View Full Version : carlos slim wants to sponsor renault

7th November 2007, 00:25
Carlos slim has expressed interest in mexican media that he is willing to give renault 62 million euros if:

alonso and nelsinho drive and telefonica is out of the team. sources report he talked with flavio at the brazilian gp last october.

Valve Bounce
7th November 2007, 01:56
Carlos slim has expressed interest in mexican media that he is willing to give renault 62 million euros if:

alonso and nelsinho drive and telefonica is out of the team. sources report he talked with flavio at the brazilian gp last october.

I suppose the cars will be renamed Renault Carlos. :p :

7th November 2007, 04:16
I suppose the cars will be renamed Renault Carlos. :p :

more like renault telmex or telmex renault or probably embratel renault. gathering 62 million euros shouldnt be difficult for someone that is supposedly richer than bill gates.

7th November 2007, 04:18
Having googled carlos slim with one of results Salma Hayek quiere a Carlos Slim (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cronica.com.mx/nimagenes/23/d1b87948c8.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cronica.com.mx/nota.php%3Fid_nota%3D318645&h=428&w=300&sz=32&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=iZ187jDKlXRR3M:&tbnh=126&tbnw=88&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCarlos%2BSlim%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10% 26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG).
She is the product? :confused:


7th November 2007, 04:34
Having googled carlos slim with one of results Salma Hayek quiere a Carlos Slim (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cronica.com.mx/nimagenes/23/d1b87948c8.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cronica.com.mx/nota.php%3Fid_nota%3D318645&h=428&w=300&sz=32&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=iZ187jDKlXRR3M:&tbnh=126&tbnw=88&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCarlos%2BSlim%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10% 26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG).
She is the product? :confused:


actually its the other way around salma wants carlos and his wife to be the godparents of the child salma and her french husband are expecting.

7th November 2007, 04:37
There is no other reason ING to leave renault, any additional sponsor would empower the team's resource to be more competitive. I wouldn't be surprised that it happens as like this year's McLaren gained more interest from Vodafone than Ferrari.

However I don't expect the stiff Telmex runs bigger portion than ING, Telefonica would be somewhat preferable.

7th November 2007, 04:52
There is no other reason ING to leave renault, any additional sponsor would empower the team's resource to be more competitive. I wouldn't be surprised that it happens as like this year's McLaren gained more interest from Vodafone than Ferrari.

However I don't expect the stiff Telmex runs bigger portion than ING, Telefonica would be somewhat preferable.

what do you mean the stiff telmex? why would telefonica be preferable?

7th November 2007, 05:00
what do you mean the stiff telmex? why would telefonica be preferable?
It might be wrong, Salma would be preferable, how does this sound? :)

7th November 2007, 05:04
It might be wrong, Salma would be preferable, how does this sound? :)

not good right now becuase she is knocked up, if you want mexican hotties try paulina rubio or ninel conde.

7th November 2007, 05:23
not good right now becuase she is knocked up, if you want mexican hotties try paulina rubio or ninel conde.

fine too, but thanks :)

7th November 2007, 06:01
Carlos slim has expressed interest in mexican media that he is willing to give renault 62 million euros if:

alonso and nelsinho drive and telefonica is out of the team. sources report he talked with flavio at the brazilian gp last october.

telefonica left the team after 2006, did they not?

7th November 2007, 07:07
telefonica left the team after 2006, did they not?

yes but according to the rumours theres two parties interested in sponsoring renault. one of them carlos slim and the other is bbva (spanish bank), mutua madrileņa and telefonica

if they get slim they can keep ing if they get the spanish sponsors they must get ing out of the team

7th November 2007, 07:47
I suppose the cars will be renamed Renault Carlos. :p :

No, it will be Renault Slim! (Sounds like a cigar, doesn't it?)