View Full Version : We need this on this forum!

8th November 2007, 10:33

Need I say more?

Sadly I'd have to go of course but it's a small price to pay :p Now all we need is one of these for real life :cheese:

I do hope it's got a text spk filta.

8th November 2007, 12:03
OMFG we sooooooooooooooooooo nedit!!!!! lol :p :

8th November 2007, 13:40
Makes joking a bit harder...

Azumanga Davo
8th November 2007, 14:03
We'd have such a bloody empty forum then.

Does it use a sound effect when it's on of a bloke shouting "Taxi!"?

8th November 2007, 15:33
NOOO! :eek: :bigcry:

Us forum idiots are getting to be an endangered species it seems!

I am going to call the WWF and ask them to put me on the endangered list along with Whales and Silverback Gorillas.

9th November 2007, 00:01
Too many LOL!!!s, OMG!!!s will be likely to get you kicked.


9th November 2007, 02:18

ROFLMFAO :laugh:

9th November 2007, 03:06
The headline to this article reads thus:
Software deletes idiots from the Web
Can you imagine if you applied this to society generally?

We'd have to delete all tailgaters, people who don't indicate when changing lanes, people who go through the express aisle at the supermarket with 16 items, people who hit the crossing button 400 times before it changes (the thing doesn't go any faster!), people who don't change their batteries on their smoke alarms so whenever they toast a slice of bread it sounds like someone is robbing the joint, mobile phone abusers in line at various places, Gordon Brown, Manchester United fans, people who arrive late to exams when the date, time and location have been known for months, anyone who listens to Radio 3; even inadvertantly whilst flicking through, paparazzi parents who block everyone's view at graduations, people who don't stop for fire engines and ambulances and subsequently pass everyone (Death to you), people who run stop signs and cut you off but then decide to drive 15 miles an hour, two slow drivers who end up next to each other on a two lane road, people with million pound homes who leave their rubbish bins on their front lawn, bank managers, everyone in the Fens, daytime television presenters, everyone living within the confines of the M25, people who have more cars than people living in their house and take up 40% of the parking on your street, people who complain about traffic on the M3 because they like everyone else moved to the Southern Counties to avoid London, BMW drivers, girls who play mind games, chavs, petty thieves - you know who you are, sales attendants at department stores, arrogant baristas who look down on you when all you want is a simple coffee and not a lesson in Italian grammar, everyone who thinks "Devonshire" is a place (it's just Devon), everyone who works at the Inland Revenue (I'm an Australian Resident now, I don't need to file a UK Tax Return) and finally, everyone who has a very small dog.

If we had software which deleted idiots from society in general, we'd be left with about three dozen people left in the British Isles and I guarantee that at least four of those people would be boring gits called Graeme who'd bang on about real ale festivals, so it's best to delete them as well.

Azumanga Davo
9th November 2007, 04:12
The headline to this article reads thus:
Software deletes idiots from the Web
Can you imagine if you applied this to society generally?

We'd have to delete all tailgaters, people who don't indicate when changing lanes...

This could potentially bankrupt BMW...

9th November 2007, 04:30
BMW drivers

They would've already been deleted :D

10th November 2007, 04:18

Need I say more?

Sadly I'd have to go of course but it's a small price to pay :p Now all we need is one of these for real life :cheese:

I do hope it's got a text spk filta.

I really loved the part

Computers were a little like Americans and had not got a clue if a person was being ironic or sarcastic
