman can fix a million things in the house, but she wont even check the oil in her car. I am of the opinion women should learn to look after their own cars.....Caroline, you keep trying, I wish my wife would fix things rather than come crying to me about her car.....

8th January 2007, 22:15
the automotive glass double sided sticky tape is the best thing to put on a windscreen (which is a treated glass so that only few chemicals can stick and have weight applied to it).

donKey jote
8th January 2007, 22:26
and remember to stick it on the inside, won't you ?

8th January 2007, 22:39
You really do need the automotive ones as they're designed to stick to the two different surfaces properly. The others won't stick for more than a day or two.
I know this because I broke the rearview in my mum's car once and tried to fix it without her noticing.

9th January 2007, 09:59
Just got to remember to leave the window open this time and not be stifled by the glue fumes :s

Oh but glue fumes are fun!! i cant begin to describe the shenanigans that went on when they glued the carpet down at work!

Hope the mirror sticks! The only time i've ever dislodged a rear view mirror, i took a chunk of glass with it, so at least you dont have that to deal with!

9th January 2007, 10:12
Oh but glue fumes are fun!! i cant begin to describe the shenanigans that went on when they glued the carpet down at work!

Hope the mirror sticks! The only time i've ever dislodged a rear view mirror, i took a chunk of glass with it, so at least you dont have that to deal with!
Errr Caroline's not into that sorta stuff.

9th January 2007, 15:17
AIRSHIFTER!!! Don't encourage em, my woman can fix a million things in the house, but she wont even check the oil in her car. I am of the opinion women should learn to look after their own cars.....Caroline, you keep trying, I wish my wife would fix things rather than come crying to me about her car.....

Actually I agree, anyone should be able to at least do routine maintenance on their own vehicle. In reality I've accepted that if I left my wife to do it, we would probably end up replacing the engine in our newest vehicle due to lack of oil change in a couple years, or whenever it failed. :eek: