View Full Version : OMG Flav and I agree on something!!!

9th November 2007, 05:54
Found this on one of my regular F1 news hunts:

Renault’s managing director Flavio Briatore wants Formula 1’s current unanimity rule on decisions to be scrapped in the new Concorde Agreement in favour of a majority-rule system.

For once I agree with him... I think important changes are bogged down by this, and it really should be changed

Briatore insists the current process to implement changes is “crazy” and must be revised.

“Personally, I wish F1 could be run by Bernie [Ecclestone], supported by Max [Mosley], as a dictatorship,” he told the latest issue of F1 Racing magazine

Damn it Flav, why did you have to say something stupid like that, We where finally getting along.

“So we must introduce a majority-rule system with the new Concorde Agreement.

“At the moment, nothing can be decided without unanimity.

“You wouldn’t even run the residents’ committee of an apartment block like that, let alone a global $3 billion sport.

“It’s crazy.”

He adds that he doesn’t see why the minority should have the power to block the majority’s wishes.

“Think about it: if nothing can be decided without unanimity, then the minority become as important as the majority,” he said.

“That’s wrong.

“No, from next year on, if 51 per cent of the teams want something to happen, it should happen.”

Well I would be happy with a 66% or even 75% in favor over the current 100% But really, if they can change this... sooner the better

9th November 2007, 07:19
One more example of how the idea of common sense and the world of F1 are mutually exclusive!

9th November 2007, 12:55
I don't think it is that obvious. We are talking here about companies that invest hundreds of millions in the business. I agree that maybe some decisions could be taken by a majority, but it is not a simple issue. For example: imagine one team works better than others and gets to be superior. Then the others could conspire and start preparing for a different set of rules, and then at a certain vote they change the rules leaving the once superior team unprepared. It looks silly and unfair to me. So, I'm not so sure a majority in such a rarified environment is a good think.

9th November 2007, 13:02
Never happen---why? the first vote might be to terminate bernie and Max.............

Big Ben
9th November 2007, 20:31
FB proves ones more he's no idiot. Just an a$$h0le. I think it would be a great idea to have some teams deciding over everything and the rest obeying unconditionally.

9th November 2007, 21:03
It would be nice to have a system like that to move changes along more quickly, but right now, I don't think it would be a good idea. Descisions would be made (with huge financial impacts for example) that would force the smaller/poorer teams out, and right now F1 needs to keep all the teams on board.

10th November 2007, 11:21
It would be nice to have a system like that to move changes along more quickly, but right now, I don't think it would be a good idea. Descisions would be made (with huge financial impacts for example) that would force the smaller/poorer teams out, and right now F1 needs to keep all the teams on board.

Good point. :up:

10th November 2007, 11:30
It would be nice to have a system like that to move changes along more quickly, but right now, I don't think it would be a good idea. Descisions would be made (with huge financial impacts for example) that would force the smaller/poorer teams out, and right now F1 needs to keep all the teams on board.

You make a very good point. The truth is that neither system is ideal. In fact, both are deeply flawed, but I can think of no other options at the present time that would even involve the teams having a vote. Insisting on unanimity is, with the best will in the world, impossible, and a majority voting system would sideline the smaller teams when it comes to certain current key issues.

10th November 2007, 15:05
You make a very good point. The truth is that neither system is ideal. In fact, both are deeply flawed, but I can think of no other options at the present time that would even involve the teams having a vote. Insisting on unanimity is, with the best will in the world, impossible, and a majority voting system would sideline the smaller teams when it comes to certain current key issues.


We live in hope that Max and Bernie make the correct decision and I've never had much respect for McLaren's involvement in the decision-making process because of their elitist ethos, and they've never fully supported technical proposals by claiming it would dumb-down F1 - but its the only the last couple of years that Ron et al have come round.

I've been in favour of Flav since 2003. He realises F1 is a 'sporting show' and favours any proposal that supports this. Would be interesting if he ever took over from Bernie....

10th November 2007, 15:40
I've been in favour of Flav since 2003. He realises F1 is a 'sporting show' and favours any proposal that supports this. Would be interesting if he ever took over from Bernie....

I'm not sure that any such move would be a good idea, because I'm sure all the same problems would come up under his stewardship, and having a recent ex-team boss would surely give rise to further conflicts. Quite what the solution is, I don't know.